What must previous Secretaries of State be thinking about what they left behind?



You know that with Republicans examining every single email Hillary ever wrote and her being more scrutinized than any other public official in the history of the United States, I wonder if other Government officials are wondering what they left behind.

Remember, Powell stood up and lied to the entire world under orders from President Bush. I wonder what his emails say if we looked at them one at a time.

Condi refused to use emails thinking that going through her staff would somehow protect her and let others take the blame if something is discovered. Man, would I hate to work for her.

Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.

Then there are letters and possibly recorded phone calls going back who knows how many years.

And not just the Secretary of State, but all the other Secretaries. Who knows what they sent out.

Perhaps we need a Department of Scrutiny. To look into the jobs these people left years ago, just like Hillary.
You know that with Republicans examining every single email Hillary ever wrote and her being more scrutinized than any other public official in the history of the United States, I wonder if other Government officials are wondering what they left behind.

Remember, Powell stood up and lied to the entire world under orders from President Bush. I wonder what his emails say if we looked at them one at a time.

Condi refused to use emails thinking that going through her staff would somehow protect her and let others take the blame if something is discovered. Man, would I hate to work for her.

Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.

Then there are letters and possibly recorded phone calls going back who knows how many years.

And not just the Secretary of State, but all the other Secretaries. Who knows what they sent out.

Perhaps we need a Department of Scrutiny. To look into the jobs these people left years ago, just like Hillary.
Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.
the rumor is that 20 million of them was from someone who went by the handle "rdean".....
So you are suggesting that because impropriety existed in the past, it sets a precedent for the illegalities to continue? How about we make Hitlery the last lying, sneaking government official, and kick her ass to the curb.
Trump ~2016 because his opponent is another lying Clinton.
You know that with Republicans examining every single email Hillary ever wrote and her being more scrutinized than any other public official in the history of the United States, I wonder if other Government officials are wondering what they left behind.

Remember, Powell stood up and lied to the entire world under orders from President Bush. I wonder what his emails say if we looked at them one at a time.

Condi refused to use emails thinking that going through her staff would somehow protect her and let others take the blame if something is discovered. Man, would I hate to work for her.

Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.

Then there are letters and possibly recorded phone calls going back who knows how many years.

And not just the Secretary of State, but all the other Secretaries. Who knows what they sent out.

Perhaps we need a Department of Scrutiny. To look into the jobs these people left years ago, just like Hillary.
Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.
the rumor is that 20 million of them was from someone who went by the handle "rdean".....
Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

Covert CIA agent outed.
The scandal in the Justice Department.
Colin lies to the world.
Condi's lesbian affairs
Jeff Gannon spending dozens of over nighters at the White House
Did they know if there were WMD's?

So many things could have been in those 22 million emails.

Do Republicans care? Clearly they don't.

The question is "why not"?
So you are suggesting that because impropriety existed in the past, it sets a precedent for the illegalities to continue? How about we make Hitlery the last lying, sneaking government official, and kick her ass to the curb.
Trump ~2016 because his opponent is another lying Clinton.
I'm suggesting fairness. Something Republicans clearly don't understand. Worse, the law wasn't changed until two years after Hillary left office. Republicans seemed to have forgotten that.
I don't think the OP is a parent. A good parent rejects the “ everybody else was doing it” automatically.
Maybe the FBI will consider that bit of inane trivia while they investigate Hillary's alleged felonies.
Bush deleted 22 million. Sure would like to know what those said.

That's 2900+ per day. If Bush did nothing but delete emails for 8 hours per day, he'd still have to get through 940 per hour or one every four seconds.

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