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What Kind of State in Israel?

I believe the legitimacy and existence of Israel is beyond that of an occupation force. It was written and prophesied, by Moses, in Deuteronomy 30:3 that the state of Israel and its people would one day return to their native land after being scattered through out the world, which was the very foundation and accepted belief of the Zionist movement leading to the Balfour Agreement and acceptance by the League of Nations in 1922. Palestine was an area occupied at the time by numerous fractional tribes, not a nation which is similar to that of the United States and indigenous habitants. I agree that the Palestinians need to address the need to establish a peaceful resolution other than promotion of terrorism and annihilation of Israel. The sad reality is that the Palestinians are and continue to be used as pawns in the hands of political opportunists that care less about Palestinians than that of their own agenda.
What happened 2000 years ago, don't mean shit today in regards to international law.
Sure it do, Dumkopf.
A very important component of islamo nazi pig propaganda is the assertion
that the issue of Israel DIED 2000 years ago with its sacking by Rome--
and centuries of christian control followed by the invasion of the land by
arabians - Another islamo nazi pig assertion is that "zionism" was
"invented" in 1897 by Herzl. Long ago when I was a kid---a copy of
the Picthall version of the koran fell into my hands I read it----Assuming
this book was written sometime within 150 years of the death of Muhummad
---even the writers of the koran KNEW how jews attached
to Israel ----the writers of the koran attribute to muhummad the idea
that the jews SHOULD RETURN to Israel ,, yet they continue to insist
that Zionism was "invented' recently and jews have no real connection.

Even on very superficial examination of the facts-----the continued
presence of jews in palestine---the several zionist projects over that
2000 years----pilgrimages ---writings regarding the issue of RETURN
etc etc etc -----the claim of ----"its all ancient history" becomes
obviously absurd.------yet they continue to INSIST
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a forum for claim and justice. The courts.

There were those who believed in diplomacy also. But Britain just shoved the Palestinians aside and went to its own agenda. This is nothing new. Britain had been trampling on natives for centuries.

I believe in the democratic process. I also believe in the Rule of Law. Practices like the insurgency and terrorism are a very last resort. The Palestinians took it as a first option. It has been more than a half century since Israel was created. You cannot role back the clock. But there is still a possibility for some equity, given that it is approached the right way.

Britain violated the League of Nations (LoNs) Covenant, its own mandate, and international law.

The Palestinians are only seeking justice for these violations.

Britain did not violate the LoNs Covenant. Israel made application to the LoNs, not Britain. The International Community (I believe wrongly) approved the application. While they tried to fullfil the total obligation by dividing the remaining territory left over after the creation of several other countries (Jordan getting a great swath of Palestine), through Resolution 181, the High Committee and the Arab League rejected the division. They wanted more and the LoNs refused. Israel accepted and was created, Palestine (the State) was not.

The Allied Command and the LoNs set the Mandate, and the Allied Command and the LoNs accepted the application from Israel, pursuant to the previous decisions and Resolution 181. Britain did not break the Covenant, the LoNs executed it as they saw at the time, as best they could. When Israel acted, the Mandate terminated. Britain did not shove the Palestinians aside at all. They could have done the exact same thing.

You mentioned "their Agenda." The British didn't care for the Jewish apparatus and leaders very much. They knew that as soon as the British contingent withdrew, the Arabs would attack. The British Government sis not expect the Israelis to survive the assault. Most everyone was surprised that the Israel withstood the assault. Essentially, the British confiscated as many weapons as they could before they left. The idea was to leave the Israel as defenseless as possible for the Arabs to overcome. That didn't happen.


The LoNs did what it did. Britain withdrew, and the Arab Armies attacked. The Arab League and the Palestinians chose force of arms as the means of settling the dispute.

After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (November 1947 - July 1949), Reprisal operations (1950s - 1960s - counter-Fedayeen guerillas action), Six-Day War (June 1967) Yom Kippur War (October 1973), Lebanon War (1982), First Intifada (1987–1993), Lebanon War (2006), -
Gaza War (December 2008 - January 2009), and now Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012 - Ongoing), the Arab/Palestinian, the Arab League and the Iranian decision to the "Use of Force" as the first option to the settlement methodology has not been successful; Israel has survived (through 3 Major Wars, a half dozen minor wars, and a constant level of insurgency operations). Palestine is still not a country.

HAMAS, as a leadership entity, has been a very dismal failure. But PA President Mahmoud Abbas, despite internal obstacles, has managed to get the PA recognized as an entity and is moving towards statehood. If this is done, his State of Palestine may be able to make a claim and secure war reparations and property settlements from Israel (maybe).

Most Respectfully,
George, why do you hate the Kurdish people? How are they less deserving of self-determination than the Palestinians?

Is it because you perceive them as 'rich' since some of their ancestral territory sits on an oil reserve? Or is it simply that the Kurds have no particular attachment to Marxism the way the Palestinian (PLO/PA) groups have ?

Please - everything does not fit tidily into your Marxist paradigm of 'class warfare'!
Mr. R Facts will not overcome the firm islamic belief that the USA and the UK
JAMMED ISRAEL into the very heart of the "ISLAMIC WORLD" IT IS A PLOT
the words ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ringing in your ears---a mere litany of
facts would not stop the ----rrrringingggggggg
Mr. R Facts will not overcome the firm islamic belief that the USA and the UK
JAMMED ISRAEL into the very heart of the "ISLAMIC WORLD" IT IS A PLOT
the words ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ringing in your ears---a mere litany of
facts would not stop the ----rrrringingggggggg

Facts are Facts, history without factual validation is nothing more than speculative interpretive tripe. The only plot against Islam is the self induced paranoia within Islam which may well be the result of their 9th century cultures inability to transcend into the
20th century. Shiite vs Sunni issue........
If at the waining moments of the British Empire they had not chosen to adopt the Balfour agreement, furthermore not meddled in the affairs of the region known as Palestine, would it have had an influence as to if the survivors of European persecution immigrated back to their ancestral homeland?
Would the world have sat back once again and permitted the extermination of those of the Jewish faith? It was prophesied long before the birth of Islam, by Moses, that the Jewish people after being, conquered, displaced, and scattered around the world, would once again assemble and return to their promised land.
To go a step further, if anti-Semitism and Hitler had never existed in Europe would the prophesy of Moses have come to fruition?
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a forum for claim and justice. The courts.

There were those who believed in diplomacy also. But Britain just shoved the Palestinians aside and went to its own agenda. This is nothing new. Britain had been trampling on natives for centuries.

I believe in the democratic process. I also believe in the Rule of Law. Practices like the insurgency and terrorism are a very last resort. The Palestinians took it as a first option. It has been more than a half century since Israel was created. You cannot role back the clock. But there is still a possibility for some equity, given that it is approached the right way.

Britain violated the League of Nations (LoNs) Covenant, its own mandate, and international law.

The Palestinians are only seeking justice for these violations.

Britain did not violate the LoNs Covenant. Israel made application to the LoNs, not Britain. The International Community (I believe wrongly) approved the application. While they tried to fullfil the total obligation by dividing the remaining territory left over after the creation of several other countries (Jordan getting a great swath of Palestine), through Resolution 181, the High Committee and the Arab League rejected the division. They wanted more and the LoNs refused. Israel accepted and was created, Palestine (the State) was not.

The Allied Command and the LoNs set the Mandate, and the Allied Command and the LoNs accepted the application from Israel, pursuant to the previous decisions and Resolution 181. Britain did not break the Covenant, the LoNs executed it as they saw at the time, as best they could. When Israel acted, the Mandate terminated. Britain did not shove the Palestinians aside at all. They could have done the exact same thing.

You mentioned "their Agenda." The British didn't care for the Jewish apparatus and leaders very much. They knew that as soon as the British contingent withdrew, the Arabs would attack. The British Government sis not expect the Israelis to survive the assault. Most everyone was surprised that the Israel withstood the assault. Essentially, the British confiscated as many weapons as they could before they left. The idea was to leave the Israel as defenseless as possible for the Arabs to overcome. That didn't happen.


The LoNs did what it did. Britain withdrew, and the Arab Armies attacked. The Arab League and the Palestinians chose force of arms as the means of settling the dispute.

After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (November 1947 - July 1949), Reprisal operations (1950s - 1960s - counter-Fedayeen guerillas action), Six-Day War (June 1967) Yom Kippur War (October 1973), Lebanon War (1982), First Intifada (1987–1993), Lebanon War (2006), -
Gaza War (December 2008 - January 2009), and now Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012 - Ongoing), the Arab/Palestinian, the Arab League and the Iranian decision to the "Use of Force" as the first option to the settlement methodology has not been successful; Israel has survived (through 3 Major Wars, a half dozen minor wars, and a constant level of insurgency operations). Palestine is still not a country.

HAMAS, as a leadership entity, has been a very dismal failure. But PA President Mahmoud Abbas, despite internal obstacles, has managed to get the PA recognized as an entity and is moving towards statehood. If this is done, his State of Palestine may be able to make a claim and secure war reparations and property settlements from Israel (maybe).

Most Respectfully,

I read your post several times and I can't figure out what you are trying to say. It is too much of a jumble.
Mr. R Facts will not overcome the firm islamic belief that the USA and the UK
JAMMED ISRAEL into the very heart of the "ISLAMIC WORLD" IT IS A PLOT
the words ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ringing in your ears---a mere litany of
facts would not stop the ----rrrringingggggggg

Facts are Facts, history without factual validation is nothing more than speculative interpretive tripe. The only plot against Islam is the self induced paranoia within Islam which may well be the result of their 9th century cultures inability to transcend into the
20th century. Shiite vs Sunni issue........
If at the waining moments of the British Empire they had not chosen to adopt the Balfour agreement, furthermore not meddled in the affairs of the region known as Palestine, would it have had an influence as to if the survivors of European persecution immigrated back to their ancestral homeland?
Would the world have sat back once again and permitted the extermination of those of the Jewish faith? It was prophesied long before the birth of Islam, by Moses, that the Jewish people after being, conquered, displaced, and scattered around the world, would once again assemble and return to their promised land.
To go a step further, if anti-Semitism and Hitler had never existed in Europe would the prophesy of Moses have come to fruition?
Where's your "factual validation" that Moses isn't just another lie the Rich tell to keep the collection plate full?

"The existence of Moses as well as the veracity of the Exodus story is disputed amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists, with experts in the field of biblical criticism citing logical inconsistencies, new archaeological evidence, historical evidence, and related origin myths in Canaanite culture.[3][4][5]

"Other historians maintain that the biographical details, and Egyptian background, attributed to Moses imply the existence of a historical political and religious leader who was involved in the consolidation of the Hebrew tribes in Canaan towards the end of the Bronze Age.

Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mr. R Facts will not overcome the firm islamic belief that the USA and the UK
JAMMED ISRAEL into the very heart of the "ISLAMIC WORLD" IT IS A PLOT
the words ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ringing in your ears---a mere litany of
facts would not stop the ----rrrringingggggggg

Facts are Facts, history without factual validation is nothing more than speculative interpretive tripe. The only plot against Islam is the self induced paranoia within Islam which may well be the result of their 9th century cultures inability to transcend into the
20th century. Shiite vs Sunni issue........
If at the waining moments of the British Empire they had not chosen to adopt the Balfour agreement, furthermore not meddled in the affairs of the region known as Palestine, would it have had an influence as to if the survivors of European persecution immigrated back to their ancestral homeland?
Would the world have sat back once again and permitted the extermination of those of the Jewish faith? It was prophesied long before the birth of Islam, by Moses, that the Jewish people after being, conquered, displaced, and scattered around the world, would once again assemble and return to their promised land.
To go a step further, if anti-Semitism and Hitler had never existed in Europe would the prophesy of Moses have come to fruition?
Where's your "factual validation" that Moses isn't just another lie the Rich tell to keep the collection plate full?

"The existence of Moses as well as the veracity of the Exodus story is disputed amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists, with experts in the field of biblical criticism citing logical inconsistencies, new archaeological evidence, historical evidence, and related origin myths in Canaanite culture.[3][4][5]

"Other historians maintain that the biographical details, and Egyptian background, attributed to Moses imply the existence of a historical political and religious leader who was involved in the consolidation of the Hebrew tribes in Canaan towards the end of the Bronze Age.

Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rich and collection plate? Ouch that was deep, I didn't know those evil repressive republican bible thumpers existed over 2,000 years ago. What new archaeological evidence refuting the existence of Moses and the biblical text of Deuteronomy do you reference that states the existence of Moses and exodus did not occur? Wikipedia?
What I pointed out and maintain as of interest is that in Deuteronomy 30:3 Moses prophesied the reestablishment of the nation of Israel after they had turned away from God and were scattered through out the world and its similarity to the post WWII immigration of the Jewish people back to the promised land.
My belief in God, Jesus Christ, the Old, and New Testament is simply my spiritual belief. It should not be of concern to you for I pose no physical threat, unless of course, you have your doubts. But enough about the belief one may or may not have this thread is about Palestine and the Muslim belief that Israel has no justification for existence, to which I state is incorrect from both a Biblical, Historical, Archaeological, and Physical sense.
The existence of MOSES is not necessary to the evolution of events in the Middle east----the
concept of zionism is what galvanized the re-establishment of Israel Zionism has been a force for more than 3000 years . The existence or non existence of the rapist pig is
not necessary to the establishment of the filth of shariah----it was elaborated from
the filth of the Justinian code with some old arabian customs tossed in for extra filth
Mr. R Facts will not overcome the firm islamic belief that the USA and the UK
JAMMED ISRAEL into the very heart of the "ISLAMIC WORLD" IT IS A PLOT
the words ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ringing in your ears---a mere litany of
facts would not stop the ----rrrringingggggggg

Facts are Facts, history without factual validation is nothing more than speculative interpretive tripe. The only plot against Islam is the self induced paranoia within Islam which may well be the result of their 9th century cultures inability to transcend into the
20th century. Shiite vs Sunni issue........
If at the waining moments of the British Empire they had not chosen to adopt the Balfour agreement, furthermore not meddled in the affairs of the region known as Palestine, would it have had an influence as to if the survivors of European persecution immigrated back to their ancestral homeland?
Would the world have sat back once again and permitted the extermination of those of the Jewish faith? It was prophesied long before the birth of Islam, by Moses, that the Jewish people after being, conquered, displaced, and scattered around the world, would once again assemble and return to their promised land.
To go a step further, if anti-Semitism and Hitler had never existed in Europe would the prophesy of Moses have come to fruition?
Where's your "factual validation" that Moses isn't just another lie the Rich tell to keep the collection plate full?

"The existence of Moses as well as the veracity of the Exodus story is disputed amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists, with experts in the field of biblical criticism citing logical inconsistencies, new archaeological evidence, historical evidence, and related origin myths in Canaanite culture.[3][4][5]

"Other historians maintain that the biographical details, and Egyptian background, attributed to Moses imply the existence of a historical political and religious leader who was involved in the consolidation of the Hebrew tribes in Canaan towards the end of the Bronze Age.

Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia again, Georgie Boy??? I guess you don't read the Letters to the Editor in your own local newspaper. One teacher said that she doesn't even allow her students to use Wikipedia, and that there are so many sources on line from legitimate sources which tell the truth. Wasn't it the Egyptians saying that the Jews and Moses stole things when they left Egypt and the Egyptians now want the stuff back? There are so many things that have been dug up at archeological sites and are still being dug up which corroborate what is in the Bible.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a forum for claim and justice. The courts.

There were those who believed in diplomacy also. But Britain just shoved the Palestinians aside and went to its own agenda. This is nothing new. Britain had been trampling on natives for centuries.

I believe in the democratic process. I also believe in the Rule of Law. Practices like the insurgency and terrorism are a very last resort. The Palestinians took it as a first option. It has been more than a half century since Israel was created. You cannot role back the clock. But there is still a possibility for some equity, given that it is approached the right way.

Britain violated the League of Nations (LoNs) Covenant, its own mandate, and international law.

The Palestinians are only seeking justice for these violations.

Britain did not violate the LoNs Covenant. Israel made application to the LoNs, not Britain. The International Community (I believe wrongly) approved the application. While they tried to fullfil the total obligation by dividing the remaining territory left over after the creation of several other countries (Jordan getting a great swath of Palestine), through Resolution 181, the High Committee and the Arab League rejected the division. They wanted more and the LoNs refused. Israel accepted and was created, Palestine (the State) was not.

The Allied Command and the LoNs set the Mandate, and the Allied Command and the LoNs accepted the application from Israel, pursuant to the previous decisions and Resolution 181. Britain did not break the Covenant, the LoNs executed it as they saw at the time, as best they could. When Israel acted, the Mandate terminated. Britain did not shove the Palestinians aside at all. They could have done the exact same thing.

You mentioned "their Agenda." The British didn't care for the Jewish apparatus and leaders very much. They knew that as soon as the British contingent withdrew, the Arabs would attack. The British Government sis not expect the Israelis to survive the assault. Most everyone was surprised that the Israel withstood the assault. Essentially, the British confiscated as many weapons as they could before they left. The idea was to leave the Israel as defenseless as possible for the Arabs to overcome. That didn't happen.


The LoNs did what it did. Britain withdrew, and the Arab Armies attacked. The Arab League and the Palestinians chose force of arms as the means of settling the dispute.

After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (November 1947 - July 1949), Reprisal operations (1950s - 1960s - counter-Fedayeen guerillas action), Six-Day War (June 1967) Yom Kippur War (October 1973), Lebanon War (1982), First Intifada (1987–1993), Lebanon War (2006), -
Gaza War (December 2008 - January 2009), and now Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012 - Ongoing), the Arab/Palestinian, the Arab League and the Iranian decision to the "Use of Force" as the first option to the settlement methodology has not been successful; Israel has survived (through 3 Major Wars, a half dozen minor wars, and a constant level of insurgency operations). Palestine is still not a country.

HAMAS, as a leadership entity, has been a very dismal failure. But PA President Mahmoud Abbas, despite internal obstacles, has managed to get the PA recognized as an entity and is moving towards statehood. If this is done, his State of Palestine may be able to make a claim and secure war reparations and property settlements from Israel (maybe).

Most Respectfully,

I read your post several times and I can't figure out what you are trying to say. It is too much of a jumble.
Fish oil pills are good to slow down Alzheimers, tinnie.
The existence of MOSES is not necessary to the evolution of events in the Middle east----the
concept of zionism is what galvanized the re-establishment of Israel Zionism has been a force for more than 3000 years . The existence or non existence of the rapist pig is
not necessary to the establishment of the filth of shariah----it was elaborated from
the filth of the Justinian code with some old arabian customs tossed in for extra filth
The concept of colonialism at the time the Royal Navy was switching from coal to oil for fuel "is what galvanized the re-establishment of Israel..."

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny how Jews in other countries and Arabs in Palestine were both sacrificed for the good of global oil, right?
Facts are Facts, history without factual validation is nothing more than speculative interpretive tripe. The only plot against Islam is the self induced paranoia within Islam which may well be the result of their 9th century cultures inability to transcend into the
20th century. Shiite vs Sunni issue........
If at the waining moments of the British Empire they had not chosen to adopt the Balfour agreement, furthermore not meddled in the affairs of the region known as Palestine, would it have had an influence as to if the survivors of European persecution immigrated back to their ancestral homeland?
Would the world have sat back once again and permitted the extermination of those of the Jewish faith? It was prophesied long before the birth of Islam, by Moses, that the Jewish people after being, conquered, displaced, and scattered around the world, would once again assemble and return to their promised land.
To go a step further, if anti-Semitism and Hitler had never existed in Europe would the prophesy of Moses have come to fruition?
Where's your "factual validation" that Moses isn't just another lie the Rich tell to keep the collection plate full?

"The existence of Moses as well as the veracity of the Exodus story is disputed amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists, with experts in the field of biblical criticism citing logical inconsistencies, new archaeological evidence, historical evidence, and related origin myths in Canaanite culture.[3][4][5]

"Other historians maintain that the biographical details, and Egyptian background, attributed to Moses imply the existence of a historical political and religious leader who was involved in the consolidation of the Hebrew tribes in Canaan towards the end of the Bronze Age.

Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rich and collection plate? Ouch that was deep, I didn't know those evil repressive republican bible thumpers existed over 2,000 years ago. What new archaeological evidence refuting the existence of Moses and the biblical text of Deuteronomy do you reference that states the existence of Moses and exodus did not occur? Wikipedia?
What I pointed out and maintain as of interest is that in Deuteronomy 30:3 Moses prophesied the reestablishment of the nation of Israel after they had turned away from God and were scattered through out the world and its similarity to the post WWII immigration of the Jewish people back to the promised land.
My belief in God, Jesus Christ, the Old, and New Testament is simply my spiritual belief. It should not be of concern to you for I pose no physical threat, unless of course, you have your doubts. But enough about the belief one may or may not have this thread is about Palestine and the Muslim belief that Israel has no justification for existence, to which I state is incorrect from both a Biblical, Historical, Archaeological, and Physical sense.
Wikipedia is the fourth or fifth most visited site on the web.

Given the level of informed debate that produces its content, I would give it much greater credibility than a collection of myths that have been rewritten anonymously countless times over the last 2000 years often to enhance the political control of "...evil repressive...bible thumpers..."

This thread actually began as a discussion about what kind of existence Israel is entitled to. Is a state that contains approximately equal numbers of Jews and Arabs entitled to exist as a Jewish State? Or should every eligible Arab and Jew have a vote over the domestic and military policies of a democratic Israel?
I believe in the democratic process. I also believe in the Rule of Law. Practices like the insurgency and terrorism are a very last resort. The Palestinians took it as a first option.
It wasn't a first option!

The violence started with zionists migrating into the area.

The LoNs did what it did. Britain withdrew, and the Arab Armies attacked. The Arab League and the Palestinians chose force of arms as the means of settling the dispute.
That's not true! Arab nations had told the British if they were not going to protect the Palestinian's civil rights, then they would step in to do it. That's why the arab nations went into Palestine, to ensure arab civil rights that were being disregarded by the zionists.

After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War (November 1947 - July 1949), Reprisal operations (1950s - 1960s - counter-Fedayeen guerillas action), Six-Day War (June 1967) Yom Kippur War (October 1973), Lebanon War (1982), First Intifada (1987–1993), Lebanon War (2006), -
Gaza War (December 2008 - January 2009), and now Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012 - Ongoing), the Arab/Palestinian, the Arab League and the Iranian decision to the "Use of Force" as the first option to the settlement methodology has not been successful; Israel has survived (through 3 Major Wars, a half dozen minor wars, and a constant level of insurgency operations).
Israel started the last 6 wars its been in.

HAMAS, as a leadership entity, has been a very dismal failure. But PA President Mahmoud Abbas, despite internal obstacles, has managed to get the PA recognized as an entity and is moving towards statehood. If this is done, his State of Palestine may be able to make a claim and secure war reparations and property settlements from Israel (maybe).
Abbas, is an Israeli bitch!
"It wasn't a first option!
The violence started with zionists migrating into the area."

Damascus, 1840. 'Nuff said.
"It wasn't a first option!
The violence started with zionists migrating into the area."

Damascus, 1840. 'Nuff said.

what about Damascus 1840? muslims never attack jews without
FULL JUSTIFICATION what do you expect them to do when jews kill kids
as an ingredient for cookies?

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