Dana White Says Trump Is A Tough Guy. Does He Really Believe That?

You’ve never even had someone shoot at you let alone get hit with a bullet or shrapnel.
Wish I could say the same. Never been hit! :banana:

Owait, I hit my damn self when I was 11. Somebody dumped a bulletproof windshield out in the woods

and I shot at it like a dumbfuck and the ricochet nicked my calf.

At least I learned not to do that again. :dunno:
He did not get hit in the head with a bullet. His ear got grazed with shrapnel.

Ahhh so why is it even important? A shooter Shot at Trump. Secondly every expert now is saying it was a bullet. Or a piece of a bullet.. same difference. The wound was 2 CM wide. Are you trying to say it was glass?
You know that shroud in front was Bullet proof glass, which does not shatter to produce fragments so much right?
So where did this bullet hit that produced shrapnel?
You’ve never even had someone shoot at you let alone get hit with a bullet or shrapnel

Yeah, Im just wondering where all these so called experts get the idea there was shrapnel that had hit Trumps ear. There was pretty clear line of sight between Trump on the stage when the first shot was fired.
Was Trump even standing behind anything besides the microphone? was the microphone hit? Trump is kind of tall, so I wish they would explain how that at the angle the bullet traveled from above.... it hit something that would cause a shrapnel trajectory that would hit Trump up by the head.

The only thing I can think of is these people are so full of hate they cant even give Trump credit for being shot at. If it was possible, they would try to deny the rifle was even fired, but they cant quite get around that one
It burns me up how Trump and the Republicans are constantly leaving themselves wide open and the Democrats are constantly letting them get away with it.

White says his respect for Trump went way up because of his heroic action during the assassination attempt.

What heroic action?

Trump was standing there shooting off his big mouth with a bunch of horrible lies when somebody shot at him and missed.

In which part of that was Trump being heroic, Dana?

You mean the part where he raised a fist and said “Fight?’ You have “so much respect for him” because of that? You said “everybody thinks they're a tough guy until it's time to do tough guy things.” Are you saying one raised fist after the danger was past was a tough guy doing tough guy things?

If that’s the case then you and Donald Trump and every Donald Trump supporter needs to answer one major question.

How do you feel about your Master’s heroic actions on January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden rode in on a train and took over the White House? If ever there was a time for a tough guy to do tough guy things, then that was it.

What did your tough guy do at that crucial moment in history, Dana White?

What did your tough guy do? Say it, Mr. White. Say it, Dana. Do I have to say it for you?

He ran like a scared little bitch.

Go back to Laura Coates’ program and tell her how much respect you have for that.

And now the scared little bitch is ducking the girl thats going to kick his punk ass.

What burns you up is this ….. and the fact that Kamala Whoris is even more unpopular than Hillary.


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Trump is a pussy. A loud mouth punk who only runs his mouth because he's protected by secret service. Corporal Bone Spurs can't whip nobodys ass and never could.
Obviously Trump isn't protected by the secret service.
Trump is a pussy. A loud mouth punk who only runs his mouth because he's protected by secret service. Corporal Bone Spurs can't whip nobodys ass and never could.
Uh huh. When's the last time you went up against somebody bigger than you that you didn't outnumber, chump?
Uh huh. When's the last time you went up against somebody bigger than you that you didn't outnumber, chump?
Again, I think that white men should not be asking these kinds of questions given their history. But as for me, I'm quite confident in my skills and have been against much bigger ment in my life and have suceeded. I mean, I wrestled in college in matches at 177 pounds and won when I was a 158 pounder naturally. So don't ask stupid questions.

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