What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

Strange, I was pointing out that is is pretty hard to work for a company when they move their operations to a third world country

Damn you're stupid. I'll type slower, maybe you can keep up. They don't owe you a job. Your employment is on you. If they moved their operations offshore, you weren't their best option. So get off your ass and find another job

and then I pointed out that inferior products are being made with no choice by anyone to purchase a quality product. You didn't respond to these points at all.

If there is "no choice" that means no one is buying better quality products, at least not enough people. The market has spoken.
No, it means no one is making quality products.How can anyone buy a quality product if it isn't being made.
[/QUOTE]You realize we are the wealthiest country in the history of man and you're whining you can't make it on your own here. [/QUOTE]Really, nice projection there. Where did I do this? I work for the Postal Service and I make pretty good money. Who said anything about not making it on my own?
Anywhere else and at any other time, you'd have starved to death. No wonder you want free shit if that's what a crappy employee you are.
What are you talking about?
If you care to fix your circumstances, I would start by appreciating the employer providing you with the money to feed your family. Your bad attitude is where your problems start
Again I think you are getting your subjects wrong.
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:

Maybe that's why they wanted that free college education, they didn't learn addition and subtraction in elementary school?


2008 Primary between Barack Obama v Hillary Clinton. Obama won the nomination BY a mere 41,622 popular votes. Hillary Clinton graciously conceded the race and endorsed Barack Obama
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

2016--Hillary Clinton has a 3,720,351 popular vote lead over Bernie Sanders, and it's going to get a lot bigger when they finish counting those ballots out of Southern California, and next week in Washington D.C. where he's going to get his ass kicked again. Sanders still hasn't dropped out and endorsed Hillary Clinton. In fact, just the opposite, he's still threatening to take it all the way to the convention. The only thing this old fart is going to take to the convention is a lot of laughter with these numbers.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

The only thing that makes any sense to me--(because he really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York)--is that he just cannot stand the thought of publicly admitting that he just got his ass kicked by a WOMAN.

As far as the IQ level of a Sanders supporter, I think the below gives us a thousand words.


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You said "Yes, giving them jobs so they can feed their kids, what a cad I am". But let's move beyond semantics for a moment. I'm really curious how you create jobs.

No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
What is it that you think I've made up? You'd probably like to think that there's not such a stark difference between the way the visionary founder of our company ran things and the way the leeches that followed do. I suspect that's because you identify with the leeches.
No, you're not
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
What is it that you think I've made up? You'd probably like to think that there's not such a stark difference between the way the visionary founder of our company ran things and the way the leeches that followed do. I suspect that's because you identify with the leeches.

Yes, I don't want government to give me money because I'm a leach. Makes as much sense as any of the rest of the crap you make up
Of course I am. I fully expect your response to be just as plausible as your remark about managers being the innovators but I'd love to hear your perspective on this.

What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
What is it that you think I've made up? You'd probably like to think that there's not such a stark difference between the way the visionary founder of our company ran things and the way the leeches that followed do. I suspect that's because you identify with the leeches.

Yes, I don't want government to give me money because I'm a leach. Makes as much sense as any of the rest of the crap you make up
Show me the post where I said I wanted the government to give me money. If you worked for GE, you've received a lot more government welfare than I have.
What you think is plausible is that people just come in and start doing things like building cars and suddenly management takes the credit and the money from them for doing that.

You're not even interesting. Why does the word "Marxist" bother you people again?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
What is it that you think I've made up? You'd probably like to think that there's not such a stark difference between the way the visionary founder of our company ran things and the way the leeches that followed do. I suspect that's because you identify with the leeches.

Yes, I don't want government to give me money because I'm a leach. Makes as much sense as any of the rest of the crap you make up
Show me the post where I said I wanted the government to give me money. If you worked for GE, you've received a lot more government welfare than I have.


You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Most companies are started by a visionary. The company I work for falls into that category. It was started by an engineer who designed the first few generations of product himself. He took it from a startup to a multinational Fortune 500 company yet never forgot the value of his employees while he was running things. Then he got too old to continue and we got a new CEO cut from the cloth of most corporate scumbags these days who first, surrounded himself with his own yes-men then proceeded to reshape the company into something the founder wouldn't even recognize. I'm not far enough away from retirement to want to reinvent myself so I stubbornly keep doing what I've been doing all along (with much less enthusiasm however). Unless things change drastically and my cheap foreign competition learns to replace me, I should be able to finish my career here.

You still haven't revealed the tortured logic that leads you to believe that you create jobs. Unless it's as simple as creating those jobs in some third-world shit hole.

You're just making up all your crap. I save jobs by making US companies more efficient. I create jobs by starting new initiatives, I for example ran all sales websites for two years for GE Power Systems (now GE Energy) early in the brick to click revolution. And the last 8 years I've owned my own companies, five of them. I create jobs, you are a leach
What is it that you think I've made up? You'd probably like to think that there's not such a stark difference between the way the visionary founder of our company ran things and the way the leeches that followed do. I suspect that's because you identify with the leeches.

Yes, I don't want government to give me money because I'm a leach. Makes as much sense as any of the rest of the crap you make up
Show me the post where I said I wanted the government to give me money. If you worked for GE, you've received a lot more government welfare than I have.


You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?
Here is some math for you, dude.

Witht the Robotics Revolution going on and destroying millions of people employing jobs every year, how many years will it take for Americans to eitehr

1. Implement a Universal Basic Income with a Nordic Model Socialist system, or

2. Plunder those who have wealth and the whole nation degenerate into starving, disease ridden chaos?

I am guessing maybe ten years for option 1 and 20 years to get to option 2.

And above, is an example how to pull things out of you arse.
You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

That's the marketing spin, yep. The reality is you want government to rob others with guns and give the money to you and the other leaches who think voting makes armed robbery somehow OK

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?

Absolutely. What are you referring to exactly? GE deducting their expenses?
You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

That's the marketing spin, yep. The reality is you want government to rob others with guns and give the money to you and the other leaches who think voting makes armed robbery somehow OK

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?

Absolutely. What are you referring to exactly? GE deducting their expenses?
Marketing spin huh? You really should try talking to someone who lives or lived in a civilized country.

As for GE, it was hard for me to choose which of the hundreds of articles to post here the list of misdeeds is so long. Here are a few.

GE: Corporate Welfare’s New Poster Child
GE’s Move to Boston: Corporate Welfare Through Tax Incentives?

Who'd have thought that GE appears to be a non-profit organization from the amount of taxes they pay. Then there are giveaways such as those from the people of Boston. What a bunch of corporate scumbags. I'm sure you fit right in.
You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

That's the marketing spin, yep. The reality is you want government to rob others with guns and give the money to you and the other leaches who think voting makes armed robbery somehow OK

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?

Absolutely. What are you referring to exactly? GE deducting their expenses?
Marketing spin huh? You really should try talking to someone who lives or lived in a civilized country.

As for GE, it was hard for me to choose which of the hundreds of articles to post here the list of misdeeds is so long. Here are a few.

GE: Corporate Welfare’s New Poster Child
GE’s Move to Boston: Corporate Welfare Through Tax Incentives?

Who'd have thought that GE appears to be a non-profit organization from the amount of taxes they pay. Then there are giveaways such as those from the people of Boston. What a bunch of corporate scumbags. I'm sure you fit right in.

You support an argument with links, you don't provide a link as your argument. What corporate welfare is GE getting? Make your argument then show links to support that. I'm not going to just go read links and guess what you mean. The second one for example calls "tax incentives" corporate welfare, which is the Marxists that you people are. Not taking money is giving money because, comrade, all money is the people's money. I agree on the export/import bank article and want it to be terminated.

And just so you know, I oppose government helping or harming companies, I believe in free markets. Consumers should have every right to fire any company they want to
You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

That's the marketing spin, yep. The reality is you want government to rob others with guns and give the money to you and the other leaches who think voting makes armed robbery somehow OK

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?

Absolutely. What are you referring to exactly? GE deducting their expenses?
Marketing spin huh? You really should try talking to someone who lives or lived in a civilized country.

As for GE, it was hard for me to choose which of the hundreds of articles to post here the list of misdeeds is so long. Here are a few.

GE: Corporate Welfare’s New Poster Child
GE’s Move to Boston: Corporate Welfare Through Tax Incentives?

Who'd have thought that GE appears to be a non-profit organization from the amount of taxes they pay. Then there are giveaways such as those from the people of Boston. What a bunch of corporate scumbags. I'm sure you fit right in.

You support an argument with links, you don't provide a link as your argument. What corporate welfare is GE getting? Make your argument then show links to support that. I'm not going to just go read links and guess what you mean. The second one for example calls "tax incentives" corporate welfare, which is the Marxists that you people are. Not taking money is giving money because, comrade, all money is the people's money. I agree on the export/import bank article and want it to be terminated.

And just so you know, I oppose government helping or harming companies, I believe in free markets. Consumers should have every right to fire any company they want to
1) The people of Boston gave GE $150 million in tax to move their corporate headquarters to Boston.
You're on the site every day shilling for handouts. You don't even know that a hat is to go on your head, do you?
Shilling for handouts... Maybe putting in place programs that every other first-world country has had for years.

That's the marketing spin, yep. The reality is you want government to rob others with guns and give the money to you and the other leaches who think voting makes armed robbery somehow OK

Do you want to talk about your GE government welfare?

Absolutely. What are you referring to exactly? GE deducting their expenses?
Marketing spin huh? You really should try talking to someone who lives or lived in a civilized country.

As for GE, it was hard for me to choose which of the hundreds of articles to post here the list of misdeeds is so long. Here are a few.

GE: Corporate Welfare’s New Poster Child
GE’s Move to Boston: Corporate Welfare Through Tax Incentives?

Who'd have thought that GE appears to be a non-profit organization from the amount of taxes they pay. Then there are giveaways such as those from the people of Boston. What a bunch of corporate scumbags. I'm sure you fit right in.

You support an argument with links, you don't provide a link as your argument. What corporate welfare is GE getting? Make your argument then show links to support that. I'm not going to just go read links and guess what you mean. The second one for example calls "tax incentives" corporate welfare, which is the Marxists that you people are. Not taking money is giving money because, comrade, all money is the people's money. I agree on the export/import bank article and want it to be terminated.

And just so you know, I oppose government helping or harming companies, I believe in free markets. Consumers should have every right to fire any company they want to
1) The people of Boston gave GE $150 million in tax incentives to move their corporate headquarters to Boston.
2) The US government saved GE from bankruptcy after the 2008 crash yet GE threatened to move jobs overseas if they didn't support the Export-Import Bank which boosts sales of U.S. companies by providing government-backed loans, loan guarantees and other credit mechanisms to foreign-based customers.
3) GE tax rate is on average, 7.4% (lower than most American tax payers) and some years it is 0%.

And yes of course now that you're receiving retirement from GE, you oppose government helping or harming companies.
1) The people of Boston gave GE $150 million in tax incentives to move their corporate headquarters to Boston

Again, comrade, yes, not taking their money is giving them money, all money is the people's money. Why do you object to the term Marxist again?

No how is not taxing them corporate welfare. The taxpayers of Massachusetts were not harmed, if GE hadn't moved there, they wouldn't have gotten those taxes either

2) The US government saved GE from bankruptcy after the 2008 crash yet GE threatened to move jobs overseas if they didn't support the Export-Import Bank which boosts sales of U.S. companies by providing government-backed loans, loan guarantees and other credit mechanisms to foreign-based customers

I agreed with you on ending the export/import bank. That one is corporate welfare, your only actual example of corporate welfare. I also opposed TARP entirely, all market failures should be allowed to fail.

3) GE tax rate is on average, 7.4% (lower than most American tax payers) and some years it is 0%.

Corporate taxes are double taxation and should be eliminated. But regardless, that doesn't make it corporate welfare. To say taxing my property then taxing me again for my property is not double taxation is retarded. Regardless, not paying taxes is not government giving you taxpayer money. That's just retarded

And yes of course now that you're receiving retirement from GE, you oppose government helping or harming companies.

I won't start my pension from GE until I turn 60, but I'm not sure what your point is
1) The people of Boston gave GE $150 million in tax incentives to move their corporate headquarters to Boston

Again, comrade, yes, not taking their money is giving them money, all money is the people's money. Why do you object to the term Marxist again?

No how is not taxing them corporate welfare. The taxpayers of Massachusetts were not harmed, if GE hadn't moved there, they wouldn't have gotten those taxes either

2) The US government saved GE from bankruptcy after the 2008 crash yet GE threatened to move jobs overseas if they didn't support the Export-Import Bank which boosts sales of U.S. companies by providing government-backed loans, loan guarantees and other credit mechanisms to foreign-based customers

I agreed with you on ending the export/import bank. That one is corporate welfare, your only actual example of corporate welfare. I also opposed TARP entirely, all market failures should be allowed to fail.

3) GE tax rate is on average, 7.4% (lower than most American tax payers) and some years it is 0%.

Corporate taxes are double taxation and should be eliminated. But regardless, that doesn't make it corporate welfare. To say taxing my property then taxing me again for my property is not double taxation is retarded. Regardless, not paying taxes is not government giving you taxpayer money. That's just retarded

And yes of course now that you're receiving retirement from GE, you oppose government helping or harming companies.

I won't start my pension from GE until I turn 60, but I'm not sure what your point is
Without government support (which comes from taxes as if you didn't know), GE would have gone bankrupt. The fact is that in anything other than an anarchist society, there needs to be infrastructure, defense, regulation and in top tier societies, research, medical coverage and education.

About the only thing we might find agreement in here is that the tax structure has become huge and unwieldy and some streamlining and uniformity of burden is in order.
1) The people of Boston gave GE $150 million in tax incentives to move their corporate headquarters to Boston

Again, comrade, yes, not taking their money is giving them money, all money is the people's money. Why do you object to the term Marxist again?

No how is not taxing them corporate welfare. The taxpayers of Massachusetts were not harmed, if GE hadn't moved there, they wouldn't have gotten those taxes either

2) The US government saved GE from bankruptcy after the 2008 crash yet GE threatened to move jobs overseas if they didn't support the Export-Import Bank which boosts sales of U.S. companies by providing government-backed loans, loan guarantees and other credit mechanisms to foreign-based customers

I agreed with you on ending the export/import bank. That one is corporate welfare, your only actual example of corporate welfare. I also opposed TARP entirely, all market failures should be allowed to fail.

3) GE tax rate is on average, 7.4% (lower than most American tax payers) and some years it is 0%.

Corporate taxes are double taxation and should be eliminated. But regardless, that doesn't make it corporate welfare. To say taxing my property then taxing me again for my property is not double taxation is retarded. Regardless, not paying taxes is not government giving you taxpayer money. That's just retarded

And yes of course now that you're receiving retirement from GE, you oppose government helping or harming companies.

I won't start my pension from GE until I turn 60, but I'm not sure what your point is
Without government support (which comes from taxes as if you didn't know), GE would have gone bankrupt. The fact is that in anything other than an anarchist society, there needs to be infrastructure, defense, regulation and in top tier societies, research, medical coverage and education.

About the only thing we might find agreement in here is that the tax structure has become huge and unwieldy and some streamlining and uniformity of burden is in order.

GE wouldn't have gone bankrupt, but some of the other TARP receivers would have. But regardless, taxpayer money should not have been given to companies. They should have been allowed to fail. I already said that
The problem most conservatives have is not with mathematics but in algebraic projection.

It is as if they have never plotted a graph and extended it to a point in time on the X axis.

Figure this out;

A) jobs are being destroyed by the robotics revolution.

B) We live in a democratic Republic

C) as enough jobs are destroyed so that more and more Americans feel like they cannot survive in a purely capitalist system any more, what will they do?

Starve or vote for more and more socialism?

We need to manage this trend by getting ahead of it and putting in place workable solutions ahead of time instead of laughing it all off as 'lazy people wanting free shit'.

If you think that is the case, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
America is NOT a capitalist country anymore --- it is a CORPORATIST country.

Welcome to the United Corporate States of America

Democracy is dead

Long live the Corporation

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