What metric(s) is/are used to determine if Democrat policies are working?

I disagree, I think we're proud of it. I think when the GOP offers a tax cut that mostly goes to corporations and the wealthy they are being redistributionist assholes.

And when Dems offer it it ends up expanding the bloated government bureaucracy, with only a trickle ending with the people supposedly being helped. That and some nice graft along the way.
True enough but Dems ALSO want benefits going to people rather than have them trickle down to the people.
“Benefits”? Be specific….what benefits do you want “going to the people” that aren’t already going to the people?
Supposedly you Dems have been funneling free shit to blacks for decades…have they improved?
What affect does free shit have on “people”?
How does that trickle-up economic system you dream of work?

As a member of the 'wealthy' the mooching deadbeat lard asses always trying to take MY money pisses me off. Get jobs losers, earn your own wealth and stop trying to vampire off me.
You are not wealthy if your using this board to promote your political party.
The wealthy use there money buying a place at the table for some party member (supporting their wants) running,
deserved or not.
And when Dems offer it it ends up expanding the bloated government bureaucracy, with only a trickle ending with the people supposedly being helped. That and some nice graft along the way.
I'm still a big fan of Obamacare. That program had way more of a positive impact on my life than the Trump tax cut.
“Benefits”? Be specific….what benefits do you want “going to the people” that aren’t already going to the people?
Supposedly you Dems have been funneling free shit to blacks for decades…have they improved?
What affect does free shit have on “people”?
How does that trickle-up economic system you dream of work?

I'm not poor but Obamacare helped me personally. And I'm not even Black.
You are not wealthy if your using this board to promote your political party.
The wealthy use there money buying a place at the table for some party member (supporting their wants) running,
deserved or not.

Wealthy people have time for this too.

What metric(s)

An apt query i'm sure you'll find all manner of partisan putz , totalatarianist trolls, and socialist sleezebag , and fascist fantasies responses to Broke one

and probably why we'll all be as broke as you are soon....~S~
Obamacare was a financial disaster for the majority of people.
Rightwing myth. I'm sure believing this canard has made the ACA's popularity and staying power very mysterious to you. It was supposed to be repealed over a decade ago, right?
Rightwing myth. I'm sure believing this canard has made the ACA's popularity and staying power very mysterious to you. It was supposed to be repealed over a decade ago, right?
I won’t argue with you…O’Beaner Care, at the expense of good Americans can benefit degenerate bottom feeders but it’s a liability to all legit productive core Americans.

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