What Is the Word of Faith Movement?


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021
This is wild stuff and absolutely new to me.


What Is the Word of Faith Movement?
The Word of Faith (WF) movement emerged within Charismatic/Pentecostal Christianity in the latter 20th century. The Word of Faith movement as a whole has no formal organization or authoritarian hierarchy, though the movement does have a number of high-profile teachers who heavily influence Word of Faith theology. It's basic theology is a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism.

Kenneth Hagin is often referred to as the "father" of the Word of Faith movement, but in reality it was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) who laid the foundations. It was Quimby's metaphysical teachings that influenced E.W. Kenyon, and it was E.W. Kenyon's teachings that in turn influenced Kenneth Hagin. Most prominent Word of Faith teachers today draw their inspiration from Kenneth Hagin.

The "force" of faith, an unbiblical view of faith, is the foundation of Word of Faith theology. Proponents believe they can use words to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health, wealth, etc.). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God's sovereign will -- God Himself being subject to the "laws" of faith.

Doctrines considered essential by historic Christianity are not necessarily considered essentials in Word of Faith theology. Word of Faith teachers often redefine or reinterpret Christian essentials in order to fit them into their own peculiar theological systems. These reinterpretations are often derived from "revelation knowledge" (i.e. special revelations supposedly from God, given specifically to the WF teacher).

Placing "revelation knowledge" above Scripture is one reason why WF teachers often blatantly contradict Scripture (and often each other). For example, one WF teacher, when speaking of God said, there are nine of them; and yet another WF teacher, when speaking of Jesus said, I (Jesus) never claimed to be God.

Word of Faith teachers are notorious for teaching everything from the heretical to the downright ridiculous.

It's a moneymaking scheme used by religious charletans. It teaches that if you barely have enough money to buy food or medicine, you should instead donate that money to them, and God will give you all you need for those things and much more. They teach that the ony reason you are poor to start with is because you haven't given enough to them in the past. Give till it hurts is a common phrase.
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff. But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.
This is wild stuff and absolutely new to me.


What Is the Word of Faith Movement?
The Word of Faith (WF) movement emerged within Charismatic/Pentecostal Christianity in the latter 20th century. The Word of Faith movement as a whole has no formal organization or authoritarian hierarchy, though the movement does have a number of high-profile teachers who heavily influence Word of Faith theology. It's basic theology is a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism.

Kenneth Hagin is often referred to as the "father" of the Word of Faith movement, but in reality it was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) who laid the foundations. It was Quimby's metaphysical teachings that influenced E.W. Kenyon, and it was E.W. Kenyon's teachings that in turn influenced Kenneth Hagin. Most prominent Word of Faith teachers today draw their inspiration from Kenneth Hagin.

The "force" of faith, an unbiblical view of faith, is the foundation of Word of Faith theology. Proponents believe they can use words to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health, wealth, etc.). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God's sovereign will -- God Himself being subject to the "laws" of faith.

Doctrines considered essential by historic Christianity are not necessarily considered essentials in Word of Faith theology. Word of Faith teachers often redefine or reinterpret Christian essentials in order to fit them into their own peculiar theological systems. These reinterpretations are often derived from "revelation knowledge" (i.e. special revelations supposedly from God, given specifically to the WF teacher).

Placing "revelation knowledge" above Scripture is one reason why WF teachers often blatantly contradict Scripture (and often each other). For example, one WF teacher, when speaking of God said, there are nine of them; and yet another WF teacher, when speaking of Jesus said, I (Jesus) never claimed to be God.

Word of Faith teachers are notorious for teaching everything from the heretical to the downright ridiculous.

Just a lot of innuendo, as usual.
It's a moneymaking scheme used by religious charletans. It teaches that if you barely have enough money to buy food or medicine, you should instead donate that money to them, and God will give you all you need for those things and much more. They teach that the ony reason you are poor to start with is because you haven't given enough to them in the past. Give till it hurts is a common phrase.

Very weird if you ask me.
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff.

But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

Are you familiar with these people? Defending them?
It's a moneymaking scheme used by religious charletans. It teaches that if you barely have enough money to buy food or medicine, you should instead donate that money to them, and God will give you all you need for those things and much more. They teach that the ony reason you are poor to start with is because you haven't given enough to them in the past. Give till it hurts is a common phrase.

Very weird if you ask me.

What's weird is you two don't know what you're talking about.
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff. But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

So you think God wants them to have another jet? If I send them my money, will my medical problems go away?
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff.

But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

Are you familiar with these people? Defending them?

I don't have to 'defend' them, they haven't done anything wrong. You finding some hit piece isn't a charge. Find something specific instead of babbling rumor and innuendo. Many of them follow Billy Graham's lead and stop taking money from their ministries as soon as their other incomes from books and speaking fees allows them to live independently of the ministry. I'm not a fan of theirs but they are basically just a sect based on positive thinking, no different than the secular versions.

And yes, I'm familiar with a couple of them's charity work. I'm not familiar with yours.
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lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff. But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

So you think God wants them to have another jet? If I send them my money, will my medical problems go away?
Why do you care if they have jets? Don't send them money if you don't want to; most commies don't share anything with anybody anyway, so you will still have the same peer group to lead you around.

Do you think people with such severe mental illnesses that they want to sexually mutilate themselves should be allowed to, and it should be legal and paid for by taxpayers?
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It's a moneymaking scheme used by religious charletans. It teaches that if you barely have enough money to buy food or medicine, you should instead donate that money to them, and God will give you all you need for those things and much more. They teach that the ony reason you are poor to start with is because you haven't given enough to them in the past. Give till it hurts is a common phrase.

Very weird if you ask me.

What's weird is you two don't know what you're talking about.

OK. You tell us what it is.
It's a moneymaking scheme used by religious charletans. It teaches that if you barely have enough money to buy food or medicine, you should instead donate that money to them, and God will give you all you need for those things and much more. They teach that the ony reason you are poor to start with is because you haven't given enough to them in the past. Give till it hurts is a common phrase.

Very weird if you ask me.

What's weird is you two don't know what you're talking about.

OK. You tell us what it is.

I already did. Being a sociopath, you just didn't recognize I did.
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff.

But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

Are you familiar with these people? Defending them?

I don't have to 'defend' them, they haven't done anything wrong. You finding some hit piece isn't a charge. Find something specific instead of babbling rumor and innuendo. Many of them follow Billy Graham's lead and stop taking money from their ministries as soon as their other incomes from books and speaking fees allows them to live independently of the ministry. I'm not a fan of theirs but they are basically just a sect based on positive thinking, no different than the secular versions.

And yes, I'm familiar with a couple of them's charity work. I'm not familiar with yours.

Again, You tell us what the major tenants are. Does giving automatically result in getting?
Truth is, the WoF movement is a reproach to the True Gospel of Christ which preaches repentance from sin. A great read on the subject is Christianity in Crisis by Hank Hanegraaf, which exposes these charlatans for what they really are.

Well, nobody said they're popular with the big sects, who lose a lot of members and money to them. It's getting tougher and tougher on some of the mainstream congregations to get attendance to their boring finger waving rants and Sunday Schools.
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff. But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

So you think God wants them to have another jet? If I send them my money, will my medical problems go away?
Why do you care if they have jets? Don't send them money if you don't want to; most commies don't share anything with anybody anyway, so you will still have the same peer group to lead you around.

Do you think people with such severe mental illnesses that they want to sexually mutilate themselves should be allowed to, and it should be legal and paid for by taxpayers?

You mean like Jews and circumcision?
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff.

But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

Are you familiar with these people? Defending them?

I don't have to 'defend' them, they haven't done anything wrong. You finding some hit piece isn't a charge. Find something specific instead of babbling rumor and innuendo. Many of them follow Billy Graham's lead and stop taking money from their ministries as soon as their other incomes from books and speaking fees allows them to live independently of the ministry. I'm not a fan of theirs but they are basically just a sect based on positive thinking, no different than the secular versions.

And yes, I'm familiar with a couple of them's charity work. I'm not familiar with yours.

Again, You tell us what the major tenants are. Does giving automatically result in getting?

I already did. Your second question is irrelevant, All you need for that is to read their books and sermons. Too much work for you so we can dismiss your whining for what it is, jealousy and a hate for their lack of enthusiasm for whatever sexual fetish it is you feel bad about .
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff. But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

So you think God wants them to have another jet? If I send them my money, will my medical problems go away?
Why do you care if they have jets? Don't send them money if you don't want to; most commies don't share anything with anybody anyway, so you will still have the same peer group to lead you around.

Do you think people with such severe mental illnesses that they want to sexually mutilate themselves should be allowed to, and it should be legal and paid for by taxpayers?

You mean like Jews and circumcision?

Yes, that must be it, tard, cuz circumcision is exactly like sex changes, right? Got any more dope addled gibberish you think passes for 'clever'?
lol another rubbish thread whining about rich pastors, as if any of you give away a fraction of what you earn to any real charities. Unlike your racist Democrats and your Uncle Joe, they don't have to extort money, they just ask for it. And, the 'Word of Faith'movement is not the same as 'prosperity gospel' stuff.

But, you're all happy with being morons and spreading lies, same with your butt cheeks, so go ahead and make up some more stuff, base on a couple of preachers who actually got caught at something versus most of them who have done nothing to justify the smears, but they committed a horrible crime by not pretending faggots and assorted other deviants and fetishists are 'normal'.

Are you familiar with these people? Defending them?

I don't have to 'defend' them, they haven't done anything wrong. You finding some hit piece isn't a charge. Find something specific instead of babbling rumor and innuendo. Many of them follow Billy Graham's lead and stop taking money from their ministries as soon as their other incomes from books and speaking fees allows them to live independently of the ministry. I'm not a fan of theirs but they are basically just a sect based on positive thinking, no different than the secular versions.

And yes, I'm familiar with a couple of them's charity work. I'm not familiar with yours.

Again, You tell us what the major tenants are. Does giving automatically result in getting?

I already did. Your second question is irrelevant, All you need for that is to read their books and sermons. Too much work for you so we can dismiss your whining for what it is, jealousy and a hate for their lack of enthusiasm for whatever sexual fetish it is you feel bad about .

I just think its pretty sick to tell the congregants they wouldn't get cancer if they had enough faith. How do you know these people?

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