what is the alt right?

Now we have to find out what a paleo-conservative is.

I think alt + right is the Saul Alinsky of the right. No liberal ever heard the name Saul Alinsky until con media decided they needed a new boogieman for conservatives to fear. They had played out the word 'socialism' and it was getting stale.

The difference is Saul Alinksy was someone no one heard of from a hundred years ago. Alt + right refers to a large contingent of conservatives today. 'Conspiracy' I think would be the one word that would best describe this group. Including any conspiracies about Saul Alinsky.

My god, you're such a dummy. How did you ever make it so far in life? Paleo means "old" and neo means "new". Are those words too hard for you?

And Saul Alinsky is known by anyone who is aware of the radical 60s in America. Hillary Clinton did her college dissertation on him. You know who Hillary Clinton is, right?
Now we have to find out what a paleo-conservative is.

I think alt + right is the Saul Alinsky of the right. No liberal ever heard the name Saul Alinsky until con media decided they needed a new boogieman for conservatives to fear. They had played out the word 'socialism' and it was getting stale.

The difference is Saul Alinksy was someone no one heard of from a hundred years ago. Alt + right refers to a large contingent of conservatives today. 'Conspiracy' I think would be the one word that would best describe this group. Including any conspiracies about Saul Alinsky.

My god, you're such a dummy. How did you ever make it so far in life? Paleo means "old" and neo means "new". Are those words too hard for you?

And Saul Alinsky is known by anyone who is aware of the radical 60s in America. Hillary Clinton did her college dissertation on him. You know who Hillary Clinton is, right?

What in hell is wrong with you. You are wound tighter than a squirrel on coke. Nobody knows or cares who Saul Alinsky is, except the paleo, neo, and alt right.

Take an ambien and relax Punky Brewster.
Now we have to find out what a paleo-conservative is.

I think alt + right is the Saul Alinsky of the right. No liberal ever heard the name Saul Alinsky until con media decided they needed a new boogieman for conservatives to fear. They had played out the word 'socialism' and it was getting stale.

The difference is Saul Alinksy was someone no one heard of from a hundred years ago. Alt + right refers to a large contingent of conservatives today. 'Conspiracy' I think would be the one word that would best describe this group. Including any conspiracies about Saul Alinsky.

My god, you're such a dummy. How did you ever make it so far in life? Paleo means "old" and neo means "new". Are those words too hard for you?

And Saul Alinsky is known by anyone who is aware of the radical 60s in America. Hillary Clinton did her college dissertation on him. You know who Hillary Clinton is, right?

The Internet has completely demolished the very idea of the "Liberal Intellectual Elite" In all the years I'm at USMB Jake Starkey is probably the best example of it
“The alt-right is often dismissed as white supremacist Trump supporters with Twitter accounts, and they are certainly that. But spend some time talking to key players and reading the movement's central texts, as I did, and you'll find it's more than a simple rebranding of the white nationalist movement. It's the product of the intersection of a longstanding, long-marginalized part of the conservative movement with both the most high-minded and the basest elements of internet culture. It's a mutated revival of a monster William F. Buckley thought he killed in the early 1990s, given new energy by the web.

And it's making its impact felt in a big way this election. In the past, when mainstream conservatives have gone up against racialist, conspiratorial elements on the right, they have emerged the victors. Buckley successively marginalized the John Birch Society in the 1950s, and then Pat Buchanan and his followers in the 1990s. People like Continetti and Young are trying to do the same thing to the alt-right. But with huge amounts of online energy behind the movement, and Trump this year's GOP nominee, it's not clear that the mainstream will win.”


And it’s incumbent traditional conservatives of good faith to address this most recent manifestation of rightwing extremism.
What in hell is wrong with you. You are wound tighter than a squirrel on coke. Nobody knows or cares who Saul Alinsky is, except the paleo, neo, and alt right.

Take an ambien and relax Punky Brewster.

Well YOU don't give a shit because you're just a little freebie-grabbing punk who doesn't care about anyone but himself. But most people half-way familiar with politics know who he is. Maybe if you weren't such a little moronic quisling, you'd compel yourself to find out who he is and why he is instrumental in your radical socialist movement. But then, that would require you to have a brain.
It's a Democrat construct
Bullshit. Thanks for showing us you are willing made up a lie instead of admitting your ignorance of a subject.

Alt Right is a name the racialists gave themselves. It is not a "Democrat [sic] construct".

"Alternative Right" is the same as "Alternative Left". A lazy descriptor.

Alt.right is merely the current tag applied to Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy" - the Democrat construct - with the race card now brought brightly to the fore in the hopes the minorities won't glance at history and notice how the Democrats have been assfucking them over the decades.

See posts 58 and 61, dumbass. It's a name the racialists gave themselves in 2008.

I am not concerned with 2008, but 2016. The term has been heisted by the Clinton Gang.

Your use of [sic} is erroneous.

It was correctly assigned. You said "Democrat construct". The correct usage is "Democratic construct".

No. You are not a "Democratic". Neither is Clinton a "Democratic". You are a Democrat, and so is she.
I'm a Republican dumbass.

There is a difference between the noun and the adjective, idiot. So it is the Democratic party, not the Democrat party. It is is a "Democratic construct", not a "Democrat construct".

English, motherfucker. Learn it.
There is nothing democratic about a democrat.
What in hell is wrong with you. You are wound tighter than a squirrel on coke. Nobody knows or cares who Saul Alinsky is, except the paleo, neo, and alt right.

Take an ambien and relax Punky Brewster.

Well YOU don't give a shit because you're just a little freebie-grabbing punk who doesn't care about anyone but himself. But most people half-way familiar with politics know who he is. Maybe if you weren't such a little moronic quisling, you'd compel yourself to find out who he is and why he is instrumental in your radical socialist movement. But then, that would require you to have a brain.

You have crabs this week? What an angry. You projected at least four things that only exist in your head out into the world. Your socialist movement will do just fine without your boyfriend Saul.
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?

It is a derisive bit of garbage creted by the left wing. It is what people like the Nazis did create enemies.

I think we should start calling those on the left MAD LIBS.
To understand what the alt + right is just go to infowars.com. That is the best primmer for what that is all about.

Git yer prepper bag and military 5,000 lumen beam ready, it's Jade Helm!
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
Another term coined by the left to divide Americans
Serious question: are you on Twitter? Snapchat? Tumblr?

Because a lot of younger voters are and they've seen the #AltRight asshats attack people for the LOLz. They toss around ethnic slurs and slut shame for good fun. They gave themselves that hashtag and wear it proudly.

The #AltRight is absolutely not the Tea Party or the Conservative movement. They mock Conservatives. But when you deny they when they clearly do you look like you're covering for them. It alienates folks from voting for you or siding with you. Denying it doesn't help you when it is so damn easy to prove they exist on social media.
"Of course Alt Right is real! Hillary just made it up and told us so!" - USMB Intellectuals aka Modern Progressives
So Breitbart is lying about the AltRight movement existing? They're hiring delusional Democrat operatives to make up an imaginary movement to tar Conservatives?
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?

It is a derisive bit of garbage creted by the left wing. It is what people like the Nazis did create enemies.

I think we should start calling those on the left MAD LIBS.
Like damn ostriches. Join Twitter and search the #AltRight. It's been there for a long while now and the folks using that hashtag are proud to use it. They've named their own movement. Breitbart caters to #AltRight and employs a lot of their leading voices on Twitter. Twitter faced a backlash when #FreeMilo went viral among the #AltRight when they banned one of the movement's leaders after Roshanda Jones from the new Ghostbusters flick was harassed online by his followers. Those same followers hacked her damn phone, posted her personal information and photos online in vengeance.

These are a lot of the same scum as #gamergate. If you don't know what that is go do some damn research. It's not in the popular vernacular so you can learn about it and the #AltRight relatively independent of today's talk.
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