What Is The Media Lying About Today

What? CBS Claims Trump Voters Donā€™t Want Trump To Repeal ObamaCare

By Mike Ciandella | December 27, 2017 12:32 PM EST
In another baffling display of disconnect, CBS News blamed President Trumpā€™s low poll numbers on Trump voters being pro-ObamaCare.

During the December 27 CBS This Morning, National Correspondent Chip Reid announced that Trumpā€™s push to repeal ObamaCare ā€œcould hurt many of his own supporters.ā€

Reid turned to Slateā€™s Jamelle Bouie (also a CBS News political analyst). ā€œI do think this is dangerous game for the president,ā€ Bouie said. ā€œOne of his single largest drops in popularity came in March, after congressional Republicans began moving ahead with ObamaCare repeal.ā€ As a reminder to people unfamiliar with Bouie, heā€™s the political analyst who wrote back in November that it was ā€œabhorrentā€ and ā€œperverseā€ to suggest that Trump voters were ā€œgoodā€ people.

The segment also pointed to the number of ObamaCare sign-ups this year in red states, seeming to imply that these sign-ups showed support for the program by Trump voters. ā€œAccording to one respected analyst, 62% of this year's ObamaCare enrollees live in states that President Trump won in 2016,ā€ Reid reported. Reid also quoted Bouie as saying that ā€œthe big surprise is that red states are signing up faster than blue states.ā€

The ā€œrespected analystā€ Chip Reid is referring to is likely The Associated Press, which recently released a report on government data which ā€œfound that 7.3 million of the 8.8 million consumers signed up so far for next year come from states Trump won in the 2016 presidential election.ā€ However, there is no indication in the data of how many of these people were Trump supporters, or how many signed up simply to avoid paying the penalty for not having insurance.

Trumpā€™s opposition to ObamaCare certainly polls low ā€“ among journalists. According to the MRCā€™s extensive Bias by the Minute project, in the first 80 days of the Trump presidency (from January 20 to April 9), the effort to repeal ObamaCare was the third most covered Trump-related topic by the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC with 152 minutes of coverage. 94 percent of this coverage was negative.

In contrast, on September 15, a Politico-Harvard poll showed that a repeal of ObamaCare topped ā€œGOP votersā€™ to-do lists.ā€ According to the Politico write up about the poll: ā€œAmong Republican respondents, repealing Obamacare was the most critical priority, outpacing other concerns like tax reform (34 percent said that the issue was ā€˜extremely importantā€™) and building a border wall (28 percent thought it was ā€˜extremely importantā€™).ā€

During the Obama administration, ABC, CBS and NBC all repeatedly either failed to report on ObamaCareā€™s failures or downplayed them.


DANA JACOBSON: President Trump on vacation in Florida promises more bipartisanship in the new year. The president tweeted the Republicans and Democrats will come together on a new plan to replace Obamacare. Chip Reid is in West Palm Beach Florida near the Presidentā€™s Mar-a-Lago resort. Chip, good morning.

CHIP REID: Good morning. President Trump played golf yesterday with Georgia Senator David Perdue, a big proponent of repealing Obamacare. Of course, thatā€™s also a big priority for President Trump next year. But the numbers suggest that could hurt many of his own supporters.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: It ultimately leads to the end of Obamacare. Essentially, I think Obamacare is over.

REID: The president's prediction of the demise of Obamacare comes as about 8.8 million Americans in 39 states signed up for coverage at Healthcare.gov this fall. That's down just 4.4% from last year, despite the trump administration pulling advertising and slashing the enrollment period from 90 days to 45.

JAMELLE BOUIE: The fundamental reality on health care is that people want health insurance.

REID: CBS News and Slate political analyst Jamelle Bouie said the big surprise is that red states are signing up faster than blue states.

Both Republicans and Democrats view health care as a top priority for Congress and President Trump, making it a central issue in the upcoming midterm elections. The Congressional Budget Office projects that repealing the Individual Mandate will leave about 13 million more people without coverage by 2027. And, according to one respected analyst, 62% of this year's Obamacare enrollees live in states that President Trump won in 2016.

JAMELLE BOUIE: I do think this is dangerous game for the president. One of his single largest drops in popularity came in March, after congressional Republicans began moving ahead with Obamacare repeal.

REID: In addition to his tweet on health care, the president also sent out a tweet on the Russia investigation, in which he referred to the FBI as tainted. He also sent out a tweet about his tax cuts predicting they would boost jobs and the stock market increase next year. Bianna?
I figured we need a thread that records every lie the media tells about Trump or about people that support him. The reason being that often times by the time I mention something that I saw in the news, it's already been covered up by dozens of stories that are intended to drown out the impact of the original story. So finding the link is often difficult or next to impossible.

Today....the NYTimes says they have a story about a picture showing Trump with a clenched fist during his inauguration speech last January.....

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

The problem with this one is it shows Trump with an open hand....not a fist. Not only are they lying about Trump having a clenched fist....but they are also lying about what a clenched fist means to Trump. This picture shows something that we see in every Trump speech....he's holding his right hand up. That's it.....but for a media that imagines the possible effects of drinking diet coke as being a sign of racism and dementia....well, this is just another illustration of their insanity.

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

Here's the Op-Ed story:


When I see the photograph of Donald Trump holding a fist in the air on Inauguration Day, I think first of Twitter. By the time the photo arrived on my feed, it was already encrusted with commentary from people racing to ascribe meaning to the first moments of the Trump presidency. First: Was he doing ā€¦ the Black Power salute? And if so, what did that mean? Was he clueless? Racist? Or funny? To those who heralded our new president as the ultimate political jester, the pose was a triumph. To others, it was a menacing taunt to his predecessor: Look what my whiteness allows me to get away with.
Now I know this goes beyond silly, but this is the sort of thing that liberals latch onto in order to hate the person they feel robbed them of the White House. This simply exhibits a massive amount of butthurt. I think these people need to be committed, but they're working at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Compost.
Hmm, evidently your lie is not a lie not by the media any way. Not that a fist is a reason to worry. I make fist pumps some times. So much for the media lying though and who would care if they did about such a thing.
View attachment 168189
Sorry, dickhead.....that isn't the picture they used.
They used the one I posted in the OP. The one they used from his inauguration speech.
This is the one on their web site. Sorry you should be. You are a lying sack of shit.
View attachment 168218
You're a lying sack of shit.
That picture wasn't posted in their article.
So :anj_stfu::asshole:
Actually, it was. Your right wing blog link filtered out the photo and replaced it with one to fit their fake news story.
Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House

Newsweek tried to at first claim the the First Lady wanted to tear down a 200 year old tree planted by President Andrew Jackson of her own accord. Turns out experts felt it was unsafe and needed to come down.

The tree was about to fall, and experts recommended its removal. Mrs. Trump, according to Grisham, has requested to preserve the wood from the tree.​

Melania Trump orders removal of the near-200-year-old tree from the White House



Updated | The historic Jackson magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800sā€”making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania Trump reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined ā€œthe overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,ā€ the report stated, according to CNN.

another example of leftist liars loving to lie

they will lie about anything and everything

leftists= pure evil
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
True......but that isn't the case here.

In the cases I've shown not only are they lies......but most people don't believe them.
The left simply makes insanely stupid shit up and hope some of it sticks.
And they will continue to make shit up hoping that it will cause more and more people to get simply fed up with the whole God Damned mess.
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
True......but that isn't the case here.

In the cases I've shown not only are they lies......but most people don't believe them.
The left simply makes insanely stupid shit up and hope some of it sticks.
And they will continue to make shit up hoping that it will cause more and more people to get simply fed up with the whole God Damned mess.

The leftist media today was caught in another lie today as dutiful fact checkers so correctly pointed out.

Today the damn leftist media reported ā€œPresident Don Trump signed more legislation than any of his predecessors at this point in their termsā€. Fact checkers quickly stepped in to point out that don has signed the fewest number of bills since Dwight D Eisenhower.

Sarah Hucksterberry today again called out the lying media (notably CNN) as fake news. Ignoring the fact that the news media was just reporting what the president said several times to a group of first responders.

How can the press be so biased?
I figured we need a thread that records every lie the media tells about Trump or about people that support him. The reason being that often times by the time I mention something that I saw in the news, it's already been covered up by dozens of stories that are intended to drown out the impact of the original story. So finding the link is often difficult or next to impossible.

Today....the NYTimes says they have a story about a picture showing Trump with a clenched fist during his inauguration speech last January.....

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

The problem with this one is it shows Trump with an open hand....not a fist. Not only are they lying about Trump having a clenched fist....but they are also lying about what a clenched fist means to Trump. This picture shows something that we see in every Trump speech....he's holding his right hand up. That's it.....but for a media that imagines the possible effects of drinking diet coke as being a sign of racism and dementia....well, this is just another illustration of their insanity.

NYT's Hess Channels Trump's Clenched Fist: 'Look What My Whiteness Allows Me to Get Away With'

Here's the Op-Ed story:


When I see the photograph of Donald Trump holding a fist in the air on Inauguration Day, I think first of Twitter. By the time the photo arrived on my feed, it was already encrusted with commentary from people racing to ascribe meaning to the first moments of the Trump presidency. First: Was he doing ā€¦ the Black Power salute? And if so, what did that mean? Was he clueless? Racist? Or funny? To those who heralded our new president as the ultimate political jester, the pose was a triumph. To others, it was a menacing taunt to his predecessor: Look what my whiteness allows me to get away with.
Now I know this goes beyond silly, but this is the sort of thing that liberals latch onto in order to hate the person they feel robbed them of the White House. This simply exhibits a massive amount of butthurt. I think these people need to be committed, but they're working at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Compost.
Of course you duped asswipes don't see it that way.

You see Trump giving the Middle Class a tax cut & are so fucking duped, you don't see the tens of millions he just gave himself at your expense.

You say Trump is taking a weekend off, yet you ignore the millions he personally makes by parading the POTUS as a sight seeing destination as he charges the government for the SS renting golf carts.

Trump is a bigot & racist...anther reason you Trumpettes identify so well with him.
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
True......but that isn't the case here.

In the cases I've shown not only are they lies......but most people don't believe them.
The left simply makes insanely stupid shit up and hope some of it sticks.
And they will continue to make shit up hoping that it will cause more and more people to get simply fed up with the whole God Damned mess.

The leftist media today was caught in another lie today as dutiful fact checkers so correctly pointed out.

Today the damn leftist media reported ā€œPresident Don Trump signed more legislation than any of his predecessors at this point in their termsā€. Fact checkers quickly stepped in to point out that don has signed the fewest number of bills since Dwight D Eisenhower.

Sarah Hucksterberry today again called out the lying media (notably CNN) as fake news. Ignoring the fact that the news media was just reporting what the president said several times to a group of first responders.

How can the press be so biased?
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
True......but that isn't the case here.

In the cases I've shown not only are they lies......but most people don't believe them.
The left simply makes insanely stupid shit up and hope some of it sticks.
And they will continue to make shit up hoping that it will cause more and more people to get simply fed up with the whole God Damned mess.

The leftist media today was caught in another lie today as dutiful fact checkers so correctly pointed out.

Today the damn leftist media reported ā€œPresident Don Trump signed more legislation than any of his predecessors at this point in their termsā€. Fact checkers quickly stepped in to point out that don has signed the fewest number of bills since Dwight D Eisenhower.

Sarah Hucksterberry today again called out the lying media (notably CNN) as fake news. Ignoring the fact that the news media was just reporting what the president said several times to a group of first responders.

How can the press be so biased?

Trump falsely claims he broke a legislative record
Holy christ, look for a Twitter meltdown sometime around 5:00am Thursday morning as Gallup announced today that former President Barack Hussein Obama won the most admired man in America.

Of course Hillary Clinton won again too.
MSNBC: Sports Editor Calling Trump and Fox News ā€˜Neo-Nazisā€™ Is ā€˜Absolutely Brilliantā€™, ā€˜Thought-Provokingā€™

By Chris Reeves | December 26, 2017 6:01 PM EST
During Tuesday morningā€™s broadcast of MSNBC Live, MSNBC Senior National Correspondent Chris Jansing and anchor Ayman Mohyeldin brought on The Nationā€™s Sports Editor Dave Zirin to argue that President Trumpā€™s attacks on NFL players protesting the National Anthem earlier this year was actually a campaign of ā€œopen, ugly racismā€ that was deliberately aimed at discouraging black athletes from expressing their political opinions.

Last week, Zirin published a column for The Nation that made pretty much the same case, lambasting ā€œDonald Trump, Fox News, and their neo-Nazi-infused right-wing echo chamberā€ for spending ā€œa year frothing with rabid barbarismā€ to shut down the voices of black athletes. Jansing and Mohyeldin promoted Zirinā€™s piece as both ā€œthought-provokingā€ and ā€œabsolutely brilliant,ā€ but failed to correct him as he repeatedly spread blatant misinformation on the air to support his talking points.

The MSNBC Live segment began with a short clip of Trumpā€™s Huntsville, Alabama speech from September 22nd. This was when the President initially made his remarks in opposition to the NFL National Anthem protests. After playing the clip, Jansing welcomed Zirin on by lauding his article:

Yeah, Colin Kaepernick obviously got under the President's skin this year. Joining us from Washington, D.C., a sports editor for The Nation, Dave Zirin. In his latest piece, Dave says he strayed from his usual formula for reviewing the year in sports and politics, writing, quote: ā€œNow, in 2017, we have reached another place. The fight has spread beyond racial issues, as the #MeToo movement has become a part of the sports rhetoric of resistance. But this has also been the year of the backlash: open, ugly racism aimed at athletes who recognize that, in historical moments such as this one, theyā€ need ā€œto do more than just shut up and play.ā€ Dave, always good to see you.

ā€œSuch a thought-provoking piece. Tell me sort of what got you in this frame of mind. Was there one particular incident? Was it Colin Kaepernick,ā€ Jansing wondered. Zirin answered Jansingā€™s question by implying that Trumpā€™s speech was responsible for NFL players receiving death threats and other abuse:

And the thing that really stuck with me was when Donald Trump made that speech in Huntsville, Alabama where he used vulgarity about the players and said that they should be fired and forced to stand for the anthem, that the reaction of that in the lives of these players was so intense, whether it was social media harassment, whether it was actual death threats against their family, whether it was having to hire security around their houses. These players felt a tremendous amount of pressure.

The Nation writer went on to praise the NFL anthem-protestors as exemplars of political activism before Mohyeldin stepped in to ask more specifically about Zirin's argument that Trumpā€™s criticism of the protestors was primarily a vehicle for activating the ā€œneo-Naziā€ elements of the Presidentā€™s base.

ā€œYeah, look, it's, itā€™s not a dog whistle, it's an air raid siren,ā€ Zirin declared. ā€œIf you look at some of the people in the sports world who have actually been the most critical of Donald Trump, you have people like Gregg Popovich, the coach of the Spurs, Steve Kerr, the coach of the Golden State Warriors. No response from Donald Trump to either of them. They happen to be white.ā€

Zirinā€™s argument here was extremely disingenuous. His implication that Trump has not criticized white people involved with the NFL playersā€™ protests is flat-out wrong. Trump may not have criticized the two NBA coaches that Zirin mentioned, but he certainly has attacked white NFL coaches and owners for failing to prevent their players from disrespecting the anthem. According to The Daily Mail:

'I have spoken to a couple of them. They say, "We are in a situation where we have to do something." I think they are afraid of their players, you want to know the truth. And I think it's disgraceful.'


The president added that the owners themselves ā€“ not just their star athletes ā€“ show a lack of respect for the United States by refusing to enforce a rule that requires players to stand.

Later on in the same segment, MSNBC Political Analyst Elise Jordan and Zirin jointly made the case that some of Trumpā€™s other comments about football and the NFL were indicative of his sociopathy, and Zirin incorrectly claimed that Trump has ā€œnever played football.ā€

This assertion was quite strange, as multiple mainstream sources attest to the fact that Trump played football while he was a student at New York Military Academy. According to Business Insider [emphasis mine]: ā€œThe yearbook shows that Trump, the son of millionaire real-estate developer Fred Trump, was a member of the varsity soccer, baseball, and football teams. He also won numerous awards including some for his athletic performance and a ā€˜neatness and order medalā€™ in 1960.ā€

Neither Jansing nor Mohyeldin called out Zirin for espousing his own brand of ā€œalternative facts.ā€ Instead, Mohyeldin simply declared that Zirinā€™s article was ā€œabsolutely brilliantā€ and ended the show.

If youā€™re curious as to why Zirin might have been so willing to spread obvious disinformation to make his arguments, one of his statements from the middle of Tuesdayā€™s segment was instructive:

Because I think oftentimes you see people compare Colin Kaepernick to someone like Muhammad Ali, or Venus and Serena Williams, to someone like Billie Jean King, and people immediately clap back at that and say things like: Wait, thatā€™s totally different, different times. [...] And the answer is, like, yes, it is completely different in some respects, but in other respects, we have so much to learn from this history as well. And we can actually build upon the history of previous generations of activist athletes to understand not only how to keep pushing forward sports as a platform for social change, but also keep pushing forward the very idea that you don't sign away, you know, your right to citizenship or to have a political opinion just because you're an athlete [...].

The Nation may be an openly politically ā€œprogressiveā€ publication, but their penchant for sympathizing with and wanting to promote left-wing activist causes should not give their editorial staff or journalists carte blanche to lie on national TV.

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See below for a full transcript of the segment:

8:52 AM EST

CHRIS JANSING [MSNBC, SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT]: Now, 2017 also saw a collision between politics and sports.

[playing clip from Sept. 22, Huntsville, AL rally]

DONALD TRUMP: Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say: Get that son of a [bleep] off the field right now? Out! Heā€™s fired.

[audience cheering]

He's fired!

[clip ends]

JANSING: Yeah, Colin Kaepernick obviously got under the President's skin this year. Joining us from Washington, D.C., a sports editor for The Nation, Dave Zirin. In his latest piece, Dave says he strayed from his usual formula for reviewing the year in sports and politics, writing, quote: ā€œNow, in 2017, we have reached another place. The fight has spread beyond racial issues, as the #MeToo movement has become a part of the sports rhetoric of resistance. But this has also been the year of the backlash: open, ugly racism aimed at athletes who recognize that, in historical moments such as this one, theyā€ need ā€œto do more than just shut up and play.ā€ Dave, always good to see you.


JANSING: Such a thought-provoking piece. Tell me sort of what got you in this frame of mind. Was there one particular incident? Was it Colin Kaepernick? Was it just, in general,-

DAVE ZIRIN: [softly] Yeah.

JANSING: -what we've seen over the course of the year?

ZIRIN: Yeah, I mean, I speak to a lot of NFL players, particularly the ones whoā€™ve been part of these protests this year, kneeling or sitting or raising their fist during the anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality. And the thing that really struck with me was when Donald Trump made that speech in Huntsville, Alabama where he used vulgarity about the players and said that they should be fired and forced to stand for the anthem, that the reaction of that in the lives of these players was so intense, whether it was social media harassment, whether it was actual death threats against their family, whether it was having to hire security around their houses. These players felt a tremendous amount of pressure.

And yet, within this incredibly ugly story, to me, I found something that gave me more hope than almost anything in 2017, because -- well and Iā€™ll tell you what that was. One of the concerns of the players was that once Donald Trump made that speech, everything would become about Trump and the message of the protests would be completely lost. And yet, a poll taken a month later by Huffington Post and YouGov showed that more people in the United States understood what the protests were about, by a pretty significant margin, after Trump made those remarks than before. And that's because these NFL players, you know, who are often stereotyped as jocks, who, you know, don't know anything and, you know, are only good for selling ads or sports drinks, they were tenacious on shows like this one, on other, you know, national news programs, of not taking the bait and making this about Trump versus the athletes, but staying on message about police brutality and racial inequality. And I think there's a lesson in there, taught by the jocks, to all of us, that when you just enter the social media bubble of back and forth jibes, we don't really get anywhere in terms of advancing either policy or political arguments.

MOHYELDIN: Dave, let me ask you really quickly about some of the, uh, the accusations that the President's comments have had racial undertones to them.

ZIRIN: Sure.

MOHYELDIN: When you think of some of the comments that have been made by the athletes, and many of them prominent black athletes, and the response that the President had, has given ā€” he's, heā€™s categorically denied that this has anything to do without [sic] race, but in some of the evidence that have [sic] been cited here, in the article, it seems that there is a racial undertone with the way the President is responding-

ZIRIN: Of course.

MOHYELDIN: -to the criticism from these athletes.

ZIRIN: Yeah, look, it's, itā€™s not a dog whistle, it's an air raid siren. If you look at some of the people in the sports world who have actually been the most critical of Donald Trump, you have people like Gregg Popovich, the coach of the Spurs, Steve Kerr, the coach of the Golden State Warriors. No response from Donald Trump to either of them. They happen to be white. The people who he has responded to are people like Colin Kaepernick, Jemele Hill from ESPN, LaVar Ball of course. Um, there's this focusing, this honing in on, quote/unquote, ā€œungratefulā€ people in the sports world who are black. And I just wanna point out that this is a very old playbook in this country. It dates back to Jack Johnson, who was condemned by the U.S. Congress. He was the first black heavyweight boxing champion. And this idea that when you focus on black athletes, what you do is you feed white resentment, because thereā€™s anger about -- whether it's their salary, their fame, or this idea that, you know, they should be grateful for having these opportunities as if they haven't worked for them and are one in, you know, a million people who would have the skill and ability to achieve that plateau.

JANSING: Yeah, and in the, in the article, I mean, you talk about athletes in the past who have had a, a very big impact on the, on the conversation, whether it was Muhammad Ali or Jackie Robinson or Billie Jean King.

ZIRIN: Yeah.

JANSING: Having said that, you had an interesting quote from Mark Twain, which is: ā€œHistory doesnā€™t repeat itself,ā€ buzz it, ā€œbut it does rhyme.ā€ Explain that.

ZIRIN: No, absolutely. Because I think oftentimes you see people compare Colin Kaepernick to someone like Muhammad Ali, or Venus and Serena Williams, to someone like Billie Jean King, and people immediately clap back at that and say things like: Wait, thatā€™s totally different, different times. Muhammad Ali was facing five years in prison for opposing the draft. Or, Billie Jean King was, you know, on that first wave of the women's liberation movement in the '70s. It's completely different. And the answer is, like, yes, it is completely different in some respects, but in other respects, we have so much to learn from this history as well. And we can actually build upon the history of previous generations of activist athletes to understand not only how to keep pushing forward sports as a platform for social change, but also keep pushing forward the very idea that you don't sign away, you know, your right to citizenship or to have a political opinion just because you're an athlete, as well as how to navigate backlashes.

ELISE JORDAN: Dave, Elise here. You spoke about how some of the players needed security in the aftermath of President Trump-

ZIRIN: Yeah.

JORDAN: -singling them out at that rally in Alabama. I also found just as disturbing in that rally -- he said that NFL players weren't being hit as hard.

ZIRIN: Yeah.

JORDAN: And he was somewhat -- it seemed that he was endorsing, uh, CT, you know, con-, uh, concussions. It seemed that he was endorsing-

ZIRIN: Yeah.

JORDAN: -brain damage for these players and for the players not to be protected. How did the players respond to that?

ZIRIN: Well, th-, that was actually one of the things that upset the players the most when I spoke to them, because one thing that every player lives with now is this existential fear that their brain is actually disintegrating when they take the field. And it's something that they live with and their families live with. And Donald Trump, who act-, who never played football -- I mean, it frankly -- it's not -- while I loathe comparisons to football and war, which far too many people make, there is a comparison there of Donald Trump, someone who both never fought in, in, in our military, but also never played football, speaking about it as a vicarious observer-


ZIRIN: -and calling for more violence and wanting more violence while having no sympathy, no empathy, or no dialogue with the people who actually have to take the field.

MOHYELDIN: Yeah, an absolutely brilliant article.

MSNBC: Sports Editor Calling Trump and Fox News ā€˜Neo-Nazisā€™ Is ā€˜Absolutely Brilliantā€™, ā€˜Thought-Provokingā€™
December 27, 2017
Libs blame Russia, not themselves, for racial, gender, class warfare propaganda

Libs blame Russia, not themselves, for racial, gender, class warfare propaganda

By Ed Straker
On PBS NewsHour yesterday, Laura Rosenberger, a foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush (not a typo), said (starting at the 6:30 mark) that Russia is trying to turn Americans against each other, "playing on racial divisions, political divisions, issues like immigration ... trying to undermine the fabric of our democracy by pulling us apart at the seams."

How do the Russians do this? We are told that sinister Russians spread their malice through Twitter and Facebook.

An article in the left-wing Guardian picks up on this theme, explaining:

What has now been made clear is that Russian trolls and automated bots not only promoted explicitly pro-Donald Trump messaging, but also used social media to sow social divisions in America by stoking disagreement and division around a plethora of controversial topics such as immigration and Islamophobia.

... [T]he clandestine network poured accelerant on the fight picked by Trump with the mostly African American players in the NFL who kneeled during the national anthem in protest of police violence. Instead of simply echoing the president's demand for a boycott unless the players stood, however, the Russian accounts took both sides of the issue, spreading both the hashtags #TakeaKnee and #BoycottNFL.

"The ads and accounts appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum ā€“ touching on topics from LGBT matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights," said Alex Stamos, the chief security officer at Facebook, in the first public statement the company made on the matter.

The overarching goal, during the election and now, analysts say, is to expand and exploit divisions, attacking the American social fabric where it is most vulnerable, along lines of race, gender, class and creed.

Well, this is an eye-opener! But whom else do we know who has stoked divisions on all these subjects besides the Russians?

1) Who else has said, day in and day out, that Trump's tax cut is meant for the rich while he's stiffing the poor?

2) Who else constantly says Trump, by criticizing the football players, is a racist and hates black people?

3) Who else constantly says women hate Trump and think he is a sexual predators?

4) Who else says that Trump hates immigrants and hates Mexicans?

Is it Russia that is doing all of this? Is it Russia that controls the New York Times? Does Russia control the Washington Post? Does Russia control NPR, the Wall Street Journal's news pages, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Politico, and the other 90% of America's news outlets that constantly blast him as a classist, racist, sexist pig?

No, that's not Russia. That's liberals.

Liberals are wringing their hands over a few dummy accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Someone once saw a post from a Russian Facebook account! How does seeing one post once compare to the constant, 24/7 barrage from the rest of the news media, who are nearly unified against Trump and conservatives?

The answer is that it doesn't. It's a drop in the bucket. The liberal media have about a thousand times more reach than these dummy Russian accounts. They are doing the very same thing they are accusing the Russians of doing and act as if they are totally unaware of the irony.

After PBS NewsHour finished this important segment, telling us how much Russia stirs up racial hatred, it introduced its next segment (at the 12:45 mark), talking about how racist America is. You can't make this up.

I don't worry about Russian propaganda. Whatever it is, it's simply drowned out by the much larger volume of liberal propaganda. But it's funny watching liberal handwringing over what Russia is alleged to have done when the liberal media do it all on their own, on a much larger scale.​
Seth Meyers Hammers Trumpā€™s Self-Congratulation: ā€˜You Passed One Bill'

By Randy Hall | December 22, 2017 8:42 PM EST
For the last time in 2017, Seth Meyers used a monologue on the Thursday, December 21, edition of his NBC Late Night program to slam President Donald Trump regarding the tax-cut bill that Republicans in Congress passed earlier this week.

Not surprisingly, the liberal comedian began his ā€œA Closer Lookā€ segment by claiming: ā€œRepublicans spent yesterday gleefully celebrating their tax plan and lavishing praise on President Trump, with Trump even going so far as to claim that he also repealed ObamaCare.ā€

The Late Night host first mocked Trumpā€™s assertion that he might have coined the term ā€œtax cutsā€ instead of using the phrase ā€œtax reform.ā€

Meyer then exclaimed: ā€œOh my God! Do you really think you came up with the phrase ā€˜tax cuts?ā€™ā€™ Those are literally the two most popular words in the history of politics!ā€

ā€œThatā€™s right, Trump claims he invented the phrase ā€˜tax cuts.ā€™ā€ the host continued. ā€œThat is so fake, the only thing that would be more fake is claiming you came up with the word ā€˜fake.ā€™ā€

Meyers pointed to the fact that Trump had claimed he'd come up with the term ā€œfake news.ā€

Next, he continued with Trumpā€™s ā€œdelusional self-congratulationā€ during his cabinet meeting, where he claimed his administration has done ā€œlike no administration has done.ā€

ā€œYou passed one bill!ā€ Meyers then exclaimed. ā€œAnd people are so enthusiastic about you that Alabama elected a Democratic senator.ā€

The liberal comedian also mocked Vice President Mike Pence for his enthusiastic support of the GOP president, joking that Trump "was like: Dude, Iā€™m married.ā€

Meyers also slammed the ā€œlackeysā€ in the GOP for ā€œstroking his egoā€ at the White House while celebrating the passing of the tax reform bill.

ā€œDuring a speech yesterday celebrating the passage of the Republican tax bill,ā€ House Speaker Paul Ryan said: ā€œSomething this profound could not have been done without exquisite presidential leadership.ā€

The Late Night host said that phrase reminded him ā€œof that classic holiday song, ā€˜Ryan, the Brown-Nosed Reindeer.ā€™ā€

To illustrate his point, Meyers then showed a picture of Ryan with reindeer antlers on his head and a red ball on his nose.

The host then stated that ā€œTrump convened his cabinet for their final meeting of the year yesterday, and as usual, he could not help but take a gratuitous swipe at the media.ā€​

Nevermind the fact that it took Obama till March of his second year to sign the ACA. I didn't see the media complaining about that one.


Throwback Thursday: Obama signs the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010


Just another example of Trump not measuring up to Obama...that's gotta be killing the pee stained Putin Puppet to no end.

Most admired man in America? Obama. Drumph? 2nd place behind Obama. :lol:
To beat President Trump, you have to learn to think like his supporters

Scandals will never defeat a populist.

By AndrĆ©s Miguel RondĆ³n December 26
AndrĆ©s Miguel RondĆ³n is an economist living in Madrid. He is a Venezuelan citizen who was born and raised there.

President Trump at the White House in December. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
Almost a year later, Donald Trump is still president. Powerful men in entertainment, media and even politics have seen their public lives implode under scandal almost instantly for months now, but Trump holds on.

If youā€™re among the majority of Americans who oppose Trump, you canā€™t understand why. And itā€™s making you furious. I saw the same thing happen in my native Venezuela with the late Hugo ChĆ”vez, who ruled as precisely the sort of faux-populist strongman that Trump now loves to praise. ChĆ”vezā€™s political career (which only ended with his untimely death) seemed not only immune to scandal, but indeed to profit directly from it. Why? Because scandal is no threat to populism. Scandal sustains populism.

[In Venezuela, we couldnā€™t stop ChĆ”vez. Donā€™t make the same mistakes we did.]

Pundits have been predicting Trumpā€™s fall since before he won office. It should have been October 2016, when the infamous ā€œAccess Hollywoodā€ tape was released. Or January, when former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. testified in a Senate hearing that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election in an attempt to get Trump elected. Or in February, when Michael Flynn was forced to resign as national security adviser for his undisclosed communications with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador. Or in May, when Trump fired FBI director James B. Comey for failing to halt his investigation into the growing Russian scandal. Or in August, when he failed to plainly criticize white supremacists for the Charlottesville protests that led to the death of one counterprotester. Or when we learned early this month that four people with senior roles in the Trump campaign have been indicted in connection with special counsel Robert S. Mueller IIIā€™s investigation. Search for ā€œTrump impeachā€ on Google, and you will find that every month of 2017 brought about new, different predictions of his imminent political death from all sides of the public spectrum.

Sure, his overall approval rating has dwindled to below 40 percent, but his base ā€” the only people Trump appears to think he needs to answer to ā€” still loves him. In one November poll, only 7 percent of his supporters from last year said theyā€™d vote differently if they could. Which is to say, in the face of all this scandal, Trump is not even close to collapse. He and his supporters are simply grinning back at you.

If you want to fight Trump effectively, you have to learn to think like they do and give up altogether the prospect that scandal will one day undo him.

Opinion | What a presidential president would have said about the FBI
The Washington Post Editorial Board offers a speech to President Trump that's more, shall we say, presidential than angry tweets. (Gillian Brockell/The Washington Post)

To do that, take a step back and analyze the news cycle from outside the daily ups and downs, the tweets, the Fox News defenses. Once we leave behind the moral outrage, the sense of injury, the distinct cadence of each scandalous speech, it is clear that 2017 Trump is not very different from 2016 Trump on his way to power. Everything heā€™s done in the White House is more of the same: An enemy (the unpatriotic minorities, the lying liberal media, anyone not part of his Manichaean vision) is being cartooned, blamed for all of societyā€™s evils and offered in sacrifice as a scapegoat to the United Statesā€™ problems. The purported solution is still simple: Shame them, silence them, build a wall around them. The basic premise that the restoration of the country lies in the destruction of its enemies remains.

The only difference is that Trump, now in power, paints himself as a fighter under siege ā€” even more so than as last yearā€™s outsider candidate. The Russia scandal, the occasional betrayal by members of his own party, the condemnation of so many of his acts are all attempts to ā€œstopā€ him. What you call scandal is only a sign that he is fighting back. Indeed: that he is fighting you. To his supporters, this is no scandal at all ā€” heā€™s doing exactly what he promised he would do.

[I was an FBI agent. Trumpā€™s lack of concern about Russian hacking shocks me.]

It does not matter that he is eroding the nationā€™s democratic institutions. That this combat is dangerous, hypocritical, built on lies. That you, after all, are innocent. His supporters are convinced that you are to blame. Until you can convince them otherwise, they will cheer him on. The name of the game is polarization, and the rookie mistake is to forget you are the enemy.

Normal politicians collapse in the face of scandal because the scandals show them dozing on the job or falling back on their promises. To get elected, they offer a bargain: ā€œVote for me: I will make you richer/fight for your rights/assure your progress.ā€ Scandals reveal they canā€™t do that, and thus, they tumble. However, like all populists, Trump offers a much different deal ā€” ā€œVote for me: I will destroy your enemies. They are the reason you are not rich/have less rights/America is not great anymore.ā€ Scandal is the populistā€™s natural element for the same reason that demolishing buildings makes more noise than constructing them. His supporters didnā€™t vote for silence. They voted for a bang.

So where you see Mueller making progress at getting to the truth of Russian interference last year, Trump supporters see an altogether different scandal. When Trumpā€™s aides are indicted, but Hillary Clinton isnā€™t, the probe serves as proof that the system is corrupt. Or when the Muslim travel ban is not enforced, it means the ā€œDeep Stateā€ is plotting some sort of coup.

Thatā€™s how populism works. As long as Trump is still swinging back, scandals help him to polarize the country further. The scorn of his adversaries, in the eyes of his supporters, proves that heā€™s doing exactly what they voted him for to do: dismantling a rigged system that they believe destroyed their hopes.

I know how you feel. You are outraged. What did you ever do to these people to deserve their hate? What can possibly be going on? How can they, for example, make sense of so many former Goldman Sachs men in the Trump Cabinet? Werenā€™t the bankers supposed to be the enemy? Not to mention Russia? All your senses (and your Facebook friends) tell you that, with all this hypocrisy, justice demands that Trump be impeached, indeed it should have happened long ago. For your sake and for his supportersā€™ sake, too. Instead, it continues, and each day that goes by, it makes less sense to you. As Venezuelans used to tell one another: ChĆ”vez te tiene loco. Trump is making you crazy. Making you scramble for ways to make this end.

Look, Iā€™ve been there. And I still donā€™t have all the answers; ChĆ”vez is dead, but chavismo lives on. But I do know that before trying to convince Trump supporters that he is a hypocrite who must be impeached, that the news is not actually fake, that your statistical charts and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are in dire need of their attention, before you try to persuade them that they are being racist, or worse, ignorant by believing in Trump, you should ask yourself: Will this help convince them that I am not their enemy? Because what can really win them over is not to prove that you are right. It is to show them you care. Only then will they believe what you say.

Sheer outrage at the presidentā€™s scandals is pointless. When directed at Trump, your anger gives him rhetorical ammunition to point toward his besiegers (ā€œWe should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me)ā€) or to bolster his claims to be fighting for his base (ā€œDrain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer ā€” itā€™s actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News!ā€). But worse still is directing your anger at his supporters. Then youā€™re doing the same thing Trump is: believing your side is all right and the opposite side is all wrong. Rejecting your common humanity and sense of country, youā€™re playing into the polarization game instead of defeating it.

This is not a call for appeasement, only for efficiency. If dwelling on scandal too much can be counterproductive, then the focus must be elsewhere. Again, I believe it should rest on understanding and empathizing with the grievances that brought Trump to power (wage stagnation, cultural isolation, a depleted countryside, the opioid crisis). Trumpā€™s solutions may be imaginary, but the problems are very real indeed. Populism is and has always been the daughter of political despair. Showing concern is the only way to break the rhetorical polarization.

Finally, there is indeed a place for your legitimate moral outrage: not the dining table, but the voting booth. Just ask Alabama Democrats.

So as the second year of Trumpā€™s administration approaches, stop. Take a deep breath. Let all the hatred circle from afar. Donā€™t let it into your echo chamber. Try to hush it, pause it. Donā€™t let it close your eyes and tear your own society, your own family, apart. Because remember: Thereā€™s more to life than politics. And scandal does not end in conflagration. It ends in silence.

Read more:

Just how unusual is the Trump White House?

I was detained for protesting Trump. Hereā€™s what the Secret Service asked me.

I wrote ā€˜The Art of the Dealā€™ with Trump. His self-sabotage is rooted in his past.
Thread Fail. Just because someone doesn't like a story doesn't make it fake or a lie.
True......but that isn't the case here.

In the cases I've shown not only are they lies......but most people don't believe them.
The left simply makes insanely stupid shit up and hope some of it sticks.
And they will continue to make shit up hoping that it will cause more and more people to get simply fed up with the whole God Damned mess.

The leftist media today was caught in another lie today as dutiful fact checkers so correctly pointed out.

Today the damn leftist media reported ā€œPresident Don Trump signed more legislation than any of his predecessors at this point in their termsā€. Fact checkers quickly stepped in to point out that don has signed the fewest number of bills since Dwight D Eisenhower.

Sarah Hucksterberry today again called out the lying media (notably CNN) as fake news. Ignoring the fact that the news media was just reporting what the president said several times to a group of first responders.

How can the press be so biased?

Trump falsely claims he broke a legislative record
The title is misleading.
The author claims that the only thing that counts is "Major Legislation".

Problem with that is Trump never said "Major Legislation".....he simply said "signed more legislation than anybody" which the story admits was true by his 100th day. Trump has signed a truck load of shit.

So if you really take the time to read the story, it's clear that Trump has signed alot of bills.
Apparently most of the problem isn't Trump's willingness to sign bills, but the Senate not doing much of anything up until the tax bill.
Trump has been very busy trying to remove Obama from government, and he's been mostly successful.
Whatever he can do without help from Congress he has done.
I really don't see the point of arguing about how hard he's been working when we both know that our government is designed to work slowly....and this one is barely crawling.
If you have a bunch of obstructionist Democrats and a smattering of greedy Republicans who feel they can't be re-elected, and are willing to take a bribe to assure their retirements, then you have major roadblocks to accomplishing what this country needs to get done.

I saw a list of his accomplishments. 81 of them you or this story is unwilling to admit.

Most of the shit Obama did by the end of his first year was give a speeches covering specific topics. He actually listed speeches read from a teleprompter as a legislative accomplishment.
He hadn't even passed Obamacare by Feb. of 2010.
He even listed killing Osama Bin Laden a foreign policy accomplishment.
Last edited:
Obama's top 10 accomplishments -- according to Obama
President Obama jumped on the year-in-review bandwagon with a video, released Saturday, that lists his administration's top accomplishments of 2015.

International agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Iran nuclear deal feature prominently on the list. But some domestic issues, particularly those that faced Supreme Court challenges, also make it on the board.

Take a look at what the president believes "should make every American optimistic about 2016":

10. The economy
Businesses, according to the president, have "added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth." Mr. Obama also cited the latest unemployment rate figures -- in October, it fell to 5 percent and has remained at that level since -- as proof of a strong economy.

9. "More Americans getting health insurance coverage"

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Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies in 6-3 ruling

Despite numerous Republican threats and challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the president's landmark health bill survived 2015. In June, the Supreme Court even upheld a major part of the Obamacare legislation, ruling in a 6-3 decision that the federal government can give out subsidies to its consumers in all states, no matter whether they signed up through the federal or state-based exchange.

"The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever," Mr. Obama said in his video. "In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect."

Just this month, the White House extended the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the ACA by two days because of "unprecedented demand."

8. "America's global leadership on climate change"
For the past year, the president has heavily championed a climate change agenda. And just last week, the world came together at the Paris COP21 climate talks to reach a historic deal with ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Of the Paris accord, the president said, "it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world."

7. U.S.-Cuba relations
In August, the U.S. reopened its embassy in Cuba, the first symbolic step to normalizing relations between the two countries and the first time the American flag has flown in Havana in 54 years.

Since the momentous occasion, the administration has taken further steps to make it easier to travel to and do business in Cuba.

"We turned the page on an outdated, half-century-old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans," Mr. Obama said.

6. Iran nuclear deal
In July, six world powers, including the United States, struck a landmark nuclear deal with Iran. And in the months after, despite staunch Republican objection, the deal survived a vote in Congress.

The president touted the accord in his Saturday video, saying "We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

"In fact," he added, "Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium."

5. "Standing strong against terrorism"
Over the past week, the president has urged Americans to stay united in the face of terror threats, after the recent shooting in San Bernardino left the nation wary of future strikes.

"Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever," Mr. Obama said, using a different acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. "In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization."

4. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Play Video
Obama: Trade deal critics are just "accepting a status quo"

In October, Mr. Obama's legacy-defining trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim countries was sealed, with provisions to cut trade barriers, protect labor and environmental interests and ensure intellectual property rights. In his Saturday video, the president called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the "strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history."

3. Bipartisan budget and education deals
In an era where partisan bickering in Washington has reached a fever pitch, the president chose to highlight two bipartisan legislative achievements. He pointed to a sweeping education overhaul of No Child Left Behind and a budget deal that avoided the threat of a government shutdown, calling them "a pair of Christmas miracles in Washington."

2. The legalization of same-sex marriage
"Love won," the president said, referring to the Supreme Court's landmark 5-4 decision that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. "No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love because the freedom to marry is now the law in all 50 states."

1. "The American people"
"All of this progress is because of you -- because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done and entrepreneurs starting new businesses," Mr. Obama said Saturday. "Because of teachers and health workers and parents -- all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do."

How can it possibly be that Hillary is the most admired woman in America if she's running at a 61% disapproval rate?
Because a bunch of Democrats got together with their friends in the media and decided that it would look good for Hillary if she was awarded this fake honor.

Gallup Poll's New Math: Hillary's 'Most Admired'...at 61 Percent Disapproval

By Tim Graham | December 28, 2017 2:19 PM EST
One of the most annoying polling stories of the year is Gallupā€™s Most Admired poll, since it asks 1,000 Americans who they admire, and offers no menu of choices. Hereā€™s the CNN.com headline this year: ā€œGallup: Obama, Hillary Clinton remain most admired.ā€ CNN pairs that with a video on ā€œPresident Obamaā€™s Best Speech Moments.ā€

CNN's Eli Watkins began: ā€œFormer President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remain the most admired man and woman in the United States -- a 10-year trend for Obama and 16 years running for Clinton.ā€ He later added: ā€œClinton has topped the list 16 years running and taken the top spot 22 times total, which Gallup said was more than anyone else -- man or woman.ā€

But does that mean Hillary is popular? Even Watkins reported Hillary ā€œwonā€ this poll with just nine percent of respondents stating her name. Now letā€™s look at the same Gallup polling organization, earlier this month: ā€œHer favorable rating has fallen five percentage points since June to a new low of 36%, while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 61%.ā€

So 61 percent disapprove of Americaā€™s ā€œMost Admiredā€ Woman? None of the media stories on that Gallup poll would put two and two (or nine percent and 61 percent) together. A number of papers ran a brief story by Bloomberg News that didn't combine them.

CNN early-morning anchor Dave Briggs offered this summary on Thursday:

BRIGGS: A new poll on America's most-admired person, likely to aggravate President Trump a bit this morning, but maybe not as much as last year. For the 10th year in a row, President Obama is the most- admired person. Fourteen percent of those polled name President Trump.

The good news for the president? Well, it narrows from seven points last year to three this year.

When it comes to the most-admired woman, though, Hillary Clinton remains in the top spot for the 16th year running. Michelle Obama comes in at second place at seven percent. The highest-ranking Republican women, Condoleezza Rice and Ambassador Nikki Haley, both receiving one percent of the votes.

MSNBC's Ari Melber touted the poll twice as happy news for Democrats on Wednesday night, first on his show The Beat and then later, this as he subbed on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell:

MELBER: What about his other achievement as the most unpopular president in the history of national polling? Well, according to a new Gallup poll, there's insult on top of injury because Americans in a separate question apart from approval have also separately named President Barack Obama today as the most admired man. This is the tenth time he's gotten that honor.

Obama also won all eight years president and 2008, of course, when it was coming into the office. This also marks the first time since 2008 -- ouch, Donald Trump! -- a sitting president didn't top the list.

And here's another little factoid. Americans voted Hillary Clinton the most admired woman for the 16th year in a row, because maybe people and not the Electoral College are involved in this particular poll.

It even arrived as happy news for Democrats on Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight, where Hillary adviser Richard Goodstein announced to substitute host Mark Steyn: ā€œMark, can I just say, you introduced me the Hillary person. It must have hurt when the Gallup Poll said again that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were the most admired men and women in the world.ā€

Steyn shot back: ā€œIf only the electoral college included the jungles of Papua New Guinea, she'd be sitting in the Oval Office today.ā€ But the open-ended question was asked only to 1,049 Americans, and no one else, from December 4 to 11.

For years, liberals have used these polls to burnish Democrats. As Brent Bozell and I reported in our 2007 book Whitewash: What the Media Won't Tell You About Hillary Clinton, But Conservatives Will:

NBC's Andrea Mitchell broke out the fairy-tale tone again on January 3, 2001, for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's swearing-in. "For this political wife, friends say, a dream come true," Mitchell proclaimed. "Today he holds the Bible for her, trading places from when they first came to Washington eight years ago. From the health care fiasco to the Monica humiliation to the campaign many said she would never win, Hillary Clinton is now the most admired woman in America, beating Oprah by a landslide in the latest Gallup poll."

Mitchell was getting carried away here. First, Bill Clinton didn't hold the Bible for her at the actual swearing-in, where he was banished to the gallery because he was not a senator. The Bill-holding-the-Bible moment was for a swearing-ceremony staged by a photographer. More significant, the most-admired-woman-in-America Hillary garnered only 19 percent in the Gallup poll. And it wasn't too hard to beat Oprah, who got only 4 percent. It was more a measure of fame (and perhaps great devotion on the left end of the political spectrum) than favorability.

It was also probably true that Hillary Clinton was the most hated woman in America. Gallup's Frank Newport told CNN that day that while 82 percent of Democrats liked her, 70 percent of Republicans disapproved. No network coverage there.
Gallup Poll's New Math: Hillary's 'Most Admired'...at 61 Percent Disapproval

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