"What Kind Of Businessman Loses $694 Million?"

What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?
Typical lib deflection.....reagan isnt running
..start a new thread dipshit.

Please do try and keep up. Clinton was blamed for the 4 killed in Benghazi. I am within reason to point out when an American leader is actually responsible for some American deaths.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?
Did he lose those because of his own callousness?

Yes. The security for access to that converted hotel was abysmal. The roads leading to it could have easily been made vehicle proof with something as common as a series of jersey barriers. Apparently the lives of the Marines weren't important enough to be treated with the care one would if they were in actual U S barracks. Reagan housed them on the cheap which I would definitely call "callous".

20/20 hindsight, douche bag.

Reality vs wishful thinking douche bag.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

He didn't lie about it and blame it on a video. He also didn't ignore repeated pleas for more security.

Please. Stop being such a drooling moron. Clinton wasn't responsible for the attack. How she represented the attack was unfortunate but completely after the fact. Yes, she reported the cause inaccurately. So what? Somehow you are trying to make her miss statements equal to the actual murders. That is crazy. The REAL culprit was the ambassador himself as he CHOSE to be in Benghazi during a very dangerous moment when he should have been safe in the embassy guarded by actual U S Marines ..not those "guns for hire"..private security.

"Inaccurately?" Wrong, douche bag, she lied so save her sorry political career. Furthermore, the evidence shows that help could have gotten to the victims in time, and she obstructed that, also to save her sorry political career. Furthermore, she's the one responsible for getting Gadaffi overthrown, so she is once again responsible.

Delusional. Your lying does not make it so. I could not care less about Clinton's political career. I care even less about Donald's.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

that was a bomb blast that caught people by surprise, it was over in a matter of seconds, so if reagan could have inervened in a matter of seconds and held the roof of the building up, I guess you could call him Superman. Meanwhile, the state department had been sent requests for additional security for quite some time before the
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

So you'd rather not talk about the present. I'd say Reagan lost less lives in Lebanon than Kennedy and Johnson lost in Vietnam, over 58,000.

In a televised address to the nation on August 4, 1964, LBJ declared, “I shall immediately request the Congress to pass a resolution making it clear that our government is united in its determination to take all necessary measures in support of freedom and in defense of peace in Southeast Asia.”
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

He didn't lie about it and blame it on a video. He also didn't ignore repeated pleas for more security.

He did nothing to secure the location, and yes, pleas for more security were ignored.

The difference is that Reagan was warned BEFORE the Marines were killed and chose to do nothing.

The State Department answered several of the security issues raise and strengthened the fencing around the compound, and did numerous security upgrades to the Benghazi compound in the months preceding the attacks, and warned the Ambassador not to go to Benghazi..

Also, Hillary is not responsible for the overthrow of Qaddafi. That would be the United Nations, who requested US assistance in getting him our to save Libyan lives.
The deaths in Lebanon wasn't a false flag event....Benghazi was...ask me how I know. I am always looking to drop truth bombs on stupid Hitlery loving leftards.

"Truth bombs"??? You mean the same discredited lies you've been repeating for the past 5 years, and through 7 investigations, ALL OF WHICH SAID YOU'RE LYING. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN THAT WAY.

Those aren't truth bombs, they're FOX news lies.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

And that isn't the saddest part. He pulled all our military out. If he had taken a strong stand right there we might never have had these outbreaks of terrorism.

2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others were wounded during the September 11 attacks. These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.

Are you actually trying to blame Reagan for 9/11?
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?
Hillary did not lose any emails

Nope.. She deleted them in violation of federal law. And deleted them AFTER federal subpoenas to retain them were issued using a digital bit scrambling program called Bleach Bit..

She deleted data that was ordered held by both federal statue and by court order using a program designed to prevent the data from being retrieved. This is exculpatory evidence of intentional criminal conduct.

Now why is she not in prison? Comey is a lying sack of shit who fears for his life from the Clinton crime family.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

I am aware of no Secretary of State who's lost any of those things, including Hillary Clinton.

Things for which responsibility falls on the President, not the Secretary of State:
  • Americans who die while giving service to the nation in a foreign locale
Misrepresentation of material fact:
  • $6 billion lost

    A spokesman for the Office of the Inspector General told PolitiFact the alert speaks for itself, but many seemed to misinterpret what it actually said. The confusion prompted Inspector General Steve Linick to pen a clarification in the Washington Post.

    "Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion," he wrote. "Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — ‘creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.’ "

    In other words, the State Department was terrible at paperwork. The $6 billion figure refers to the total amount affected by file mismanagement. It’s akin to spending $20 on lunch and losing or not asking for a receipt. Documentation over where that $20 went was lost, but not the $20 itself.

    So the State Department under Clinton, who wasn’t mentioned in the alert, may have been financially disorganized, but it didn’t "lose" $6 billion.
Things not worth discussing when lives or $916M are the points of comparison.
  • 1 laptop?
  • 4 cell phones?
  • 3 tables?

I'm not aware that any emails were lost. I am aware that some were deleted. Where are your deleted emails? Did you lose them?
  • 30,000 emails?


Liberal list of lame excuses that don't pass evidence discovery.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

He didn't lie about it and blame it on a video. He also didn't ignore repeated pleas for more security.

Please. Stop being such a drooling moron. Clinton wasn't responsible for the attack. How she represented the attack was unfortunate but completely after the fact. Yes, she reported the cause inaccurately. So what? Somehow you are trying to make her miss statements equal to the actual murders. That is crazy. The REAL culprit was the ambassador himself as he CHOSE to be in Benghazi during a very dangerous moment when he should have been safe in the embassy guarded by actual U S Marines ..not those "guns for hire"..private security.


What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

He didn't lie about it and blame it on a video. He also didn't ignore repeated pleas for more security.

Please. Stop being such a drooling moron. Clinton wasn't responsible for the attack. How she represented the attack was unfortunate but completely after the fact. Yes, she reported the cause inaccurately. So what? Somehow you are trying to make her miss statements equal to the actual murders. That is crazy. The REAL culprit was the ambassador himself as he CHOSE to be in Benghazi during a very dangerous moment when he should have been safe in the embassy guarded by actual U S Marines ..not those "guns for hire"..private security.
It was Clinton's gun running scheme. Gaddafi wouldn't add to her slush fund, so he had to go. The bonus for Hillary is it resulted in the slaughter of many Christians. A win, win as far as she is concerned.

I've been posting at these forums since I bought a new computer in 1993. You are the dumbest prick I've ever run into.........I say that without reservation.
What kind of gov't....

... puts itself $17T in debt?
Currently $19.6 Trillion...The Manchurian Muslim is a fucking wrecking machine!

Like I've already said.....he has to pay interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt.......you do understand interest don't you? 'Course it's really not a fair comparison with Bush having to fund two wars he started.....one totally unnecessary.

What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?

How many American lives did Reagan lose in Lebanon? 241?

So you'd rather not talk about the present. I'd say Reagan lost less lives in Lebanon than Kennedy and Johnson lost in Vietnam, over 58,000.

In a televised address to the nation on August 4, 1964, LBJ declared, “I shall immediately request the Congress to pass a resolution making it clear that our government is united in its determination to take all necessary measures in support of freedom and in defense of peace in Southeast Asia.”

Johnson, IMHO was a piece of shit.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?
Hillary did not lose any emails

Nope.. She deleted them in violation of federal law. And deleted them AFTER federal subpoenas to retain them were issued using a digital bit scrambling program called Bleach Bit..

She deleted data that was ordered held by both federal statue and by court order using a program designed to prevent the data from being retrieved. This is exculpatory evidence of intentional criminal conduct.

Now why is she not in prison? Comey is a lying sack of shit who fears for his life from the Clinton crime family.

SHE didn't delete anything, all deletions were done by staff. SHE ordered her lawyers to turn everything ordered. SHE believed they had complied with the subpoenas.


That's why she's not in prison.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?
Hillary did not lose any emails

Nope.. She deleted them in violation of federal law. And deleted them AFTER federal subpoenas to retain them were issued using a digital bit scrambling program called Bleach Bit..

She deleted data that was ordered held by both federal statue and by court order using a program designed to prevent the data from being retrieved. This is exculpatory evidence of intentional criminal conduct.

Now why is she not in prison? Comey is a lying sack of shit who fears for his life from the Clinton crime family.

SHE didn't delete anything, all deletions were done by staff. SHE ordered her lawyers to turn everything ordered. SHE believed they had complied with the subpoenas.


That's why she's not in prison.

One week after the subpoenas were severed there was a phone conversation to Hillary's top aids BEFORE they were deleted.. If you think for one minuet that Hillary was not contacted you are totally clueless. The exculpatory evidence is overwhelming.. and INTENT is NOT required. Comey fucked this up and/or he had been threatened with his life.

A first year lawyer could win this case..
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?
Hillary did not lose any emails

Nope.. She deleted them in violation of federal law. And deleted them AFTER federal subpoenas to retain them were issued using a digital bit scrambling program called Bleach Bit..

She deleted data that was ordered held by both federal statue and by court order using a program designed to prevent the data from being retrieved. This is exculpatory evidence of intentional criminal conduct.

Now why is she not in prison? Comey is a lying sack of shit who fears for his life from the Clinton crime family.

SHE didn't delete anything, all deletions were done by staff. SHE ordered her lawyers to turn everything ordered. SHE believed they had complied with the subpoenas.


That's why she's not in prison.

One week after the subpoenas were severed there was a phone conversation to Hillary's top aids BEFORE they were deleted.. If you think for one minuet that Hillary was not contacted you are totally clueless. The exculpatory evidence is overwhelming.. and INTENT is NOT required. Comey fucked this up and/or he had been threatened with his life.

A first year lawyer could win this case..

Bullshit is right. A talented law clerk could rip your arguments to shreds. Comey was explicit: Hillary did not lie. There is no case.

Frankly I'm tired of you arm chair legal experts claiming otherwise. All of her staff were given immunity from prosecution, if she ordered them to delete the emails and wipe the server clean, why didn't one of them turn?

35 years of made up Republican scandals, 16 investigations, and you have no evidence, no witnesses, and quite frankly, no crimes committed by either of them, except lying about a blow job. We don't believe you any more. Republicans keep crying wolf, and the rest of us are sick of it.

Why hasn't anyone ever turned on the Clintons? They turned on Reagan, they turned on Nixon. Perhaps it's because the Clintons haven't done anything that Republicans believe they've done.
What kind of Secretary of State loses ...

4 American lives?

$6 billion?

1 laptop?

4 cell phones?

3 tables?

30,000 emails?
Let's see at the end of trumps first term.

Or he will be smart enough not to put it in email.

What kind of man grabs women's vaginas?

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