What Is Wrong With the Anti-Trumpers ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Listening to Mike Gallagher's radio talk show this morning was like hearing some sort of science fiction. At least with science fiction, you know it's all make believe. But it is hard to believe that these anti-Trump callers (in late April) still don't know (so they say) that they don't know of any way that Trump can create jobs. Pheeeeeww!

1. Millions of jobs (for Americans) will be opened up by the departure of millions of illegal aliens.

2. Millions more jobs will be created by US businesses relocating back in the US, when their overseas operations are made not economical by the imposition of tariffs on imported goods.

3. Millions more jobs (civilian & military) will be created by the strengthening up of the military.

4. This one is just a guess, but I'm thinking many more police jobs will become available, as respect for the police is restored, and the Obama/Sharpton race hustle campaign becomes ashes.

5. The Mexico wall will create jobs (Mexico paying for it), + other strengthening of border enforcement.

There's a few that come to mind immediately, just offhand. By no means the total.

Then we have another caller who says he can't find any difference between Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Oh, give us a break. In another thread, I listed 20 ways that Trump is conservative, not a single one of which would apply to Hillary. Do I really have to list them here now ? I don't think so.
They are paid shills. And lowering taxes will create jobs.
1. Millions of jobs (for Americans) will be opened up by the departure of millions of illegal aliens. They are not going anywhere.

2. Millions more jobs will be created by US businesses relocating back in the US, when their overseas operations are made not economical by the imposition of tariffs on imported goods. Tariffs will not be levied.

3. Millions more jobs (civilian & military) will be created by the strengthening up of the military. Our military needs not be strengthened. This suggestion is a huge progressive statist program.

4. This one is just a guess, but I'm thinking many more police jobs will become available, as respect for the police is restored, and the Obama/Sharpton race hustle campaign becomes ashes. :)

5. The Mexico wall will create jobs (Mexico paying for it), + other strengthening of border enforcement. This is not going to happen.
Listening to Mike Gallagher's radio talk show this morning was like hearing some sort of science fiction. At least with science fiction, you know it's all make believe. But it is hard to believe that these anti-Trump callers (in late April) still don't know (so they say) that they don't know of any way that Trump can create jobs. Pheeeeeww!

1. Millions of jobs (for Americans) will be opened up by the departure of millions of illegal aliens.

2. Millions more jobs will be created by US businesses relocating back in the US, when their overseas operations are made not economical by the imposition of tariffs on imported goods.

3. Millions more jobs (civilian & military) will be created by the strengthening up of the military.

4. This one is just a guess, but I'm thinking many more police jobs will become available, as respect for the police is restored, and the Obama/Sharpton race hustle campaign becomes ashes.

5. The Mexico wall will create jobs (Mexico paying for it), + other strengthening of border enforcement.

There's a few that come to mind immediately, just offhand. By no means the total.

Then we have another caller who says he can't find any difference between Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Oh, give us a break. In another thread, I listed 20 ways that Trump is conservative, not a single one of which would apply to Hillary. Do I really have to list them here now ? I don't think so.

What is wrong with the trumpkins that they believe the points in the OP?
Tell us again how Mexico will pay for the wall.

It's called LEVERAGE, politics student.

1. Remittances$$$ - $23 Billion/year. (wall is only $10-$14 Billion)

2. Welfare to Mexicans$$ (anchor baby racket)

3. Foreign aid.

4. 1848 style ASS-KICKING

Any more questions ?
1. Millions of jobs (for Americans) will be opened up by the departure of millions of illegal aliens. They are not going anywhere.

2. Millions more jobs will be created by US businesses relocating back in the US, when their overseas operations are made not economical by the imposition of tariffs on imported goods. Tariffs will not be levied.

3. Millions more jobs (civilian & military) will be created by the strengthening up of the military. Our military needs not be strengthened. This suggestion is a huge progressive statist program.

4. This one is just a guess, but I'm thinking many more police jobs will become available, as respect for the police is restored, and the Obama/Sharpton race hustle campaign becomes ashes. :)

5. The Mexico wall will create jobs (Mexico paying for it), + other strengthening of border enforcement. This is not going to happen.
You are a dreamer (no law against it) Also no law against us LAUGHING AT YOU

2. Millions more jobs will be created by US businesses relocating back in the US, when their overseas operations are made not economical by the imposition of tariffs on imported goods.


Lets say for example that the United States imposed a 50% tariff on Levi's made outside the United States. Levi's then charges consumers 50% more for Levi's.
Meanwhile- countries that make Levi's retaliate and slap a 50% tariff on American aircraft- making Boeing incapable of competing- say in China- with Airbus- and destroying the American aviation industry.

How does that make millions of more jobs of Americans?
Trump, the Master Deal Maker. Trump, who will start a trade war through tariffs. Trump the Tough Talker who will put Putin, the Chinese, the Mexicans and the Muslims in their place.

Yet Trump, the self proclaimed smartest man in the room can get stymied by the Colorado Republican party, a bunch of state level bureaucrats. Trump gets frustrated by the Byzantine rules of the GOP where delegate selection is concerned.

Is Trump all he claims he is? Such a master negotiator should have known all the rules before he came to play. Does he know the rules of trade? Can he match up with world leaders?
We've never had a President as bat shit crazy as Trump, so we'll see how it works out with Trump's finger on the nuclear button.

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