What Masks Cannot Stop


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Pretty scary. This is why we have an immune system. This is also why we need to stop listening to murderers.
Masks make you sick. The amount of CO2 one inhales exceeds the safety level which causes submarines to resurface.

In Realityland, masks are SLAVE COLLARS.
Doctors in operating rooms must be fainting.

Are they wearing N95 or KN95 masks during surgery?

Are those masks designed to stop airborne pathogens from person to person or really prevent breathing vapor from entering surgical wounds?
Pretty scary. This is why we have an immune system. This is also why we need to stop listening to murderers.

What Masks Cannot Stop?
Bullets also come to mind.
Pretty scary. This is why we have an immune system. This is also why we need to stop listening to murderers.

What that does not show, and what is crucial, is the structure of a mask itself.

Early in the #CoronaHoax2020, I put a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask under my microscope, and used a picture that I took to create this visualization.

The photograph is of an N95 mask, a much better mask than what most people have been wearing 7under the deception that doing so protects anyone from any virus. This was at a relatively low-magnification configuration of my microscope, and clearly shows gaps about fifty microns or so wide, in the structure of the mask. My microscope is capable of being configured for much higher magnification and resolution than used here, but is not cable, even in its most powerful configuration, of resolving anything as small as a #CoronaHoax virus. To create this visualization, I scaled the image up to the point that one pixel represented a square of about 0.2 of a micron, which is the upper edge of the range I have found for the size of a #CoronaHoax virus, and I colored one pixel red to represent a virus. I put a red circle around that pixel.

In the left panel, you can clearly see that circle, and see that even it represents a larger thing than the mask could reasonably be expected to filter out. The right panel is zoomed in to the point that you can clearly see the red pixel inside the circle, and see how much smaller it is than the circle. That dot, as I said, represents 0.2 of a micron, about the largest possible size for the #CoronaHoax virus.

What mind? Did you borrow one?
Yes. Yours it was empty enough and as usual not being used.
You can go back to your mask thread again. Pretty rare to see one here around Jackson.
Here's a question for the anti-mask idiots.
Would you rather have a person cough in your direction with, or without covering their mouth with their hand?
Here's a question for the anti-mask idiots.
Would you rather have a person cough in your direction with, or without covering their mouth with their hand?

A person coughing during a pandemic shouldn't be in public in the first place.

When I went to see my at the time 100 year old grandfather during the pandemic, I didn't trust masks, I only saw him when I knew I was past the incubation period after any potential exposures.

Masks indoors and in particular enclosed spaces like subway cars only delay saturation without appropriate air changes via dedicated HVAC systems.
A person coughing during a pandemic shouldn't be in public in the first place.
Most random coughs aren't due to an illness at all.
That's what I was referring to, just a random cough, in your direction, without their hand, covering their mouth.
When I went to see my at the time 100 year old grandfather during the pandemic, I didn't trust masks, I only saw him when I knew I was past the incubation period after any potential exposures.

Masks indoors and in particular enclosed spaces like subway cars only delay saturation without appropriate air changes via dedicated HVAC systems.
I stated this earlier in several comments, masks HELP prevent a potential infection.
They don't eliminate the risks.
Masks work in two directions: Who thinks he is a risk to infect others should use a mask. Who thinks he has a risk in case of an infection from others should also use a mask.

And who not thinks at all has perhaps no risks: Happy funeral party!

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