What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

Yes, Joe, I do actually believe that I can make my own choices and I don't need government to make them for me like you do. That's just fucked up, isn't it?
Who would keep your food and water safe? Who would control pollution, dangerous chemicals and deadly toxins entering your environment? Who would regulate health and safety regulations? Companies and corporations are not honest and already do everything they can to make a buck. You take all the regulations away and many people would die or get hurt than they already do. Only a complete moron would think businesses and corporations could regulate themselves.

I don't think anyone is arguing the point to remove all regulations. Believe it or not, we have no interest in eating tainted food or water any more than you do.

I mean, seriously, do we need Co2 regulations on dairy farms? How about regulations on farm dust? The point being, protecting health is fine, but the agencies become massive regulatory bureaucracies, infested by moral busy-bodies, and frankly, answerable to no one.
Kaz did. He said businesses would take care of themselves. Yes some regulations go beyond any normal scope but what kind of person believes that the corporations and businesses would regulate themselves. Kaz is simply showing his IQ level is far lower than any and every Bernie supporter.

I'm not an anarchist, you fucking moron. I never said that strawman
Your exact words were "You live in a world of delusion. Free markets are checks and balances. Government has virtually none." Please go on and tell me how the "Free Market" would police itself and keep itself regulated. It certainly hasn't worked, ever.

Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Do you actually believe what you're saying? It seems hopelessly naive. I'm guessing that it's the party line and you want corporatization to continue unimpeded.

Yes, Joe, I do actually believe that I can make my own choices and I don't need government to make them for me like you do. That's just fucked up, isn't it?
Your view of the role of government certainly is fucked up. Government's role is to act as referee. You hate that because you're one of the people who sucks off the tit of productive workers and you find it threatening.

Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am
You're a Wall Street consultant and you 'give' people jobs. Yeah, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Well, that and the Prozac.

Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.
Yes, Joe, I do actually believe that I can make my own choices and I don't need government to make them for me like you do. That's just fucked up, isn't it?
Your view of the role of government certainly is fucked up. Government's role is to act as referee. You hate that because you're one of the people who sucks off the tit of productive workers and you find it threatening.

Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am
You're a Wall Street consultant and you 'give' people jobs. Yeah, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Well, that and the Prozac.

Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
Who would keep your food and water safe? Who would control pollution, dangerous chemicals and deadly toxins entering your environment? Who would regulate health and safety regulations? Companies and corporations are not honest and already do everything they can to make a buck. You take all the regulations away and many people would die or get hurt than they already do. Only a complete moron would think businesses and corporations could regulate themselves.

I don't think anyone is arguing the point to remove all regulations. Believe it or not, we have no interest in eating tainted food or water any more than you do.

I mean, seriously, do we need Co2 regulations on dairy farms? How about regulations on farm dust? The point being, protecting health is fine, but the agencies become massive regulatory bureaucracies, infested by moral busy-bodies, and frankly, answerable to no one.
Kaz did. He said businesses would take care of themselves. Yes some regulations go beyond any normal scope but what kind of person believes that the corporations and businesses would regulate themselves. Kaz is simply showing his IQ level is far lower than any and every Bernie supporter.

I'm not an anarchist, you fucking moron. I never said that strawman
Your exact words were "You live in a world of delusion. Free markets are checks and balances. Government has virtually none." Please go on and tell me how the "Free Market" would police itself and keep itself regulated. It certainly hasn't worked, ever.

Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Is there anything in your repertoire that doesn't come directly from the Sean Hannity book of simpleminded talking points?
Your view of the role of government certainly is fucked up. Government's role is to act as referee. You hate that because you're one of the people who sucks off the tit of productive workers and you find it threatening.

Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am
You're a Wall Street consultant and you 'give' people jobs. Yeah, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Well, that and the Prozac.

Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.
I don't think anyone is arguing the point to remove all regulations. Believe it or not, we have no interest in eating tainted food or water any more than you do.

I mean, seriously, do we need Co2 regulations on dairy farms? How about regulations on farm dust? The point being, protecting health is fine, but the agencies become massive regulatory bureaucracies, infested by moral busy-bodies, and frankly, answerable to no one.
Kaz did. He said businesses would take care of themselves. Yes some regulations go beyond any normal scope but what kind of person believes that the corporations and businesses would regulate themselves. Kaz is simply showing his IQ level is far lower than any and every Bernie supporter.

I'm not an anarchist, you fucking moron. I never said that strawman
Your exact words were "You live in a world of delusion. Free markets are checks and balances. Government has virtually none." Please go on and tell me how the "Free Market" would police itself and keep itself regulated. It certainly hasn't worked, ever.

Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Is there anything in your repertoire that doesn't come directly from the Sean Hannity book of simpleminded talking points?

From the guy who swallowed the Communist Manifesto and is regurgitating it back... I always like the mental retardation of that one. If Hannity is programming me, why is he programming me to be a libertarian instead of a conservative like he is? Is he just fucking with me?
Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am
You're a Wall Street consultant and you 'give' people jobs. Yeah, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Well, that and the Prozac.

Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
You're a Wall Street consultant and you 'give' people jobs. Yeah, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Well, that and the Prozac.

Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.
Another government school failure who doesn't know what quote marks mean
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?

Actually that kind of thing happens all the time. It's called management and corporate bonuses.
I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?

Actually that kind of thing happens all the time. It's called management and corporate bonuses.

Did you hit reply on the right post?
Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Employee. If your employer is asking for fair wages move your company to a third world country and turn out a crappy product after you bought out most of the competition.

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one
And sometimes a better product is not available. Look at Computer Disc Drives. The best ones were made 15 years ago. Today's best ones are about as one fourth as effective. Drive failure rates have been increasing over the years. Doesn't matter which company is making them, they are all crap compared to ones made 15 years ago. The same could be said about thousands of other products. Sometomes there is no choice for the consumer.

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Or that some companies get so big, they buy out most of their competition and deliver a crappy product knowing their is no alternative quality product to replace theirs. Happens all the time.
You said you gave people jobs. I can't help it if quotation marks are beyond your comprehension. Most consultants at least the have writing skills to put together a good bullshit resume.

I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.
Back to the OP. You KNOW Hillary supporters have been dying to tell Bernie supporters that they are stupid worthless welfare bums, but they can't because without them Hillary will get clobbered in the general.
Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Employee. If your employer is asking for fair wages move your company to a third world country and turn out a crappy product after you bought out most of the competition.

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one
And sometimes a better product is not available. Look at Computer Disc Drives. The best ones were made 15 years ago. Today's best ones are about as one fourth as effective. Drive failure rates have been increasing over the years. Doesn't matter which company is making them, they are all crap compared to ones made 15 years ago. The same could be said about thousands of other products. Sometomes there is no choice for the consumer.

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Or that some companies get so big, they buy out most of their competition and deliver a crappy product knowing their is no alternative quality product to replace theirs. Happens all the time.

If you can't find a better job or make more money, then that means you are where you are supposed to be. So appreciate your employer for giving you the best job you deserve.

And if there isn't a better product, you got your money's worth, Holmes.

Man up and stop blaming other people for your impotency
I said I "create" jobs, an entirely different thing than "give" jobs
You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Employee. If your employer is asking for fair wages move your company to a third world country and turn out a crappy product after you bought out most of the competition.

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one
And sometimes a better product is not available. Look at Computer Disc Drives. The best ones were made 15 years ago. Today's best ones are about as one fourth as effective. Drive failure rates have been increasing over the years. Doesn't matter which company is making them, they are all crap compared to ones made 15 years ago. The same could be said about thousands of other products. Sometomes there is no choice for the consumer.

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Or that some companies get so big, they buy out most of their competition and deliver a crappy product knowing their is no alternative quality product to replace theirs. Happens all the time.

If you can't find a better job or make more money, then that means you are where you are supposed to be. So appreciate your employer for giving you the best job you deserve.

And if there isn't a better product, you got your money's worth, Holmes.

Man up and stop blaming other people for your impotency
You completely ignored everything I said. How about addressing what I actually stated.
Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Employee. If your employer is asking for fair wages move your company to a third world country and turn out a crappy product after you bought out most of the competition.

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one
And sometimes a better product is not available. Look at Computer Disc Drives. The best ones were made 15 years ago. Today's best ones are about as one fourth as effective. Drive failure rates have been increasing over the years. Doesn't matter which company is making them, they are all crap compared to ones made 15 years ago. The same could be said about thousands of other products. Sometomes there is no choice for the consumer.

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Or that some companies get so big, they buy out most of their competition and deliver a crappy product knowing their is no alternative quality product to replace theirs. Happens all the time.

If you can't find a better job or make more money, then that means you are where you are supposed to be. So appreciate your employer for giving you the best job you deserve.

And if there isn't a better product, you got your money's worth, Holmes.

Man up and stop blaming other people for your impotency
You completely ignored everything I said. How about addressing what I actually stated.

I directly addressed what you said. Stop whining and work harder. It's not a company's job to provide you a job, it's your job to earn one. The only reason you can't is you blame life on everyone else. Man up, Nancy
Employee: If your employer sucks, you fire them and find a better one

Employee. If your employer is asking for fair wages move your company to a third world country and turn out a crappy product after you bought out most of the competition.

Consumer: If a product sucks, you fire the producer and buy a better one
And sometimes a better product is not available. Look at Computer Disc Drives. The best ones were made 15 years ago. Today's best ones are about as one fourth as effective. Drive failure rates have been increasing over the years. Doesn't matter which company is making them, they are all crap compared to ones made 15 years ago. The same could be said about thousands of other products. Sometomes there is no choice for the consumer.

Why on earth would you ever do otherwise? Is it stupidity or laziness?
Or that some companies get so big, they buy out most of their competition and deliver a crappy product knowing their is no alternative quality product to replace theirs. Happens all the time.

If you can't find a better job or make more money, then that means you are where you are supposed to be. So appreciate your employer for giving you the best job you deserve.

And if there isn't a better product, you got your money's worth, Holmes.

Man up and stop blaming other people for your impotency
You completely ignored everything I said. How about addressing what I actually stated.

I directly addressed what you said. Stop whining and work harder. It's not a company's job to provide you a job, it's your job to earn one. The only reason you can't is you blame life on everyone else. Man up, Nancy
Strange, I was pointing out that is is pretty hard to work for a company when they move their operations to a third world country and then I pointed out that inferior products are being made with no choice by anyone to purchase a quality product. You didn't respond to these points at all.
Strange, I was pointing out that is is pretty hard to work for a company when they move their operations to a third world country

Damn you're stupid. I'll type slower, maybe you can keep up. They don't owe you a job. Your employment is on you. If they moved their operations offshore, you weren't their best option. So get off your ass and find another job

and then I pointed out that inferior products are being made with no choice by anyone to purchase a quality product. You didn't respond to these points at all.

If there is "no choice" that means no one is buying better quality products, at least not enough people. The market has spoken.

You realize we are the wealthiest country in the history of man and you're whining you can't make it on your own here. Anywhere else and at any other time, you'd have starved to death. No wonder you want free shit if that's what a crappy employee you are. If you care to fix your circumstances, I would start by appreciating the employer providing you with the money to feed your family. Your bad attitude is where your problems start

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