Zone1 What kind of hardass dickhead locked my fire thread in general?

Dear R. M. Have you read the USMB GUIDELINES? The mods here do their best to keep order. It helps when newbies read the guidelines for posting here so you will not get frustrated if you disregard expectations. If you start a thread that is not in the FLAME Zone, there are OP requirements to start a thread that has a start at a website or place from which you learned it. Social threads are a lot simpler, but you may want to ask first rather than get mad first to make sure you're doing the expectations for a thread that you open yourself.

here's a handy link if you don't know where the USMB posting guidelines are: USMB Rules and Guidelines

Please review it, before you start throwing stuff at the mods. They made this place a good place to talk in politics and there are mods on both sides with opinions. I saw a Mod contact thread, I need to go back and find it for you if that would help, considering they're good to answer questions and even help you with a computer issue related to this board.

I hope you will read the guidelines and do your best to start a thread in a way everyone else has to. Best wishes to you and all newbies who may be frustrated with not knowing the guidelines for posting that keeps some sanity in the political world. It's so quick to fall into a circus if people start a thread that doesn'f follow what the rest of us have come to expect. Every once in a while I forget something, and I have had posts erased when I somehow forgot to say to others where more background information is obtainable so they will have an idea of what the issue is, who started it, if there was police or Congressional issues and whose idea it may have been in the first place.

List of Moderators are here: List of Active USMB Mod Staff

Please be civil. All of them work very hard to make this the best Board on the Web, and I thank God for them frequently when they help someone out.

It was discussed. You need to make a comment and not just a picture. Also the title should not include profanity. You are free to do a new thread with those being met, if we get to see a pic of you without your hat.
But the hat has more character than the poster.
To be fair, many on here do whatever they want regardless of the rules. When they are reported or mods come across it while reading a thread, the "I hate mods" tantrums start. Sometimes we even get fan mail from the OP telling us how much we're loved.
The only mod I can't stand is taz, he's a faggot. And I never complain. Unless it's you...
Dear R. M. Have you read the USMB GUIDELINES? The mods here do their best to keep order
If you believe certain mods don't run without limits, you're a fool. ONE we all know is out of control. Some are good, most have SOME bias, and "some" need to retire. They won't be missed
lol I had a mod delete a post because I said 'Nips' in it. Apparently Gen X, millennials, gen Z Neo-tards never heard of Nippon. Or it made one of their socks look stupid.
lol I had a mod delete a post because I said 'Nips' in it. Apparently Gen X, millennials, gen Z Neo-tards never heard of Nippon.
My thread was locked because it was a "baiting thread". The real answer is that I posted it.

If you're post a link without an opinion, the mod will lock or delete your post for THAT reason.

If you add a little political commentary/opinion/observation, your post will be locked or deleted because you're "baiting" or "trolling.". That's the game some play
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To be fair, many on here do whatever they want regardless of the rules. When they are reported or mods come across it while reading a thread, the "I hate mods" tantrums start. Sometimes we even get fan mail from the OP telling us how much we're loved.

I read few mod pms. I clicked on my last one because it was a new mod, just to see what the sniveling was about. It was something weird, so now I know.
The nitpicking bs on this forum is tiring at times.
It's not a serious sub forum ffs
You're lucky you didn't have to deal with the Ranger Rick forum back in the 60s..... when you had to mail in your comments and wait a week for them be published.

Ironically it looks like we had more freedom of speech then we do now under the Xiden administration.
Its a discussion forum. You didn't get through school (maybe you did) by snagging some photo that seemed to represent your homework and submitting it. You need to talk about the issue that is allegedly important enough to post.
Remodeling Maidiac

Mods have been discussing your thread and will reopen it. Keep in mind, for future reference, that you should say something (you know, typing words out) to give people some idea of what the thread is about. Even if all you say is, "It's 15 outside. Yesterday it was 80."

Something else to discuss with you: the thread title: Don't talk like a drunken sailor in the title. Keep it clean - that's all we ask.
Translation: See how Bruce creates his titles in the Zone and Rubber Room, well do not write like that or the mods will be on you like White on Lice or is it Rice?

( Rice )

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