What metric(s) is/are used to determine if Democrat policies are working?

So why do people vote against their own interest and support the GOP?
ALL legitimate, decent, moral, normal, productive, patriotic, heterosexual, Christian core Americans vote Republican.
You didn’t know that?
I'm still a big fan of Obamacare. That program had way more of a positive impact on my life than the Trump tax cut.

I liked my PPO plan, I couldn't keep my PPO plan. I was forced into a high deductible plan due to the outrageous cost of the PPO plan after Obamacare.
It helped a small group at the very bottom of the societal rung.
I never heard anyone say that it was a boon before.
My kids were about to age out of my health insurance coverage. Obamacare kept them both on my plan until they got jobs and get their own insurance. Didn't end up costing anyone anything substantial and I saved thousands since I didn't have to get them separate plans.
Is it economics, government spending, immigration, public safety, foreign policy, tax code, energy, trade?
Is it far simpler…is it just free stuff and the feelings of the ‘oppressed’?
I know of absolutely no way that the left can claim that any of their policies are working.

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