What Is The Media Lying About Today


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I figured we need a thread that records every lie the media tells about Trump or about people that support him. The reason being that often times by the time I mention something that I saw in the news, it's already been covered up by dozens of stories that are intended to drown out the impact of the original story. So finding the link is often difficult or next to impossible.

Today....the NYTimes says they have a story about a picture showing Trump with a clenched fist during his inauguration speech last January.....

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

The problem with this one is it shows Trump with an open hand....not a fist. Not only are they lying about Trump having a clenched fist....but they are also lying about what a clenched fist means to Trump. This picture shows something that we see in every Trump speech....he's holding his right hand up. That's it.....but for a media that imagines the possible effects of drinking diet coke as being a sign of racism and dementia....well, this is just another illustration of their insanity.

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

Here's the Op-Ed story:


When I see the photograph of Donald Trump holding a fist in the air on Inauguration Day, I think first of Twitter. By the time the photo arrived on my feed, it was already encrusted with commentary from people racing to ascribe meaning to the first moments of the Trump presidency. First: Was he doing … the Black Power salute? And if so, what did that mean? Was he clueless? Racist? Or funny? To those who heralded our new president as the ultimate political jester, the pose was a triumph. To others, it was a menacing taunt to his predecessor: Look what my whiteness allows me to get away with.
Now I know this goes beyond silly, but this is the sort of thing that liberals latch onto in order to hate the person they feel robbed them of the White House. This simply exhibits a massive amount of butthurt. I think these people need to be committed, but they're working at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Compost.
Seth Meyers Hammers Trump’s Self-Congratulation: ‘You Passed One Bill'

By Randy Hall | December 22, 2017 8:42 PM EST
For the last time in 2017, Seth Meyers used a monologue on the Thursday, December 21, edition of his NBC Late Night program to slam President Donald Trump regarding the tax-cut bill that Republicans in Congress passed earlier this week.

Not surprisingly, the liberal comedian began his “A Closer Look” segment by claiming: “Republicans spent yesterday gleefully celebrating their tax plan and lavishing praise on President Trump, with Trump even going so far as to claim that he also repealed ObamaCare.”

The Late Night host first mocked Trump’s assertion that he might have coined the term “tax cuts” instead of using the phrase “tax reform.”

Meyer then exclaimed: “Oh my God! Do you really think you came up with the phrase ‘tax cuts?’’ Those are literally the two most popular words in the history of politics!”

“That’s right, Trump claims he invented the phrase ‘tax cuts.’” the host continued. “That is so fake, the only thing that would be more fake is claiming you came up with the word ‘fake.’”

Meyers pointed to the fact that Trump had claimed he'd come up with the term “fake news.”

Next, he continued with Trump’s “delusional self-congratulation” during his cabinet meeting, where he claimed his administration has done “like no administration has done.”

“You passed one bill!” Meyers then exclaimed. “And people are so enthusiastic about you that Alabama elected a Democratic senator.”

The liberal comedian also mocked Vice President Mike Pence for his enthusiastic support of the GOP president, joking that Trump "was like: Dude, I’m married.”

Meyers also slammed the “lackeys” in the GOP for “stroking his ego” at the White House while celebrating the passing of the tax reform bill.

“During a speech yesterday celebrating the passage of the Republican tax bill,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said: “Something this profound could not have been done without exquisite presidential leadership.”

The Late Night host said that phrase reminded him “of that classic holiday song, ‘Ryan, the Brown-Nosed Reindeer.’”

To illustrate his point, Meyers then showed a picture of Ryan with reindeer antlers on his head and a red ball on his nose.

The host then stated that “Trump convened his cabinet for their final meeting of the year yesterday, and as usual, he could not help but take a gratuitous swipe at the media.”​

Nevermind the fact that it took Obama till March of his second year to sign the ACA. I didn't see the media complaining about that one.


Throwback Thursday: Obama signs the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010
The loony left has lost. I mean seriously, if this is the shit they are writing about, they've lost and they know it.

Remember, he was supposed to be impeached and long gone by the end of his first year....
I don't believe much of anything the media prints. I don't watch Alex Jones because he gives me that not so fresh feeling. I don't watch Fox because they are liars as well, Kelly was the worst, just not near as bad as CNN, etc. So whenever someone posts a media story here, if the regressive cry babies are all spinning smoking and lying and crying then it's probably has much truth in it and I'll check it out no matter what media source ran it.
The real underlying truth about these left wing bigot entertainers such as Meyers and Colbert is that they loath Republicans because they loath Wasps.
The Democrats are 90% motivated by their cultural hatred and only about 10% by policy differences.
Meyers is not even able to go 1 minute without bashing Republicans.
It's what he lives for.
It looks like he has some sort of mental problem.
The loony left has lost. I mean seriously, if this is the shit they are writing about, they've lost and they know it.

Remember, he was supposed to be impeached and long gone by the end of his first year....
Who told you that?
If CNN or MSLSD reported Trump was issuing an EO outlawing homosexuality, social security, and affirmative action millions of Americans would believe.
After intentionally misinforming the public, the MSM complains about confusion on the tax bill:

After Media Tax Bill Misinformation, NBC Whines About The Public's Confusion


Throughout the entire legislative process, the liberal media were deeply invested in spreading as much disinformation about the GOP tax reform bill as possible. And now that the bill that they worked so hard to sink was actually law, NBC Nightly News spent part of Tuesday’s broadcast complaining about how confused people were and how they were in a holiday season panic following tax conversations around the dinner table on Christmas.

“In these final days of 2017, the new tax law has many Americans still trying to figure it all out,” announced fill-in anchor Craig Melvin. “One of the most confusing questions? Whether you should pay some of next year's taxes before the end of this year.”

NBC reporter Stephanie Gosk was in a tax collection office in Montclair, New Jersey where the phones were ringing off the hook during a normally quiet time of the year. “Property owners here and around the country are in something of a panic. A know-it-all relative at holiday table probably told them: ‘Better prepay those property taxes to save money before the new tax law kicks in,’” she reported.

According to Gosk, if they filed their property taxes now they “may” be able to write it off on their taxes this year. “’May’ because it depends on a number of factors. Something accountant Matt Meyer has had to explain to Chicago area clients in a deluge of panicked calls,” she added. Meyer complained to her about how the “tax bill was supposed to simplify things and it really hasn't.”

“Many taxpayers don't realize that the changes won't be a factor in this year's returns. They’ll see the full impact come April 2019,” she noted. “Craig, the takeaway is this, if you're confused, you’re actually not alone.”

But why are so many people confused about the bill? It’s because of the misinformation and smear campaign of the liberal media. NBC themselves own a large share of the fear and panic stoked by the media’s reporting on the bill.

During the weeks leading up to the passage of the law, NBC was airing near daily segments stoking the public’s fear of the bill taking away many popular deductions all because of the evil Republicans were being heartless to the plight of the middle-class people.

While warning that the GOP was “targeting” college students and those with high medical bills, NBC was worried about how they were not seeking the input from Democrats to make the bill better. “Not a single Democrat saying they'll vote for the bill,” congressional correspondent Kasie Hunt bemoaned at the time. “Last-minute Republican negotiations are focused on how to make sure the bill won't cost billions more than expected, but those talks don't include any Democrats.”

But when the bill completed reconciliation, it was shown that the GOP preserved the popular student loan and medical expense deductions. And despite their endless fear-mongering about those deductions being stripped from helpless families, NBC completely ignored how the GOP kept the deductions in to aid those people.

The network’s morning co-host Savannah Guthrie hammered House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and wondered if he was “living in a fantasy world” for saying the bill was going to help the middle-class.

If NBC is going to blame the public’s confusion about the tax bill on Republicans, they’re the ones living in a fantasy world because they’re the ones lying about how the bill works and what it actually does to benefit the middle-class. They have abdicated their duty to informed the public all to advance partisan motives.

Relevant portions of the transcript below:


NBC Nightly News
December 26, 2017
7:09:34 PM Eastern

CRAIG MELVIN: In these final days of 2017, the new tax law has many Americans still trying to figure it all out. One of the most confusing questions? Whether you should pay some of next year's taxes before the end of this year. We asked Stephanie Gosk to take a closer look.

[Cuts to video]

STEPHANIE GOSK: The phone at tax collector’s office in Montclair, New Jersey, doesn't normally ring much this time of year.


GOSK: Property owners here and around the country are in something of a panic. A know-it-all relative at holiday table probably told them: “Better prepay those property taxes to save money before the new tax law kicks in.”


GOSK: The new law limits property tax deduction to just $10,000 in 2018, but homeowners in high tax states and cities who prepay next year's bill before the end of 2017 may save money. May because it depends on a number of factors. Something accountant Matt Meyer has had to explain to Chicago area clients in a deluge of panicked calls.

MATT MEYER: It's ridiculous. Tax season started a month early. You know, usually in month of December we're going on vacation, we’re taking it easy.

GOSK: Not this year. Meyer and his team are spending time explaining the new law.

MEYER: It means something different for every single person. A tax bill was supposed to simplify things and it really hasn't.

GOSK: Many taxpayers don't realize that the changes won't be a factor in this year's returns. They’ll see the full impact come April 2019. And for anyone looking to make those prepayments on property taxes, they’ll need to check in with tax collector in home towns. In Montclair, the office will be open Saturday.

[Cuts back to live]

Craig, the takeaway is this, if you're confused, you’re actually not alone. Reach out to professional, get accountant if you don't have one, have them look at your financial situation and give you some advice and maybe steer clear of advice at holiday dinner table.


Depends on your family.

MELVIN: Good advice. Stephanie Gosk, thank you.

Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House

Newsweek tried to at first claim the the First Lady wanted to tear down a 200 year old tree planted by President Andrew Jackson of her own accord. Turns out experts felt it was unsafe and needed to come down.

The tree was about to fall, and experts recommended its removal. Mrs. Trump, according to Grisham, has requested to preserve the wood from the tree.​

Melania Trump orders removal of the near-200-year-old tree from the White House



Updated | The historic Jackson magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania Trump reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” the report stated, according to CNN.
Washington Compost today:

Trump rams greatness down our throats

O'Leary/The Washington Post)

By Dana Milbank Opinion writerDecember 26 at 6:56 PM

In this holiday season, a familiar question arises: Is President Trump trying to undermine democracy, or is he just irredeemably vain?

It’s a toss of the coin — specifically, Trump’s commemorative “Challenge Coin,” which just had its public debut.

Typically, these coins are simple copper-and-silver designs with the presidential seal and signature. But Trump’s is thicker, bright gold and with a built-in stand. Beyond the garish presentation, it defaces the presidential seal: The eagle looks right instead of left, it no longer holds the 13 arrows representing the original states, and the national motto — “E pluribus unum,” which translates to “ Out of many, one” — is gone. Instead, both sides of the coin display Trump’s campaign motto, “Make America Great Again,” and his name appears four times.

The year-end move follows Trump’s use of Independence Day for self-promotion over national unity. He used Fourth of July celebrations to tout a new song for his campaign-style appearances. It mainly involves singing “Make America Great Again” over and over.

Trump has copyrighted the phrase “Make America Great Again”; imagine the royalties if he can get it added to U.S. currency in place of the boring motto “In God We Trust.” (He might also resolve the debate about whether to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 noteinstead of Andrew Jackson by putting himself on it.)

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