What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

But isn’t todays republican ideology what America was built on?
:auiqs.jpg:No. The magaturd ideology is such a far cry from formerly agreed upon republican ideology, I wonder why magaturds even align themselves with them. Your ideology is that of entitlement: you desperately believe our private free enterprise system should be set up to benefit you and your ilk and you and your ilk only. If it strays in anyway from these proclivities, you are fine with the government stepping in to pick winners.

Yet, magaturds wanna cosplay that they are all bootstrappy and for 'small government'. :rolleyes: None of the idiots magaturds nominate/elect are self made, most haven't served and they believe these old, white, soft as shit, twinkle toed pussies are tough guys that will 'make America great again'. I don't buy the tough guy act. Never did.

Magaturds are taught isolationism from their winger overlords. Conspiracies abound. You are told higher education is bad and should be mocked and shunned by lawyers with multiple degrees from higher education. They tell you to believe your 'LIBBER - TEE' means you can do whatever the fuck you want consequence-free, including harassing groups you hate, and ignoring laws because you don't agree with them. And when you soft bitches get pinched/your asses whipped, you cry about authority (authoritarianism/fascism/racism/marxism/socialism/communism, etc. - magaturds use the terms interchangeably, because they are mostly uneducated) and your freedumb of speech. Sounds exactly like a utopia the regressive left wants. :dunno:

Magaturd leaders are shown to be corrupt, serial abusers and adulterers, yet cosplay as 'the moral majority'. If they sprinkle a bit of that 'ol Time Religion on it, magaturds willingly gobble whatever garbage they spew like hyenas. Magaturds believe if it is popular, it is right! It is why they embrace things like televangelists, the UFC and Donald Trump. It explains why they believe adding 7 trillion to the debt and a tax cut benefitting the 1% is the epitome of 'fiscal responsibility'. It explains the years of butthurt (entitlement) they subject the rest of normal America to simply because their candidate lost reelection and couldn't accept it, and had a giant narcissistic temper tantrum to make attempts to break the system. He failed. Bigly.

Magaturds aren't republican/conservative. But some republicans/conservatives are magaturds. Otherwise, never the two shall meet.

I believe magaturd ideology to be just as delusional as that of the regressive left. You can't wrap your tiny little fevered brain around it, and I have no fucks to give you. :dunno:
No. The magaturd ideology is such a far cry from formerly agreed upon republican ideology, I wonder why magaturds even align themselves with them. Your ideology is that of entitlement: you desperately believe our private free enterprise system should be set up to benefit you and your ilk and you and your ilk only. If it strays in anyway from these proclivities, you are fine with the government stepping in to pick winners.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

Yet, magaturds wanna cosplay that they are all bootstrappy and for 'small government'.
They are “bootstrappy“ beggar…See the income chart below.

None of the idiots magaturds nominate/elect are self made, most haven't served and they believe these old, white, soft as shit, twinkle toed pussies are tough guys that will 'make America great again'.
Trump turned millions into billions…why do you suppose all millionaires can’t do the same?
I don't buy the tough guy act. Never did.
Don’t fret….All purple-haired, neck tattooed stoned woke white quilt whackos hate “tough guys”.
Magaturds are taught isolationism from their winger overlords.
LefTard Logic:
”Those who value sovereignty and want a secure border are ‘isolationists’…..those who are not globalists are isolationists…. those who gravitate toward eachother to live among like-kind, like-minded people are isolationists.”
Notice….beaners, blacks and Asians always tend to settle and reside together. If whitey prefers the same he’s a racist, bigoted, xenophobe.
Conspiracies abound. You are told higher education is bad and should be mocked and shunned by lawyers with multiple degrees from higher education.
Higher education is great…social engineering and indoctrination by academia is bad.
They tell you to believe your 'LIBBER - TEE' means you can do whatever the fuck you want consequence-free, including harassing groups you hate, and ignoring laws because you don't agree with them. And when you soft bitches get pinched/your asses whipped, you cry about authority
Good, real, core Americans are supposed to uphold, preserve and protect ALL THINGS the American way…..standards and expectations imposed by a legit citizenry is what made America the exceptional nation it was before you leftarded fools fucked it all up with faggots, chicks with dicks, foreigners and all of your other pet human groups.
authoritarianism/fascism/racism/marxism/socialism/communism, etc. - magaturds use the terms interchangeably, because they are mostly uneducated) and your freedumb of speech. Sounds exactly like a utopia the regressive left wants.
How do you suppose the uneducated always out-earn the educated?

Magaturd leaders are shown to be corrupt, serial abusers and adulterers, yet cosplay as 'the moral majority'.
This thread isn’t about the Biden Crime Family….Conservatives are the moral majority.
If they sprinkle a bit of that 'ol Time Religion on it, magaturds willingly gobble whatever garbage they spew like hyenas.
That “ol time religion”…..you mean that pesky one that makes you degenerates feel like the degenerates you are…..that one? Or the one this nation was founded, built and pillared on/by?
Magaturds believe if it is popular, it is right! It is why they embrace things like televangelists, the UFC and Donald Trump. It explains why they believe adding 7 trillion to the debt and a tax cut benefitting the 1% is the epitome of 'fiscal responsibility'.
What “Right”…..is simple…..We have centuries of history here….We built the greatest nation the world has ever known doing it our way….doing it “Right”.
It explains the years of butthurt (entitlement) they subject the rest of normal America to simply because their candidate lost reelection and couldn't accept it, and had a giant narcissistic temper tantrum to make attempts to break the system. He failed. Bigly.
He didn’t fail at all….you failed….you voted for forced vaccines, for forced face diapers, for $5 fuel, for 8% inflation, for the highest interest rates in decades, for 6 million more wetbacks, for decay and degradation, for war in Ukraine….that was you and your ilk….because ORANGE MAN BAD n-stuff.
Magaturds aren't republican/conservative. But some republicans/conservatives are magaturds. Otherwise, never the two shall meet.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
I believe magaturd ideology to be just as delusional as that of the regressive left. You can't wrap your tiny little fevered brain around it, and I have no fucks to give you.
“No fucks to give”……only a 600 word short story rant?
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?

Voter Fraud makes big cities Left
How is this being done, exactly>

If you don't like gay sex, don't have gay sex. What you guys want to do is pretend that LGBTQ doesn't exist at all, and if just don't talk about it, it will go away.
No one is pretending LGBTQ doesn't exist, does it need to be taught in elementary schools, hell no. Do our kids need to be transgendered behind our backs? Only if you don't value your life.
I'm sure you did read Das Kapital, Joe, along with a lot of others in the same genre.
It's the philosophy of 'marxism', that was the point.

Well, yes, I have read it as part of getting a degree in History and Political Science. Don't agree with it, but I've read it.

And you know what, I didn't see any evidence Marx and Engels were dressing as ladies on the weekend.

You guys throw everything you don't like under the title of "Marxism", like it was still 1952 and Joe McCarthy was seeing Commies under the Bed.

Equal rights for gays? Marxism.
Equal rights for blacks? Marxism
Making the rich pay their fair share for the government that benefits them? Marxism!

It's a tad tired, to be sure.
No one is pretending LGBTQ doesn't exist, does it need to be taught in elementary schools, hell no. Do our kids need to be transgendered behind our backs? Only if you don't value your life.

If your kid is transgender, they are going to be transgender whether you like it or not.
The problem is most of you would prefer a dead son to a live daughter.
“I really miss those traditional hardce Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip.
I miss traditional conservatives because they *actually* stick to the principles of their ideology, unlike the magaturd, who is forever the wishy-washy, whiney, entitled, social media addicted dickhead who needs to blame others for your own suck. :itsok:
They are “bootstrappy“ beggar…See the income chart below.
I suppose you have a reason for posting the chart, I just don't know what it is, because you always fail to provide context, you numb fucking magaturd troll. Hmm, maybe learn how to communicate your thoughts a little more cogently next time? :itsok: Anyway, this has nothing to do with my comment. Next.
Trump turned millions into billions…why do you suppose all millionaires can’t do the same?
I don't suppose anything based on any level of thought you bring to the table. Copy that, skippy? Your words tell me magaturds love greed and seem to worship the rich. Got. it. Kinda predictable, no? :dunno:
Don’t fret….All purple-haired, neck tattooed stoned woke white quilt whackos hate “tough guys”.
:auiqs.jpg:'Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?' - FMJ
LefTard Logic:
”Those who value sovereignty and want a secure border are ‘isolationists’…..those who are not globalists are isolationists…. those who gravitate toward eachother to live among like-kind, like-minded people are isolationists.”
Notice….beaners, blacks and Asians always tend to settle and reside together. If whitey prefers the same he’s a racist, bigoted, xenophobe.
:auiqs.jpg:You would say that, no doubt about it. ^^^ In fact, that above sounds exactly like BrokeLoser Logic ^^^ to me. Kind of a self pwn, no? :itsok: Sad.
Higher education is great…social engineering and indoctrination by academia is bad.
Agreed. :113:
Good, real, core Americans are supposed to uphold, preserve and protect ALL THINGS the American way…
I uphold, preserve and protect ALL THINGS my way. And my way just happens to be based around an Oath to the country and a deep, deep respect for the constitution in which I abide.
How do you suppose the uneducated always out-earn the educated?
In your dreams, perhaps? :auiqs.jpg:
This thread isn’t about the Biden Crime Family….Conservatives are the moral majority.
They most certainly aren't. Nevertheless, some conservatives at one time believed they were. Jerry Falwell cemented that shit right into the stream of consciousness. It's really no matter that a low wit like yourself bought it hook, line and sinker. :dunno: I give no fucks.
That “ol time religion”…..you mean that pesky one that makes you degenerates feel like the degenerates you are…..that one? Or the one this nation was founded, built and pillared on/by?
There are quite a few. I suppose you have the FREEDUMB!!!! to take your pick? :dunno: Why are you so bothered about this?
What “Right”…..is simple…..We have centuries of history here….We built the greatest nation the world has ever known doing it our way….doing it “Right”.
You haven't done shit to reply to the comment you're *actually* addressing. Troll behavior. :rolleyes: Next.
He didn’t fail at all….you failed….you voted for forced vaccines, for forced face diapers, for $5 fuel, for 8% inflation, for the highest interest rates in decades, for 6 million more wetbacks, for decay and degradation, for war in Ukraine….that was you and your ilk….because ORANGE MAN BAD n-stuff.
You don't know who I voted for. :dunno: You don't even know what I stand for, morally or immorally, politically or apolitically. You are a tourist, that treats politics like their favorite sport. Binary answers are a prerequisite in the mission to 'pwn da libz'. :auiqs.jpg: A lame as fuck existence based on political hackery, entitlement and revenge, IMHO, but you do you. :dunno:

You are the epitome of a representation of the worst of our species when it comes to politics. I question pretty much everything you say because you say the stupidest shit upon our Holy Planet Earth. Sad. :itsok:

So, with no due respect, STFU, magaturd. I'd rather just annoy you, because you apparently love to boast about the dumb decisions you make, amirite!?!
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
The Democratic Party is actually centrist as far as the world is concerned or centrist right whereas the GOP is terminally brain dead right wing off the edge of the planet..... Horrible wars, bringing back serfdom and insider training seems to be their goal....
The Democratic Party is actually centrist as far as the world is concerned or centrist right whereas the GOP is terminally brain dead right wing off the edge of the planet..... Horrible wars, bringing back serfdom and insider training seems to be their goal....
Says the brainwashed dupe.
The Democratic Party is actually centrist as far as the world is concerned or centrist right
HOLY SHIT….you can’t be serious? There is not one little tiny single thing “Right” about todays Democrat Party.
whereas the GOP is terminally brain dead right wing off the edge of the planet
How is the GOP further right today than they were in years/decades past?
Horrible wars
Like the Democrat war in Ukraine?
bringing back serfdom
Like importing tens of millions of thirdworlders from shithole countries?
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
feminized white men who feel bad for Black people.

The radical feminist women who wildly applaud gay black men when they talk about “white supremacy.” Never mind that racism was always a global issue, and that the black man owned slaves, the Jew, and the Indian practiced the slave trade.

Today’s left is about legalizing drugs, LGBT and BLM propaganda, anti-American hatred, which makes no sense considering this country was founded by of course people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and fought for and expanded by heroes like Andrew Jackson. It literally makes no sense that there are people in this country who have torn down statues of Andrew Jackson, and yet live here. You see that would be like me going to a country like Saudi Arabia and complaining nonstop about Islam and then yet still living there.

In the American past, the Democrats used to stand up for what was right, for unions, for national healthcare, for good jobs, for patriotism. Now they are monsters. But the pendulum is swinging, and so many people in this country are waking up.

What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?​

Isn’t it just much ‘easier’ to lean left?
Isn’t that really why the godless, the young and unwise, the irresponsible and unaccountable, the lazy, the weird/unconventional, the criminal, the degenerate and the illiterate all tend to lean left?

Leftists believe there is no standard to be met, they hate expectations, Christianity and a value system, they detest any moral order and they have nothing but disdain for law and order.
It’s not at all easy to lead a productive, moral, decent, righteous life.
HOLY SHIT….you can’t be serious? There is not one little tiny single thing “Right” about todays Democrat Party.

How is the GOP further right today than they were in years/decades past?

Like the Democrat war in Ukraine?

Like importing tens of millions of thirdworlders from shithole countries?
The GOP is off the right wing spectrum because they want a Trump dictatorship with a corporate spin. And so many admire right wing dictator scumbag Putin and no the Iraq and Afghanistan worst US wars ever are nothing like Putin being resisted Buy freedom loving Ukrainians for crying out loud, Super Dupe....
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Sorry bout that,

1. It's free stuff.
2. That's where people are to get on the Free Train.
3. When everything's free life's good.

Sorry bout that,

1. It's free stuff.
2. That's where people are to get on the Free Train.
3. When everything's free life's good.


I do enjoy the Free Stuff that comes with being a Liberal
All I have to do is flash my Liberal Card and wink……

I get free drinks at the bar, meals in restaurants and lap dances at Titty Bars


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