Is God behind current events, especially vis a vis Trump?

Let me understand here... are you saying Trump faked the gunshot and photoshopped the event?....
These pathetic creatures, the dims.. What they won't do.. Lie, cheat, steal (elections) and even attempt assassination

all for...


The things of this world, which Jesus said would pass away..

I guess I should feel sad... OK, maybe tomorrow or something

This author mentions the similarity between the iconic photo of Trump after the assassination attempt, with the flag behind him, and the image of the Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima--a comparison I myself had made, but didn't want to bring up, figuring that maybe both R and D would pounce on me...(You're comparing Trump to the US Marines! etc...). :rolleyes:

But yeh, I kind of am.. No, scratch the "Kind of"

The writer says:

"[The] attempted assassination.. changed everything.

The world saw our 45th president bloodied from a wound by a bullet, which would have taken his life, but for Heaven’s timely turning his head, causing the bullet to pierce his ear rather than his skull that had been in the line of fire a fraction of a second before.

Trump’s image was instantly elevated in the U.S. and globally with photographs of him with blood on his face and fist in the air showing resilience and a superhuman fighting spirit to defend the American flag in the background.

Choreographed by God, that iconic Trump photograph reminded everyone of America’s most famous World War II image — that of six U.S. Marines victoriously planting the U.S. flag during the Battle of Iwo-Jima......"
God is behind all events everywhere.

I don't second guess God. Who knows what He has in store for us. Maybe some hard times, maybe some blessings. Maybe even the hard times are blessings, who knows.

As a puny human being I just stay the course and try to live a good life. So far I've been blessed beyond measure.
God is behind all events everywhere.

I don't second guess God. Who knows what He has in store for us. Maybe some hard times, maybe some blessings. Maybe even the hard times are blessings, who knows.

As a puny human being I just stay the course and try to live a good life. So far I've been blessed beyond measure.
I'm happy for you. I've been blessed in some ways, not so much in others. Everyone, at one point in his/her life asks the BIG question:


Why all this suffering everywhere? Why do I have to go through (whatever)?

I can understand people having a lot of doubts and questions. One thing I question about your words here is: God is behind all events everywhere. I hope you're right and maybe you are but I do not feel He is much of the time. It seems Jefferson was correct in saying that God just created everything, then set things in motion and "walked away" or however he put it.. seems this is true.
I'm happy for you. I've been blessed in some ways, not so much in others. Everyone, at one point in his/her life asks the BIG question:


Why all this suffering everywhere? Why do I have to go through (whatever)?

I can understand people having a lot of doubts and questions. One thing I question about your words here is: God is behind all events everywhere. I hope you're right and maybe you are but I do not feel He is much of the time. It seems Jefferson was correct in saying that God just created everything, then set things in motion and "walked away" or however he put it.. seems this is true.
I understand.

Some of my friends have more faith than I do, sometimes I worry and they tell me not to worry and be happy.

It seems to work for them, so I pay attention. Sometimes it's hard, for sure.

But even today I got a blessing out of nowhere. Stuff like that happens all the time, and I'm exceedingly grateful for it.
I understand.

Some of my friends have more faith than I do, sometimes I worry and they tell me not to worry and be happy.

It seems to work for them, so I pay attention. Sometimes it's hard, for sure.

But even today I got a blessing out of nowhere. Stuff like that happens all the time, and I'm exceedingly grateful for it.
Well, I sometimes think that if I didn't have the Catholic faith (which made me a Christian when nothing else really did or could), what kind of person would I be.. and the word Depressed comes to mind. Of course the devil hates Catholics so I have my moments of .. not depression but just unhappiness, thanks to that POS. Anyway, I don't know what to say. I'm going through this weird time in my life because of the havok Satan wreaks in the world, esp in the Church.. We humans have made a mess of things. God will have to step in. I'm sure He already has
wait the catholic church?....jesus would clean out the vatican and give all that gold and silver to the poor and then he would go back in and deal the pope....
I've heard this argument so many times, but Protestants never bring up all the money some of their well known pastors have. Much of the vatican wealth was donated to the Church out of love for the Church (which, only we Catholics can understand that love/appreciation).

In any case, that's all I can say bc I don't know how much gold there is at the Vatican. I am fed up with the Vatican since anti-Christs took it over some 65 years a go. True Catholicism does not exist there, just in Catholic Churches across the nation, and sometimes not even there.

This author mentions the similarity between the iconic photo of Trump after the assassination attempt, with the flag behind him, and the image of the Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima--a comparison I myself had made, but didn't want to bring up, figuring that maybe both R and D would pounce on me...(You're comparing Trump to the US Marines! etc...). :rolleyes:

But yeh, I kind of am.. No, scratch the "Kind of"

The writer says:

"[The] attempted assassination.. changed everything.

The world saw our 45th president bloodied from a wound by a bullet, which would have taken his life, but for Heaven’s timely turning his head, causing the bullet to pierce his ear rather than his skull that had been in the line of fire a fraction of a second before.

Trump’s image was instantly elevated in the U.S. and globally with photographs of him with blood on his face and fist in the air showing resilience and a superhuman fighting spirit to defend the American flag in the background.

Choreographed by God, that iconic Trump photograph reminded everyone of America’s most famous World War II image — that of six U.S. Marines victoriously planting the U.S. flag during the Battle of Iwo-Jima......"
Trump is a draft dodger.

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