What ‘Muslim’ Actually Means


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Therefore, with “Islam” being a verbal noun meaning submission, “Muslim” therefore means “one who submits.” Submits to what? To Allah’s will, which is shariah. Islamic Law.

A sharp grammatical lesson. And then comes this:

All who are Muslim by birth or conversion are obligated to actively support the establishment of a universal governmental system (Caliphate/Imamate) based on shariah and the replacement by means of jihad of any political system not governed by shariah.

What could possibly be clearer? If you claim to be Muslim, then your goal is to convert the government of wherever you live to a sharia-compliant system. So, when the question comes up about an American Muslim supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States, they CANNOT if they are true Muslims.

Read the full article @ “To Be or Not To Be: What ‘Muslim’ Actually Means

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