What is the difference between a "yarn" and a "lie" depends on whether it's Biden or Trump!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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Google results for:
About 19,000,000 results "Trump's lies New York Times"..
About 15,000,000 results "Biden's lies New York Times"
And so The New York Times published a fact-check of President Biden's "tall tales" on Sunday, describing them as stories that either "stretch the truth or are downright false" while claiming former President Trump has a "stream of lies."

Any wonder more and more people no longer believe the biased MSM..
In President Biden’s telling,
  • he was a teenage civil rights activist,
  • a former trucker, the first in his family to go college and
  • the nephew of a cannibalism victim,"
reporter Linda Qiu's fact-check read.
"All of these claims stretch the truth or are downright false. But Mr. Biden persists in telling personal tales with rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty when he works a room or regales an audience."
View attachment 960420Google results for:
About 19,000,000 results "Trump's lies New York Times"..
About 15,000,000 results "Biden's lies New York Times"
And so The New York Times published a fact-check of President Biden's "tall tales" on Sunday, describing them as stories that either "stretch the truth or are downright false" while claiming former President Trump has a "stream of lies."

Any wonder more and more people no longer believe the biased MSM..
In President Biden’s telling,
  • he was a teenage civil rights activist,
  • a former trucker, the first in his family to go college and
  • the nephew of a cannibalism victim,"
reporter Linda Qiu's fact-check read.
"All of these claims stretch the truth or are downright false. But Mr. Biden persists in telling personal tales with rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty when he works a room or regales an audience."
Using a search engine must be magaturds idea of 'scientific research'. :rolleyes:

Blow it out your ass.
Using a search engine must be magaturds idea of 'scientific research'. :rolleyes:

Blow it out your ass.
Obviously the point of the showing Google searches WASN"T a Scientific research but a simple
example of how the BIASED MSM has truly brainwashed people like you regarding Trump.
I don't know how many times I have to say this...But I dislike Trump personally" He is a loudmouth, braggart, narcissistic Queens NYer who like a few bosses of mine were also disliked ... by truly uninformed, less intelligent people like YOU! These bosses and Trump have something in common!
They got things done! They not only talked the talk but WALKED THE TALK!
I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to reach some one like you with a low IQ who thinks like a 7th grader who thinks a President has to be perfect! Except idiots like you obviously like the biased
MSM don't have the same perception of Biden! FACT is 96% of the MSM donations were to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020. Geez you think they care Biden is a peophile, truly mentally challenged as we saw Thursday nite..."We finally beat Medicare,” he continued.
Biden said "We finally beat Medicare,"!
So where is the BIASED MSM on this: About 158,000 google results!
And NEWS? About 12,900 results
But what about what Trump said:
But see what the BIASED MSM headlines were!!
Trump made a series of misleading statements on topics from Jan. 6 to terrorism to taxes,
while Biden flubbed some facts of his own.
Former President Donald Trump unleashed a torrent of misinformation on topics from terrorism to taxes during the first debate of the 2024 general election, while President Joe Biden flubbed figures and facts about military deaths and insulin prices.

Fact check: Did Biden inherit 9% inflation?

FALSE The inflation rate when Biden took office in January 2021 wasn’t 9%. It was 1.4%

Fact check: Did Biden lower the cost of insulin to $15 a shot?

We brought down the price of prescription drugs, which is a major issue for many people, to $15 for an insulin shot — as opposed to $400,” Biden said.

This is false.

Fact check: Does Biden want to raise ‘everybody’s taxes’ by four times?

“Nobody ever cut taxes like us. He wants to raise your taxes by four times. He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times,” Trump claimed. “He wants the Trump tax cuts to expire.”

This is false.
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