what is the alt right?


Aside from some shadowy existence in the deranged mind of democrats there is no alt right movement.

A nationalist is anyone who opposes globalism. Libs are trying to make borders offensive.
If you don't think the alt-right exists then you are part of the alt-right.

George Orwell wrote a best-selling book about people like you.............
Alt Right is just your basic collection of LBJ Democrats:

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The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?

I had never heard of them until the lefties Started talking about them. I think it is a group who hacks emails of US officials, and then leaks those emails to the dominate liberal establishment mass media so they can ignore the contents and contexts of the emails. I know the left really hates them, so that is my assumption.
It's Hillary's desperate, Hitler in the bunker, attempt to change the subject from her career of crime
It's Hillary's desperate, Hitler in the bunker, attempt to change the subject from her career of crime
Nice try.

Trump threw the first punch by calling her a racist. She hit him back 10 times harder, and now you Chumps are whining like a little bitch just clobbered by someone several levels above your weight class.
It's Hillary's desperate, Hitler in the bunker, attempt to change the subject from her career of crime
Nice try.

Trump threw the first punch by calling her a racist. She hit him back 10 times harder, and now you Chumps are whining like a little bitch way outside your weight class.

Nobody is whining, we're laughing watching you and the rest of the hivemind Fluff up Hillary's latest imaginary Talking Point.

No one ever mentioned Alt Right until Hillary ordered you guys to talk about it
It's Hillary's desperate, Hitler in the bunker, attempt to change the subject from her career of crime
Nice try.

Trump threw the first punch by calling her a racist. She hit him back 10 times harder, and now you Chumps are whining like a little bitch way outside your weight class.

Nobody is whining, we're laughing watching you and the rest of the hivemind Fluff up Hillary's latest imaginary Talking Point.

No one ever mentioned Alt Right until Hillary ordered you guys to talk about it
It's a new term for a group that we all have been aware of for a long time. This term was coined because finally these fringe loons have the nominee they always wanted. They have been led to believe they are the inheritors of a new GOP that no longer treats them like political pariahs. About to find out different.
Have we ever had an election that the stupid libtards didn't pull the race card? No. This one is no different.
Interesting piece on the alt-right below. I do find it fascinating that the right never see themselves, it's always the left making things up. Denial is so boring and so childish.

"The alt-right is often dismissed as white supremacist Trump supporters with Twitter accounts, and they are certainly that. But spend some time talking to key players and reading the movement's central texts, as I did, and you'll find it's more than a simple rebranding of the white nationalist movement. It's the product of the intersection of a longstanding, long-marginalized part of the conservative movement with both the most high-minded and the basest elements of internet culture. It's a mutated revival of a monster William F. Buckley thought he killed in the early 1990s, given new energy by the web."

The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder.
The term "Alt Right" didn't just spring up out of nowhere this week.

I'm pretty sure we all know it consists of the hard right websites like Breitbart, World Net Daily, Newsmax and the Gateway Pundit; talk radio hosts like Mark Levin and Alex Jones; and, of course, their fans who look at those outlets as "news" and The Truth, and who enthusiastically subscribe to the various conspiracy theories and paranoia promulgated by those outlets.

Links to these folks as "sources" are pretty common here on good 'ol USMB.

We all know this, right? The term has been around for months, at least.
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The term "Alt Right" didn't just spring up out of nowhere this week.

I'm pretty sure we all know it consists of the hard right websites like Breitbart, World Net Daily, Newsmax and the Gateway Pundit; talk radio hosts like Mark Levin and Alex Jones; and, of course, their fans who look at those outlets as "news" and The Truth.

We all know this, right? The term has been around for months, at least.

Responding to this post accurately will require honesty. That is not going to happen when it comes to Trumps supporters.

Trump has already told his fans that they don't know what "alt right" means. Thus, they have never heard of the term before this week. They don't care that Bannon said long ago that Brietbart was a platform for the "alt right". It simply never existed before Clinton made it up.

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