Dana White Says Trump Is A Tough Guy. Does He Really Believe That?

Trump's taken onslaughts of shit from you fucktards for 7 years constantly now and hasn't buckled. Hell yes he's tough, you pussy!
Trump has taken no onslaught. Trump has violated laws and has faced the consequences.
Your prediction is duly noted, Nostradumbass. :itsok:
Fine with me. Now note this one: "If Trump does win, YOU will begin whining about his presidency 2 years after he returns. And Amerca will be permanently damaged in 4 years."
It burns me up how Trump and the Republicans are constantly leaving themselves wide open and the Democrats are constantly letting them get away with it.

White says his respect for Trump went way up because of his heroic action during the assassination attempt.

What heroic action?

Trump was standing there shooting off his big mouth with a bunch of horrible lies when somebody shot at him and missed.

In which part of that was Trump being heroic, Dana?

You mean the part where he raised a fist and said “Fight?’ You have “so much respect for him” because of that? You said “everybody thinks they're a tough guy until it's time to do tough guy things.” Are you saying one raised fist after the danger was past was a tough guy doing tough guy things?

If that’s the case then you and Donald Trump and every Donald Trump supporter needs to answer one major question.

How do you feel about your Master’s heroic actions on January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden rode in on a train and took over the White House? If ever there was a time for a tough guy to do tough guy things, then that was it.

What did your tough guy do at that crucial moment in history, Dana White?

What did your tough guy do? Say it, Mr. White. Say it, Dana. Do I have to say it for you?

He ran like a scared little bitch.

Go back to Laura Coates’ program and tell her how much respect you have for that.

And now the scared little bitch is ducking the girl thats going to kick his punk ass.
The HATE emits heat off this Maniacs post.
Fine with me. Now note this one: "If Trump does win, YOU will begin whining about his presidency 2 years after he returns. And Amerca will be permanently damaged in 4 years."

Will it be bad enough that you will go the fuck home?
It burns me up how Trump and the Republicans are constantly leaving themselves wide open and the Democrats are constantly letting them get away with it.

White says his respect for Trump went way up because of his heroic action during the assassination attempt.

What heroic action?

Trump was standing there shooting off his big mouth with a bunch of horrible lies when somebody shot at him and missed.

In which part of that was Trump being heroic, Dana?

You mean the part where he raised a fist and said “Fight?’ You have “so much respect for him” because of that? You said “everybody thinks they're a tough guy until it's time to do tough guy things.” Are you saying one raised fist after the danger was past was a tough guy doing tough guy things?

If that’s the case then you and Donald Trump and every Donald Trump supporter needs to answer one major question.

How do you feel about your Master’s heroic actions on January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden rode in on a train and took over the White House? If ever there was a time for a tough guy to do tough guy things, then that was it.

What did your tough guy do at that crucial moment in history, Dana White?

What did your tough guy do? Say it, Mr. White. Say it, Dana. Do I have to say it for you?

He ran like a scared little bitch.

Go back to Laura Coates’ program and tell her how much respect you have for that.

And now the scared little bitch is ducking the girl thats going to kick his punk ass.
If someone shot you in the ear and you were 1/2 inch from being dead the only thing you’d have done is shit your pants.
He did not get hit in the head with a bullet. His ear got grazed with shrapnel.

Ahhh so why is it even important? A shooter Shot at Trump. Secondly every expert now is saying it was a bullet. Or a piece of a bullet.. same difference. The wound was 2 CM wide. Are you trying to say it was glass?
You know that shroud in front was Bullet proof glass, which does not shatter to produce fragments so much right?
So where did this bullet hit that produced shrapnel?

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