What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

Many move to cities because of corporate high paying jobs. We have to quit pretending that 40 grand a year is a "darn good living.". That is no "dream"
I like a good hotdog

But $43 for six hotdogs is too much
6 packages of 8, $43

Screenshot_20220125-141549_Samsung Internet.jpg
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The dichotomy is between the working poor majority and the wealthy elite.

It is not between liberal and conservative, as everyone should be both liberal and conservative.
Liberal does not mean wide interpretation of the constitution vs a conservative one.
Liberal means centering legal values on defense of individual liberties.
Which is also what constitutional conservatives should also be doing.

It is not between progressive and conservative, as everyone should be both progressive and conservative.
Progressive means protecting individual rights, and since that is what the 14th amendment of the constitution also requires, then conservatives should also be progressive.

And the problem is that both the democratic and republican parties have been taken over by the wealthy elite, leaving no representation at all anymore for the working poor majority.
An example of the is the WMD lies about Iraq.
All that did was murder innocent Iraqis and innocent US soldiers, in order to sell more munitions and get a % of Iraqi oil sales.

What makes you lean ‘Left’?​

1. A left leg shorter than the right leg.
2. Scoliosis.
3. Someone farting to my right.
4. Watching replays of the final field goal attempt by the Bills in the Super Bowl against the Giants. ☹️
Sorry bout that,

1. Processed food isn't good for your gut.
2. Messes up your DNA.
3. Makes you lean left.
4. I will simply stay with my TEX-MEX.
5. Chicken enchiladas.
6. Best food known to mankind.

Will any Lefty step up and be honest enough to admit:
”Because I’m gay”
”Because my son or daughter is gay”
”Because I’m a man who wears a dress and lipstick”
”Because I’m an illegal or I’m of illegal descent”
”Because I like and need free shit”
”Because I hate old white people since they built this nation to work against me”

I’m inclined to believe the aforementioned are some of the most common forces driving people to the Left.
There’s just no way one becomes Left for REAL political reasons….Leftism always seems to be driven by emotion and unconventional lifestyles.
If I'm carrying a heavy object in my left hand but not in my right hand, I tend to lean left.
Is that why the left is so religious and the right isn’t?
Maybe it just proves that the left is naïve enough to actually believe there is some magical supreme being floating around in the universe watching his or her creation crumble at their feet. The right might be a little more logical.
Will any Lefty step up and be honest enough to admit:
”Because I’m gay”
”Because my son or daughter is gay”
”Because I’m a man who wears a dress and lipstick”
”Because I’m an illegal or I’m of illegal descent”
”Because I like and need free shit”
”Because I hate old white people since they built this nation to work against me”

I’m inclined to believe the aforementioned are some of the most common forces driving people to the Left.
There’s just no way one becomes Left for REAL political reasons….Leftism always seems to be driven by emotion and unconventional lifestyles.
Far right fanaticism like that drove me to the left
My thoughts: The closer people live to each other, the more they want government to regulate their interactions with each other. The farther people live apart from each other, the more they just want the government to butt out and leave them the hell alone.
good point

too many have no concern or care for they neighbors.....thus they do things that affect their neigbors in a negative manner....the neighbor has two options to stop the abuse.....vigilantism or call the police....yet in the ghetto hoods the people will do neither fearing retribution....thus kids see this...and learn from it....the law of the jungle rules.

"NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack
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Oh the irony….wouldn’t you consider yourself to be fanatically left?
The hive mind has been trained by the globalist technocrats just as surely as Pavlov's pooch. One of the most typical conditioned responses involves their being trained to see Trump as the embodiment of everything they fear about the world in order to elicit an opposite reaction.

If the globalists wanted to get rid of dogs, all they would need to do is saturate the media with endless stories about how Trump absolutely loves his puppies and then just wait for the fallout.

The hive mind has absolutely no idea what it is FOR. All it knows is what it is against.
I voted for Reagan and Bush twice
and that was because Reagan and Bush were all about CRT, men in women's bathrooms, leaving Americans in hostile places to die, allowing us to be overrun with illegals and taking away our right to assembly, amiright?

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