What makes a "natural born" person patriotic?

As your list points out- a natural born citizen is not inherently more patriotic than any other citizen.

However, It is a constitutional requirement and seems like a reasonable condition- as well as the others.

Actually, a natural born is inherently more patriotic to his country than a lot of immigrants. Take all these muzzie savages, for example. Do you really think they give a crap about American and its values? No, they want to destroy America. They say so frequently.

Some of the examples I gave you should make you at least think why the land of birth might or might not mean patriotism. There is NOTHING inherently more patriotic about the place of birth. If you think there is, you brazenly and foolishly discount the influence of caring and patriotic parents, the inborn decency as the result of caring and patriotic parents and the fact that there is still a remnant of morality of the 50's and 60's left in America.

If you claim that no person who was born outside of United States jurisdiction could ever be a better person for president than some lucky asshole given the gift of the accident of birth, you are denying reality.

I would never claim that "no person born outside of United States jurisdiction" would be a better person than a native born American, but the odds are much lower. A native born American, especially if his ancestors have been here for several generations is far less likely to harbor ill will towards his country than someone born in Syria. There is simply no way you can reasonably claim otherwise.

Obviously your mind has been locked in an irreversible paradigm: Native born good immigrant bad.

As a Canadian who worked in the States for six years and got hooked on American politics and learned to love America and Americans, let me be so brave and say that you are wrong. Length of ancestry for being loyal American has about as much bearing and validity as a recent black immigrant from Africa has for reparation for slavery.

Let the best person - proven by credible record and history - be the best person for the job. From dog catcher to President. Let the facts, not obsolete traditions speak for themselves.

This is ONE change of the Constitution that is long overdue.
There's nothing "obsolete" about it. The FBI doesn't allow foreigners to have security clearances for a reason. Why should we allow them to become president?

Two words: Common sense.

If you want more: Reason.

Or more: Before you go bat shit xenophobic look in the mirror.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?
in the name of allah no doubt. that couple will never be president if apple intervenes. wong kim ark may come back to life, according to the rebel obots, he is qualified. this time we have someone born here to foreign parents, and one born in canada to foreign parents. obama was maybe still is, a brit by birth. maybe indonesian. who knows anymore. it's just one small clause in the constitution, not that important. one thing for sure, natural born is waived in all cases. the mainstream media helped that along. :)
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
hopefully president Trump will bring things like this back into American focus.

You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy quoting this post to you for four whole years if he wins.
let's make it eight, shall we ??

You just get through four years of Trump, in OR out of office, without being too humiliated to show your face . . . assuming you even have a sense of shame left after shilling for him through the election.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
it's a good question, there are only natural born parameters for two jobs. potus and vpotus.
senators reps, speaker, pres pro tem, even the supreme court can be foreign born, or born to foreign parents. just to put things in perspective.

There are no official qualifications for becoming a Supreme Court justice. The Constitution spells out age, citizenship and residency requirements for becoming president of the United States or a member of Congress but mentions no rules for joining the nation's highest court.Oct 8, 2013
Last edited:
hopefully president Trump will bring things like this back into American focus.

You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy quoting this post to you for four whole years if he wins.
let's make it eight, shall we ??

You just get through four years of Trump, in OR out of office, without being too humiliated to show your face . . . assuming you even have a sense of shame left after shilling for him through the election.
i has just enough sense of shame to vote for him in vermont this morning, then leave to go to Cpac. is this a great country or what ??
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
it's a good question, there are only natural born parameters for two jobs. potus and vpotus.
senators reps, speaker, pres pro tem, even the supreme court can be foreign born, or born to foreign parents. just to put things in perspective.

There are no official qualifications for becoming a Supreme Court justice. The Constitution spells out age, citizenship and residency requirements for becoming president of the United States or a member of Congress but mentions no rules for joining the nation's highest court.Oct 8, 2013

the speaker of the house doesn't have to be in congress.

www.csmonitor.com/.../John-Boehner-exit...The Christian Science Monitor
Sep 25, 2015 - Non-House members have received votes for speaker, and that's a trend ... He or she doesn't have to be an elected lawmaker or government official. ... been a Member of the House,” notes a Congressional Research Service ...
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
it's a good question, there are only natural born parameters for two jobs. potus and vpotus.
senators reps, speaker, pres pro tem, even the supreme court can be foreign born, or born to foreign parents. just to put things in perspective.

There are no official qualifications for becoming a Supreme Court justice. The Constitution spells out age, citizenship and residency requirements for becoming president of the United States or a member of Congress but mentions no rules for joining the nation's highest court.Oct 8, 2013

Don't you see that as a glaring inconsistency?

If the President (thankfully, after the gluttonous power trip of the despicable cripple cretin FDR was cut to reasonable level) limited to two terms, why is a senator allowed to hang on to all limits of senility (example: Mitch O'Connell and Chuck Shumer) and representatives (example: any member of the racist Black Congressional Caucus), and worst of all, the justices of the Supreme Court get life long appointments?

Term limits for ALL politicos. Serving should be as Founding Fathers intended: Do your best to the best of your ability, then go home and do something productive.
Some of the examples I gave you should make you at least think why the land of birth might or might not mean patriotism. There is NOTHING inherently more patriotic about the place of birth. If you think there is, you brazenly and foolishly discount the influence of caring and patriotic parents, the inborn decency as the result of caring and patriotic parents and the fact that there is still a remnant of morality of the 50's and 60's left in America.

If you claim that no person who was born outside of United States jurisdiction could ever be a better person for president than some lucky asshole given the gift of the accident of birth, you are denying reality.

I would never claim that "no person born outside of United States jurisdiction" would be a better person than a native born American, but the odds are much lower. A native born American, especially if his ancestors have been here for several generations is far less likely to harbor ill will towards his country than someone born in Syria. There is simply no way you can reasonably claim otherwise.

Obviously your mind has been locked in an irreversible paradigm: Native born good immigrant bad.

As a Canadian who worked in the States for six years and got hooked on American politics and learned to love America and Americans, let me be so brave and say that you are wrong. Length of ancestry for being loyal American has about as much bearing and validity as a recent black immigrant from Africa has for reparation for slavery.

Let the best person - proven by credible record and history - be the best person for the job. From dog catcher to President. Let the facts, not obsolete traditions speak for themselves.

This is ONE change of the Constitution that is long overdue.
There's nothing "obsolete" about it. The FBI doesn't allow foreigners to have security clearances for a reason. Why should we allow them to become president?

So Kissinger never had a security clearance?


They make exceptions on special occasions. I was once interviewed for a job that required a security clearance and they lost interest the minute I told them my wife was foreign born.

So your claim was just pulled out of your ass- hardly a surprise there.

We have had a long history of foreign born Americans who have served the United States admirably- and with great patriotism- and who have had security clearances.

From Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger- to John Negroponte- who was our Director of National Intelligence to General John Shalikashvili - who reached the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

Not 'current' law- our Constitution.

Perhaps we will change it someday- but the Constitution provides only the minimum standards- natural born citizen, 35 years or older, 14 years a resident- none of them guarantee anything- but there is also no pressing need to change the requirements.

Since the Constitution is the bases for all current laws, I make no apology for calling a section of the Constitution "current law".

I hope it will be changed some day, when cooler heads prevail.

Hope away- while I agree with your essential proposition- I am rather conservative when it comes to changing the Constitution- that change is not going to happen in my life time- there is no enthusiasm for the change.

How about these Muslims?




I just want to point out you ignore the Muslim American who sacrificed his life fighting for his adopted country.

Just goes to show- the issue isn't you hating the government- it is you hating Americans.

I don't ignore them. s.

You absolutely ignored the very dead, very patriotic Muslim American veteran who gave his life serving our country.

Because you hate Americans.

Not all Americans.

Just those who don't pass your particular tests....probably only 95% or so of Americans.

I don't "ignore them." I simply don't seen any benefit to taking the additional risk of allowing foreigners who may hate American to become president. The fact that some are patriotic doesn't mean they are all patriotic. That's the fact that you ignore.

just to point out again- you once again ignored the patriotic American who gave his life for our shared country

You absolutely ignored the very dead, very patriotic Muslim American veteran who gave his life serving our country.

Because you hate Americans.

Not all Americans.

Just those who don't pass your particular tests....probably only 95% or so of Americans.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
everyone's vote counts the same, every opinion is relevant, as justice is blind.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

No one ever said being a natural-born citizen guaranteed patriotism, or even affection, toward the United States. The voters themselves are supposed to be able to discern that.

The voters can say NOTHING. The best person can NEVER be the President of the United States of America unless that person was born in the United States Of America.

That is the archaic and obsolete law, until sober heads prevail and it is changed.

BTW how can a foreign born person be a governor of an American State? Shouldn't there be the same or similar law?
it's a good question, there are only natural born parameters for two jobs. potus and vpotus.
senators reps, speaker, pres pro tem, even the supreme court can be foreign born, or born to foreign parents. just to put things in perspective.

There are no official qualifications for becoming a Supreme Court justice. The Constitution spells out age, citizenship and residency requirements for becoming president of the United States or a member of Congress but mentions no rules for joining the nation's highest court.Oct 8, 2013

Possibly because there is only one President and only one Vice-President, but there are nine Justices and scads of Congresscritters.

Again, it is assumed for all these positions that candidates will be well-vetted in addition to meeting basic minimum requirements.
hopefully president Trump will bring things like this back into American focus.

You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy quoting this post to you for four whole years if he wins.
let's make it eight, shall we ??

You just get through four years of Trump, in OR out of office, without being too humiliated to show your face . . . assuming you even have a sense of shame left after shilling for him through the election.
i has just enough sense of shame to vote for him in vermont this morning, then leave to go to Cpac. is this a great country or what ??

Well, thank you for clarifying that you own Donald Trump and everything he does for the next four years. Again, we'll see if you stop showing up halfway through.
There are many natural born Americans who - by their birth place - qualify to be President.

You know, home loving patriots like Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jane Fonda, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Aldrich Aimes, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr. and Benedict Arnold. Just to name a few.

Contrast the short list above (and you know that there are many many more) to the thousands (perhaps MILLIONS) of naturalized citizens who are happy to be in the land that gave them the opportunity their country of birth never could give them, and would NEVER try to "fundamentally transform" their new home to something similar to the hell hole they left behind.

A normal person would bet on the loyal naturalized citizens over the pieces of dirt who had the good luck of lottery to be born in America, but would be ready and willing to subjugate her to third world status.

The present law that requires the contender to be American born is - to be gentle and charitable - is archaic, obsolete, racist, xenophobic and totally 19th century, not that there is anything wrong with that.

And just to make it clear: I am a Canadian who is hooked on American politics and and I have no desire to run for President. And to be even more clear, I don't have the ability even if I were American.

Seems that the current field of presidential contenders should take my concession of lack of ability as a well meaning advice.

So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
everyone's vote counts the same, every opinion is relevant, as justice is blind.

Just remember that an opinion being relevant is not the same as it be intelligent, serious, or respectable.

Your opinion impacts the world around you, but that doesn't make it any less idiotic.
So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
everyone's vote counts the same, every opinion is relevant, as justice is blind.

Just remember that an opinion being relevant is not the same as it be intelligent, serious, or respectable.

Your opinion impacts the world around you, but that doesn't make it any less idiotic.

You've just described the Trump voters. Good for you.
One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
everyone's vote counts the same, every opinion is relevant, as justice is blind.

Just remember that an opinion being relevant is not the same as it be intelligent, serious, or respectable.

Your opinion impacts the world around you, but that doesn't make it any less idiotic.

You've just described the Trump voters. Good for you.

She described you perfectly.
hopefully president Trump will bring things like this back into American focus.

You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy quoting this post to you for four whole years if he wins.
let's make it eight, shall we ??

You just get through four years of Trump, in OR out of office, without being too humiliated to show your face . . . assuming you even have a sense of shame left after shilling for him through the election.
i has just enough sense of shame to vote for him in vermont this morning, then leave to go to Cpac. is this a great country or what ??

Well, thank you for clarifying that you own Donald Trump and everything he does for the next four years. Again, we'll see if you stop showing up halfway through.
nobody owns him, that's why he gets my one vote. i'm at Cpac now, so i think i'm in for the haul long.
So we should trust that the kind of "natural born American" who slaughtered all those people in San Bernardino would make a good president?

One of the murderers was a natural born citizen- the other was not a citizen at all.

We have a whole host of murderers- mass murderers in the United States who were natural born citizens- from Jeffrey Dahmer to Tim McVeigh to the San Bernadino killer- all natural born.

All killers.

None of which changes the eligibility requirements of the Constitution.

That is exactly my point. According to present law they are all eligible to be president, while a hard working hones t and patriotic naturalized citizen immigrant is not.

The point of the law is not to exclude people who would be bad, unpatriotic Presidents or include people are are good, patriotic citizens. The point of the law is to provide a standard which will eliminate potential conflicts of interest. The Constitutional eligibility requirements are hardly the one and only bar one must clear to become President, and they shouldn't be anywhere close to being the highest and toughest bar to clear.

Of course, given the thinking capacity of many voters in this country today . . .
everyone's vote counts the same, every opinion is relevant, as justice is blind.

Just remember that an opinion being relevant is not the same as it be intelligent, serious, or respectable.

Your opinion impacts the world around you, but that doesn't make it any less idiotic.
you still can't have my vote, i don't think anyone's opinion or vote are pinned to your approval, which is fine.

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