What is wrong with the Senate gun confiscation...I mean, gun grab....I mean gun control bill...

Republicans: You're ratted out here, boys.

Take a look at the text of the bill:

As I predicted in a previous post, this is primarily a spending bill, full of increases, extensions, and expansions of existing grants. Firearm rules are not mentioned until page 25.

Instead of plain language explaining new regulations, the bill orders changes to existing regulations in language like this (taken directly from the proposed act):

(1) IN GENERAL.—Section 922 of title 18,

18 United States Code, is amended—

19 (A) in subsection (d)—

20 (i) in the matter preceding paragraph 21

(1), by inserting ‘‘, including as a juvenile’’ 22 after ‘‘such person’’; and 23 (ii) in paragraph

(4), by inserting ‘‘at 24 16 years of age or older’’ after ‘‘institu25 tion’’; and 26 OLL22583 HSF Discussion Draft S.L.C. 1

(B) in subsection (t)—

2 (i) in paragraph (1)—

3 (I) in subparagraph (B)(ii)—

4 (aa) by inserting ‘‘subject to

5 subparagraph (C),’’ before ‘‘3

6 business days’’; and

7 (bb) by striking ‘‘and’’ at

8 the end;

9 (II) by redesignating subpara

10 graph (C) as subparagraph (D); and

11 (III) by inserting after subpara

12 graph (B) the following:

Obviously, no one can follow that and understand what this act would actually do. It is written by lawyers or congressional aides with law degrees. When it comes out, I suppose it will become the burden of paralegals to find the amended regulations, and pen-and-ink the changes, and junior lawyers at law firms, to verify that the changes are correct.

By that time, the proposed act will be law and only when cases start going to court will we know the full extent of freedom lost. We will never know how much additional spending this bill will lead to.

Republicans, I think it is time for you to stop calling GOP politicians who do this "RINO's." Too many Republicans are guilty of this to say that doing it somehow makes them not a real Republican.
For xponentialchaos in particular.......

Some of the more troubling aspects of the bill were highlighted in an analysis conducted by the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC):

Red Flag Laws

  • Incentivizes local disarmament proceedings, of which many states currently employ secret ex-parte hearings.
  • Calls only for standards equivalent only to civil court.
  • For all the bluster in the measure about protecting due process and the constitutional rights of the subjects of the hearings during the “appropriate phase,” it implies that states will still be able to hold secret ex-parte hearings to deprive the People of their rights.
  • Entitles the subject to an attorney “at the appropriate phase,” but it must be at the subject’s expense.
  • -----
  • Private Sales
    • Expands the definition of “engaged in the business” by striking “with the principal objective of livelihood and profit” in the current definition and replacing it with “to predominantly earn a profit.”
    • This confusion could lead to new and successful prosecutions of private sellers who may fall under the broad and vague definition of “engaged in business” and therefore the need to be licensed.

“The proposal seeks to chill the right to keep and bear arms by incentivizing local disarmament proceedings, of which many states currently employ secret ex-parte hearings, massive penalties and enhancements reminiscent of the mass incarceration of the so-called war on drugs, naked discrimination against young adults, and an aggressive assault on peaceable conduct,” FPC said in a separate statement. “Should this package be adopted, it will result in the imprisonment, injury, and death of peaceable people.”

One of the worst parts.....if they take your guns...you have to pay a lawyer to help you get them back....which is intended to make it much harder to get your guns returned to you.......what they should mandate is if they want to take your guns, they have to bring you into court, pay for your lawyer to defend you, and then, if they take your guns, pay for your legal team to get your guns back...

At a minimum, that would be a limiting factor on local assholes grabbing your guns.....

Still against the Red Flag laws xponentialchaos.....just thought you should know.

The republican party has sold gun owners down the river in shackles. This is what happens, always happens, when people trust their government.
A good look at why Red Flag laws are useless in stopping mass public shooters…..

The main rationale for this new requirement is that it could be an obstacle for young mass murderers with disqualifying juvenile records. The perpetrators of the May 14 massacre in Buffalo, New York, and the May 24 attack in Uvalde, Texas, were both 18-year-olds who legally bought firearms from licensed dealers after passing background checks. But it does not look like those sales would have been blocked even if the background checks had included juvenile records.

Nor would the new requirement have made a difference in other notorious mass shootings where the perpetrator was younger than 21. The 17-year-old charged with murdering 10 people at a Santa Fe, Texas, high school in 2018 used his father's guns, so there was no background check for him to fail. The 20-year-old who killed 20 children and six adults at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school in 2012 obtained the rifle he used from his mother. The perpetrators of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado obtained firearms through older intermediaries.

The 19-year-old who killed 17 people at a Parkland, Florida, high school in 2018 had a history of disturbing behavior, and he had received mental health treatment. But a 2013 psychiatric evaluation under Florida's Baker Act concluded that he did not meet the criteria for commitment. The Associated Press reported that he "did not have a criminal record before the shooting."

Nobody has to worry about the new laws unless you are a wife beater, NAZI or psycho

You can tell society is past the point of no return when Maoist Democrats want to legalize murder for some people.
How do Democrats come up with a potential law like this? With everything going on, they are proposing that 25 year old's shouldn't be charged with murder for killing.
Legalizing and encouraging homicide while simultaneously outlawing personal self defense.
How is this not “blatantly obvious and in our faces?”

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