What makes you HAPPY, and why?

I'm of the mind that nothing can "make" you happy.

You are in control of your emotions so when you start relying on things outside yourself to control your emotions you have abdicated control of yourself
“makes you happy” is an idiom, I believe.
I agree with you, in that one’s own perspective and emotional stability related to rationality is most important in the “pursuit of happiness”. No?
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Gardening makes me happy because I enjoy working with my hands (when I could), watching what I planted grow, listening to the birds as I worked, fascinated with critters like butterflies, ants, etc in their jungle homes.

Animals. Dogs, cats, birds, whatever. I love looking at them and if possible, hugging, petting and just talking to them.

Being alone when I want to be alone. I can entertain myself pretty well.

Listening to ocean waves.

A damn good book that I get upset over when it ends.

Making people laugh.
I’m curious what you do or think that results in your happiness. Does that last?

According to a free online Yale class on “The Science of Well Being”, MONEY makes people “happy” (overall state of mind) up to a certain point. For example, you’re likely to be happier if your salary was higher ... until it reached $75,000/yr. After that, money did not necessarily correlate with happiness.

The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera

Beyond money, what else makes you happy?

My dog
Deer hunting
Riding my ebike
Being on my pontoon boat
Being on my small troll motor boat

Clearly it's being outdoor. I mean besides the women.

Being done walking my dog and free to watch tv for a few hours

5 oclock


The temperature that's perfect for waking up with the windows wide open. Is it 60 degrees?


When Democrats win
I’m curious what you do or think that results in your happiness. Does that last?

According to a free online Yale class on “The Science of Well Being”, MONEY makes people “happy” (overall state of mind) up to a certain point. For example, you’re likely to be happier if your salary was higher ... until it reached $75,000/yr. After that, money did not necessarily correlate with happiness.

The Science of Well-Being by Yale University | Coursera

Beyond money, what else makes you happy?
It makes sense. I worked for below 70K during the Bush Great Recession. Money was tight. Then I got a huge bump in pay during the Obama years so I was making around $75K. Suddenly I could afford things. And emergency expenses weren't such a big deal anymore. After $75K all you do is save it or buy shit. Buying shit doesn't make you happy. I mean it does but what's the best is being financially secure. I can't wait for the day I don't have to work anymore. I may still work but I want to have Fuck You money. LOL
Bonzi (wife)
Two children
1 Grandchild and one more next month
My comfy recliner
The food I make, and making food
Watching movies on the weekend
Vacations to relaxing places
Being outside
I don’t really do “Happy”; but I do “Content”. The things that make me Content:

Peace & Quiet. Order. Things Working Properly. Good Food. My dogs. Sleep. Darkness (lack of light). A comfortable bed. A good book. Being Alone.
making folks dance.....

i spent 1/2 my life in ems wallowing in humanity's misery cryin' w/saints

now i want to laugh w/the sinners.....


Bonzi (wife)
Two children
1 Grandchild and one more next month
My comfy recliner
The food I make, and making food
Watching movies on the weekend
Vacations to relaxing places
Being outside
Didn't Bonzi used to be a member here? I liked/miss her. She was cool.
I don’t really do “Happy”; but I do “Content”. The things that make me Content:

Peace & Quiet. Order. Things Working Properly. Good Food. My dogs. Sleep. Darkness (lack of light). A comfortable bed. A good book. Being Alone.

Sometimes to help me go to sleep I think about my dog and how damn cute he is. And what a good boy he is. I can't wait to go up north hunting with him. I was going to leave tomorrow after work but I might head up tonight at 7pm. That way the dog gets a walk before we head up. If I wait till tomorrow we will get in the car right after work and drive so he won't get a good walk if we go tomorrow. It's all about him. He's so spoiled. Yesterday I took a picture of him laying on the driveway in protest because he knew I was talking him back in the house. I'll attach a pic in a bit. I'm at work busy right now.
I don’t really do “Happy”; but I do “Content”. The things that make me Content:

Peace & Quiet. Order. Things Working Properly. Good Food. My dogs. Sleep. Darkness (lack of light). A comfortable bed. A good book. Being Alone.
When my dog knows we are going back in from our walk
My dog
Deer hunting
Riding my ebike
Being on my pontoon boat
Being on my small troll motor boat

Clearly it's being outdoor. I mean besides the women.

Being done walking my dog and free to watch tv for a few hours

5 oclock


The temperature that's perfect for waking up with the windows wide open. Is it 60 degrees?


When Democrats win
Being outdoors and enjoying nature is a great reminder that urban life is only a “box” that many live in, forgetting about “reality” that most people experienced full time thousands of years ago.
City life has its pluses, but a resident should not forget about nature.
However, the part about nature that’s difficult for me is hunting!
A good Nathan's hot dog with spicy mustard.

My passport getting another stamp.

A nice bottle of Merlot.

Road head.

My Harley.
Another stamp on my passport is very satisfying to me too!
Traveling internationally is not only fun (most of the time), but very educational. We in the Western world should appreciate how lucky we are, and enjoy freedom and people/friendships more than stuff. Being greedy for money is a real drag.
Another stamp on my passport is very satisfying to me too!
Traveling internationally is not only fun (most of the time), but very educational. We in the Western world should appreciate how lucky we are, and enjoy freedom and people/friendships more than stuff. Being greedy for money is a real drag.

I once read that you should spend your money on experiences and not things.

I agree with spending money on experiences, but things are good, too...
After 40 years of schedules, deadlines and stupid 8 am meetings I totally enjoy waking up slow enjoying some morning coffee, working on a new musical compostion, checking out my online communities. Afternoons are usually golf related, sometimes with my oldest son.
Being outdoors and enjoying nature is a great reminder that urban life is only a “box” that many live in, forgetting about “reality” that most people experienced full time thousands of years ago.
City life has its pluses, but a resident should not forget about nature.
However, the part about nature that’s difficult for me is hunting!
Like a person who works at a slaughter house I have sort of become immune to killing deer. I’m more concerned that it as a good shot and it didn’t suffer too long. Usually they’re in shock, don’t know what just happened and run off to lay down and die, quickly. You hope.

Cows know they’re being led to slaughter. They can smell it. They’re smarter than you think. I would outlaw that. More free range animals. Don’t shoot them until they are at least three. Honestly I love when one comes close enough to shoot it. Not one ounce of me hesitates or regrets a good kill. That’s life. I can’t wait to go get another one opening day gun season nov 15. I might go next weekend crossbow again. I can be done before the cold sets in.

My dad is the same as you. Says he couldn’t do it

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