What is the solution for immigration in America?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
My U.S. Politics class recently had a discussion about immigration laws (specifically about immigrants from Mexico). Seeing as so many immigrants are coming in illegally, why not just loosen the immigration laws so the immigrants can come in legally?
Why is America so attractive for immigrants from all over the world?
First off we have never welcomed the poor to this country.

In real terms transatlantic and transpacific voyage costs have been going down since Zheng He did the first circumnavigation of the globe in 1421-3. When prices got so low that the top 20% as opposed to the top 2% could afford to come here the 1921 and 1924 immigration acts attempted to correct that problem.

Mexican and Canadian immigrants already have front of the line privileges for immigration to the US.

Increasingly over the past four-five decades the people coming over our southern border are trying to escape the Mexican police and especially their immigration service. If your professor said different he was wrong. Mexicans are living at about 1960 American standards which is a lot better than Serbia, Belarus, Moldava, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and currently the Ukraine. In other words it would be about the 10th poorest country per head in Europe if it was on that continent.

Mexico is one of the top 20 economies of the world right now and will be top ten by the end of the decade barring some sort of disaster.

So, no your debate was based on counter-factual assumptions. The majority of illegals on our southern border are not Mexican. Mexicans are pretty rich by world standards. And the inscription on the Statue of Liberty was known to be a pack of lies when it was going up.
Seeing as so many immigrants are coming in illegally, why not just loosen the immigration laws so the immigrants can come in legally??

Seeing as so many cars are stolen illegally, why not just "loosen" laws against auto theft so the car thieves can go about their business legally?
My U.S. Politics class recently had a discussion about immigration laws (specifically about immigrants from Mexico). Seeing as so many immigrants are coming in illegally, why not just loosen the immigration laws so the immigrants can come in legally?
Why is America so attractive for immigrants from all over the world?

We can't "loosen" our immigration policies because we have quotas for legal immigration for good reasons. We don't have the jobs and resources beyond our annual quotas to accommodate more than we take in already and we sure don't need Mexico's poor, unskilled and uneducated here as they are a burden to our society. We have to keep our population growth in check also.
My U.S. Politics class recently had a discussion about immigration laws (specifically about immigrants from Mexico). Seeing as so many immigrants are coming in illegally, why not just loosen the immigration laws so the immigrants can come in legally?
Why is America so attractive for immigrants from all over the world?

Keep doing what we're doing. Eventually the USA will be as bad as Mexico and they'll stop coming here. ;)
My U.S. Politics class recently had a discussion about immigration laws (specifically about immigrants from Mexico). Seeing as so many immigrants are coming in illegally, why not just loosen the immigration laws so the immigrants can come in legally?
Why is America so attractive for immigrants from all over the world?
By definition, the U.S. policy on immigration is codified in the laws passed by Congress. The current situation is largely the product of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, Now...

"By the end of the 20th century, the policies put into effect by the Immigration Act of 1965 had greatly changed the face of the American population. Whereas in the 1950s, more than half of all immigrants were Europeans and just 6 percent were Asians, by the 1990s only 16 percent were Europeans and 31 percent were of Asian descent, while the percentages of Latino and African immigrants had also jumped significantly. Between 1965 and 2000, the highest number of immigrants (4.3 million) to the U.S. came from Mexico, in addition to some 1.4 million from the Philippines. Korea, the Dominican Republic, India, Cuba and Vietnam were also leading sources of immigrants, each sending between 700,000 and 800,000 over this period."

We also currently have over ten million "illegals," mainly from Mexico, as well as a couple million "anchor babies" born in the U.S. to the illegals, who are legal citizens due to a disastrous misreading of the Fourteenth Amendment by the United States Supreme Court. Thus, it is only a question of time before essentially all of the families of these anchor babies are granted U.S. citizenship.

In short, we are fucked.
The families of the anchor babies are NOT citizens. These non-citizens are the population that Barry is trying to give legal status to, so that his successor at some point in time can make them voting Democrats.
Secure the borders, is that what you want to do? Ok. 1. Congress needs to fund the Border Patrol with an allocation for increased personnel, training and equipment. 2. Congress needs to fund the Immigration Side with enough personnel and equipment so as to make the registration, background checks and process through the Immigration Courts along with deportation proceedings and expulsion from the country within 30 days. 3. Relocate 2 Army Combat Brigades along the border in order to provide security and patrols. The security missions and patrols would require a Border patrol Agent for each mission in order to provide arrest and detention authority. 4. Establish a 100 foot no mans land just over the border and anything that moves - shot it.

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