What is wrong with the FCC's news monitoring

They tried it back in the 80s. That was more than 10 years ago.

Prove the nobody ever got their license pulled or STFU.

I don't need to. That would be attempting to prove a negative. What do you want me to do, list the entire license histories of every broadcast outlet ever, with a note on the side saying "not censored by the Fairness Doctrine"?

Don't be absurd. If you claim such exist, then burden of proof is all yours.

As I said.... rotsa ruck on that.

To any rational person it should be clear that just because it hasn't happened before, this Administration would never do it. That's just not a valid argument. Not anymore. Obama said he's going to go around Congress, and in effect, go around the Constitution. It has become clear that he doesn't really believe in following our laws, so what makes you think this case is any kind of an exception? This Administration has given us plenty of reasons to be skeptical. It doesn't matter how much you want to insult our intelligence, we don't have any reason to trust anything Obama and his regime does.

I wonder why we always have these liberals who show up on this board who seem to know everything about what's going on, they tell us all kinds of things no average American should know, and after years of listening to them harp about how great it's going to be, it turns out that just about everything we were afraid of was true.

Greenbeard had all of these facts and he effectively countered every claim, yet now that we have found out what's in Obamacare, he doesn't have all that much to say. Mainly because the jig is up. Unfortunately it's too late for anyone to do anything about it.

None of this was the issue. The issue was the bullshit posts that misrepresent what the Fairness Doctrine was. It referred to the past, not the future. I see you're feeling the need to move the goalposts in a temporal sense.
I'd assume it's because 'news channels' fall under a certain category, and given how Fox and MSNBC are now little more than propaganda outlets, they might have to be reclassified.

The FCC doesn't "classify" by format. Format is totally up to the broadcaster. And these two entities are on cable anyway, not the airwaves. FCC doesn't regulate what cable operators do. Which doesn't mean they wouldn't be part of the study, since the study isn't about regulation; it's about analyzing systems.

I linked it last night. You can read the whole thing.
Just one?


The fact remains, this thread was a response to another thread, and is intended as a defense of the FCC, yet you attacked it because you were scared that someone might have a legitimate argument against the government taking control of something.

Do you actually practice at being an imbecile, or does it come naturally?

That thread isn't a news story at all. Plus, it's got two videos in the OP as background.

Obviously you were wrong. Again.

And how in the blue fuck is this thread a "response to another thread"? Where is it?
No stupid, the fact remains, you don't just start a thread with some nebulous ramblings that aren't linked to anything. That is pure bullshit.

Which kind of explains why you're here. Nice to see ya. Safe trip home now.
EXPLAIN to us why YOU'RE here son.

Believe me Goober, if I'm your "son", not only have we grossly violated the laws of linear time, but I'm going to need a length of rope and a chair.
Regardless of what you think of Fox News; or even the raging, angry, hypocritical, unhinged idiots at MSNBC; it boggles my mind that people think it's a good idea for people to allow the government to decide what is "real" news or not. have you no sense or notion of history?

It would be outrageous. If there were such a thing going on. Y'all are fueling yourselves off an OP that is linked to absolutely nothing, and you swallowed it whole without question.

There's some lesson there about gullibility. Think about it.

The left has been very upset that they do not control the media industry any longer.
They have been complaining about Fox and right wing talk radio since the beginning.
If you think that they won't use this to shut them up then you are the gullible one.
This is the same agency that renews those licenses and it is the perfect way for them to have some bogus made up excuse not to renew them.
Some 'people' are so invested in their partisanship, so far up obama's crack, that they will play the apologist for literally anything coming out of this administration. Such people are unqualified for citizenship, and a danger to the Republic.
I don't need to. That would be attempting to prove a negative. What do you want me to do, list the entire license histories of every broadcast outlet ever, with a note on the side saying "not censored by the Fairness Doctrine"?

Don't be absurd. If you claim such exist, then burden of proof is all yours.

As I said.... rotsa ruck on that.

To any rational person it should be clear that just because it hasn't happened before, this Administration would never do it. That's just not a valid argument. Not anymore. Obama said he's going to go around Congress, and in effect, go around the Constitution. It has become clear that he doesn't really believe in following our laws, so what makes you think this case is any kind of an exception? This Administration has given us plenty of reasons to be skeptical. It doesn't matter how much you want to insult our intelligence, we don't have any reason to trust anything Obama and his regime does.

I wonder why we always have these liberals who show up on this board who seem to know everything about what's going on, they tell us all kinds of things no average American should know, and after years of listening to them harp about how great it's going to be, it turns out that just about everything we were afraid of was true.

Greenbeard had all of these facts and he effectively countered every claim, yet now that we have found out what's in Obamacare, he doesn't have all that much to say. Mainly because the jig is up. Unfortunately it's too late for anyone to do anything about it.

None of this was the issue. The issue was the bullshit posts that misrepresent what the Fairness Doctrine was. It referred to the past, not the future. I see you're feeling the need to move the goalposts in a temporal sense.

If the goalpost is freedom of the press i'm not the one moving them.
Regardless of what you think of Fox News; or even the raging, angry, hypocritical, unhinged idiots at MSNBC; it boggles my mind that people think it's a good idea for people to allow the government to decide what is "real" news or not. have you no sense or notion of history?

It would be outrageous. If there were such a thing going on. Y'all are fueling yourselves off an OP that is linked to absolutely nothing, and you swallowed it whole without question.

There's some lesson there about gullibility. Think about it.

The left has been very upset that they do not control the media industry any longer.
They have been complaining about Fox and right wing talk radio since the beginning.
If you think that they won't use this to shut them up then you are the gullible one.
This is the same agency that renews those licenses and it is the perfect way for them to have some bogus made up excuse not to renew them.

That's a totally public process, and whatever the FCC does invites public comment. And license renewals are nearly automatic, more so than they should be IMO, so if there was a renewal denied, it would be big news.
To any rational person it should be clear that just because it hasn't happened before, this Administration would never do it. That's just not a valid argument. Not anymore. Obama said he's going to go around Congress, and in effect, go around the Constitution. It has become clear that he doesn't really believe in following our laws, so what makes you think this case is any kind of an exception? This Administration has given us plenty of reasons to be skeptical. It doesn't matter how much you want to insult our intelligence, we don't have any reason to trust anything Obama and his regime does.

I wonder why we always have these liberals who show up on this board who seem to know everything about what's going on, they tell us all kinds of things no average American should know, and after years of listening to them harp about how great it's going to be, it turns out that just about everything we were afraid of was true.

Greenbeard had all of these facts and he effectively countered every claim, yet now that we have found out what's in Obamacare, he doesn't have all that much to say. Mainly because the jig is up. Unfortunately it's too late for anyone to do anything about it.

None of this was the issue. The issue was the bullshit posts that misrepresent what the Fairness Doctrine was. It referred to the past, not the future. I see you're feeling the need to move the goalposts in a temporal sense.

If the goalpost is freedom of the press i'm not the one moving them.

That's a crucial if, innit?
Those pajama-boy disc jockey types would love to have government inspectors in the newsrooms. That way a whole slew of stations would eliminate news entirely and they'd have more time to fool around with their rap music.

Forgetting, of course, that once those bureaucrats no longer had news to inspect they'd start inspecting PJB favourite music for politically incorrect lyrics.
It would be outrageous. If there were such a thing going on. Y'all are fueling yourselves off an OP that is linked to absolutely nothing, and you swallowed it whole without question.

There's some lesson there about gullibility. Think about it.

The left has been very upset that they do not control the media industry any longer.
They have been complaining about Fox and right wing talk radio since the beginning.
If you think that they won't use this to shut them up then you are the gullible one.
This is the same agency that renews those licenses and it is the perfect way for them to have some bogus made up excuse not to renew them.

That's a totally public process, and whatever the FCC does invites public comment. And license renewals are nearly automatic, more so than they should be IMO, so if there was a renewal denied, it would be big news.

"Yeah, if Germany were to invade Poland, it would be big news. Let's wait to see if that happens before we start paying attention."

The left has been very upset that they do not control the media industry any longer.
They have been complaining about Fox and right wing talk radio since the beginning.
If you think that they won't use this to shut them up then you are the gullible one.
This is the same agency that renews those licenses and it is the perfect way for them to have some bogus made up excuse not to renew them.

That's a totally public process, and whatever the FCC does invites public comment. And license renewals are nearly automatic, more so than they should be IMO, so if there was a renewal denied, it would be big news.

"Yeah, if Germany were to invade Poland, it would be big news. Let's wait to see if that happens before we start paying attention."


Hey not bad, we had over 100 posts before Godwin showed up. We're improving. :thup:
The most common reason that broadcast (particularly AM radio) licenses go away is that they aren't being used. At any given moment there are tens of stations that have gone silent, usually because the owners went broke. They cling to the license under what is called "The greater fool theory". That is, the owners admit to themselves that they were a fool to have not dumped the non-performing business sooner but cling to the license in hopes of finding a greater fool to buy it.

It's a long process but silent stations DO get deleted. Not revoked. Just deleted.
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Those pajama-boy disc jockey types would love to have government inspectors in the newsrooms. That way a whole slew of stations would eliminate news entirely and they'd have more time to fool around with their rap music.

Forgetting, of course, that once those bureaucrats no longer had news to inspect they'd start inspecting PJB favourite music for politically incorrect lyrics.

You do seem to imagine a strange correlation between pajamas and RE-20s, not to mention an obsession with boys in pajamas that's more than a little weird....

But you know as well as I do that FCC has nothing to do with broadcast content and never did.

Again this study is on analyzing systems (and it's linked in full, providing the opportunity to discuss actual content rather than innuendo and out the other--- even while wearing pajamas).

Perhaps such an analysis can expose news gathering "systems" such as this, from 2006:
>> The report, by the non-profit group Centre for Media and Democracy, found that over a 10-month period at least 77 television stations were making use of the faux news broadcasts, known as Video News Releases (VNRs). Not one told viewers who had produced the items.

"We know we only had partial access to these VNRs and yet we found 77 stations using them," said Diana Farsetta, one of the group's researchers. "I would say it's pretty extraordinary. The picture we found was much worse than we expected going into the investigation in terms of just how widely these get played and how frequently these pre-packaged segments are put on the air."

Ms Farsetta said the public relations companies commissioned to produce these segments by corporations had become increasingly sophisticated in their techniques in order to get the VNRs broadcast. "They have got very good at mimicking what a real, independently produced television report would look like," she said.

The FCC has declined to comment on the investigation but investigators from the commission's enforcement unit recently approached Ms Farsetta for a copy of her group's report.

The range of VNR is wide. Among items provided by the Bush administration to news stations was one in which an Iraqi-American in Kansas City was seen saying "Thank you Bush. Thank you USA" in response to the 2003 fall of Baghdad. The footage was actually produced by the State Department, one of 20 federal agencies that have produced and distributed such items.
(-- Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV')

Would that not be useful? I'd damn sure like to know.
Long story short, to quote Chico Esuqela: always keep you eye on de ball.
Yes, there IS a ball in play. It's just not in the hands of the player you think. The old hidden ball trick -- still works.
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Now we know what happened to all those failed commentators who joined the unemployed when Air America went down the tubes!

They became anti-Bush obsessed Obama spokespersons!

Actually they just went to new syndicators like DialGlobal and Premiere. They're still on the air around here; they never left.

There seem to be a lot of fantasies in those pajamas.
None of this was the issue. The issue was the bullshit posts that misrepresent what the Fairness Doctrine was. It referred to the past, not the future. I see you're feeling the need to move the goalposts in a temporal sense.

If the goalpost is freedom of the press i'm not the one moving them.

That's a crucial if, innit?

The if is getting smaller by the hour.

What's next? Nationalized thermostats?

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