What (Not Who) is a Racist?

I used to think it meant that you hated people whose skin was different.

clearly I was wrong, it's clear now that if you don't blindly support obama, judge a minorities actions to be bad for any reason, you are a racist.
well guess what white people invented racism since the beginning of time.Here's a list of some of your biggest racist.Ceasar,Hannibal,Hitler,All the English and French kings,the Chinese mongols,Islamist these are just some of the racist I can remember.

Well whites actually to more precise Europeans invented just about everything in the modern era including science. If you doubt that checkout the numerous European scientific societies beginning in the late 1600s. When science came of age in the 1600s the Europeans developed a passion to organized all scientific knowledge of the time. They organized and classified everything from minerals, plants, animals and humans. They made mistake and learned from them. Their classifications of humans into races was not an effort to establish inferior castes of peoples but an attempt better understand their world.

Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.


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well guess what white people invented racism since the beginning of time.Here's a list of some of your biggest racist.Ceasar,Hannibal,Hitler,All the English and French kings,the Chinese mongols,Islamist these are just some of the racist I can remember.

Well whites actually to more precise Europeans invented just about everything in the modern era including science. If you doubt that checkout the numerous European scientific societies beginning in the late 1600s. When science came of age in the 1600s the Europeans developed a passion to organized all scientific knowledge of the time. They organized and classified everything from minerals, plants, animals and humans. They made mistake and learned from them. Their classifications of humans into races was not an effort to establish inferior castes of peoples but an attempt better understand their world.

Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.

BBC - History - Imhotep

Imhotep Biography - name, mother, son, information, born, time, year, achievements

I Googled Imhotep son and I agree he was a remarkable man, but not a scientist. Science is the systematic acquisition of knowledge through the use of the scientific process. The Greek Hero of Alexandria was an brilliant inventor of the ancient world; he created the first steam engine, but he was no scientist. Science is not about making things that is engineering science is about understanding the basic laws of the universe. A totally different way of approaching knowledge than used in the past and a European concept.
Well whites actually to more precise Europeans invented just about everything in the modern era including science. If you doubt that checkout the numerous European scientific societies beginning in the late 1600s. When science came of age in the 1600s the Europeans developed a passion to organized all scientific knowledge of the time. They organized and classified everything from minerals, plants, animals and humans. They made mistake and learned from them. Their classifications of humans into races was not an effort to establish inferior castes of peoples but an attempt better understand their world.

Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.

BBC - History - Imhotep

Imhotep Biography - name, mother, son, information, born, time, year, achievements

I Googled Imhotep son and I agree he was a remarkable man, but not a scientist. Science is the systematic acquisition of knowledge through the use of the scientific process. The Greek Hero of Alexandria was an brilliant inventor of the ancient world; he created the first steam engine, but he was no scientist. Science is not about making things that is engineering science is about understanding the basic laws of the universe. A totally different way of approaching knowledge than used in the past and a European concept.

Evidently you dont know what science is. You cant selectively decide it means whatever you want it to mean. He was the first real physician, astronomer, architect etc on record. If you don't think those are sciences then I dont know what to tell you.
What is Science? | The Scientific Method | LiveScience

Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It is derived from the Latin word “scientia,” which translates to knowledge. Unlike the arts, science aims for measurable results through testing and analysis. Science is based on fact, not opinion or preferences.
What is Science? | The Scientific Method | LiveScience

Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It is derived from the Latin word “scientia,” which translates to knowledge. Unlike the arts, science aims for measurable results through testing and analysis. Science is based on fact, not opinion or preferences.
What is Science? | The Scientific Method | LiveScience

Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It is derived from the Latin word “scientia,” which translates to knowledge. Unlike the arts, science aims for measurable results through testing and analysis. Science is based on fact, not opinion or preferences.

I know that. How do you think the guy actually performed surgeries and charted the stars? Sorry guy. Just by virtue of him being a physician and astronomer he fulfills the requirements.


Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as the cosmic background radiation).
It is concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects, as well as the formation and development of the universe.
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences
A RACIST is someone that wants to live with his people(people of the same culture and skin color!) within a land that demands diversity!

Where did you find that definition? Pretty sure it means you think another "race" is inferior. I think you looked up the wrong word.

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
well guess what white people invented racism since the beginning of time.Here's a list of some of your biggest racist.Ceasar,Hannibal,Hitler,All the English and French kings,the Chinese mongols,Islamist these are just some of the racist I can remember.

Well whites actually to more precise Europeans invented just about everything in the modern era including science. If you doubt that checkout the numerous European scientific societies beginning in the late 1600s. When science came of age in the 1600s the Europeans developed a passion to organized all scientific knowledge of the time. They organized and classified everything from minerals, plants, animals and humans. They made mistake and learned from them. Their classifications of humans into races was not an effort to establish inferior castes of peoples but an attempt better understand their world.

Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.

BBC - History - Imhotep

Imhotep Biography - name, mother, son, information, born, time, year, achievements

Africans are not a monolithic race. There are white Africans, Arab Africans, and black Africans. This has been the case for thousands of years. Is your assumption all Africans are black....or that all Egyptians are black?
Well whites actually to more precise Europeans invented just about everything in the modern era including science. If you doubt that checkout the numerous European scientific societies beginning in the late 1600s. When science came of age in the 1600s the Europeans developed a passion to organized all scientific knowledge of the time. They organized and classified everything from minerals, plants, animals and humans. They made mistake and learned from them. Their classifications of humans into races was not an effort to establish inferior castes of peoples but an attempt better understand their world.

Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.

BBC - History - Imhotep

Imhotep Biography - name, mother, son, information, born, time, year, achievements

Africans are not a monolithic race. There are white Africans, Arab Africans, and black Africans. This has been the case for thousands of years. Is your assumption all Africans are black....or that all Egyptians are black?

Black Africans were the first and the original egyptians. White people are white for a reason. The don't produce melanin in sufficient enough quantities to protect themselves from the sun. They would have died in that climate. Present day Arabs are simply an admixture of black, white and asiatic races. If you dont believe me look up the DNA findings on all the egyptian mummies they have tested. All are subsaharan africans. Ramases III comes to mind and king tut.
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Africans invented the sciences. What have you been smoking? Meth? Go look up Imhotep son. Your European scientist all got inspiration from the first recorded multi-genius.

BBC - History - Imhotep

Imhotep Biography - name, mother, son, information, born, time, year, achievements

Africans are not a monolithic race. There are white Africans, Arab Africans, and black Africans. This has been the case for thousands of years. Is your assumption all Africans are black....or that all Egyptians are black?

Black Africans were the first and the original egyptians. White people are white for a reason. The don't produce melanin in sufficient enough quantities to protect themselves from the sun. They would have died in that climate. Present day Arabs are simply an admixture of black, white and asiatic races. If you dont believe me look up the DNA findings on all the egyptian mummies they have tested. All are subsaharan africans. Ramases III comes to mind and king tut.

Not according to the science. Although your racial theories of white folks in Egypt is certainty fascinating. Here is the best research I could find. The general science concludes the Egyptians were probably very similar to modern day Egyptians (i.e. a mixture of different racial types). That has always been my assumption, but I guess it's more important to you that they were all black.

Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Africans are not a monolithic race. There are white Africans, Arab Africans, and black Africans. This has been the case for thousands of years. Is your assumption all Africans are black....or that all Egyptians are black?

Black Africans were the first and the original egyptians. White people are white for a reason. The don't produce melanin in sufficient enough quantities to protect themselves from the sun. They would have died in that climate. Present day Arabs are simply an admixture of black, white and asiatic races. If you dont believe me look up the DNA findings on all the egyptian mummies they have tested. All are subsaharan africans. Ramases III comes to mind and king tut.

Not according to the science. Although your racial theories of white folks in Egypt is certainty fascinating. Here is the best research I could find. The general science concludes the Egyptians were probably very similar to modern day Egyptians (i.e. a mixture of different racial types). That has always been my assumption, but I guess it's more important to you that they were all black.

Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DNA is pretty solid science. It seems your thing is to prove that they were not Black Africans. Did you look up the DNA results? The person that wrote the link you supplied sure didnt.

The Thuya Gene

The Thuya Gene is Sub-Saharan African with a low frequency in North Africa and the Old Near East and spotty distribution elsewhere except it is uniformly low in India and points east.

The King Tut Gene

Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans.



According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans
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Black Africans were the first and the original egyptians. White people are white for a reason. The don't produce melanin in sufficient enough quantities to protect themselves from the sun. They would have died in that climate. Present day Arabs are simply an admixture of black, white and asiatic races. If you dont believe me look up the DNA findings on all the egyptian mummies they have tested. All are subsaharan africans. Ramases III comes to mind and king tut.

Not according to the science. Although your racial theories of white folks in Egypt is certainty fascinating. Here is the best research I could find. The general science concludes the Egyptians were probably very similar to modern day Egyptians (i.e. a mixture of different racial types). That has always been my assumption, but I guess it's more important to you that they were all black.

Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DNA is pretty solid science. It seems your thing is to prove that they were not Black Africans. Did you look up the DNA results? The person that wrote the link you supplied sure didnt.

The Thuya Gene

The King Tut Gene

Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans.


Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans

But the science general concludes racial differences are not genetic. The article I provided certainly says that. Unless you believe there are key genetic differences between the races? If so...what do these genetic differences account for in your opinion? Beauty...intelligence....athletic ability...?

Again...even if the genes are allegedly African in origin....that could be any of a wide range of physical differences. It by no means solely indicates "blackness" as you would likely define it.
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Not according to the science. Although your racial theories of white folks in Egypt is certainty fascinating. Here is the best research I could find. The general science concludes the Egyptians were probably very similar to modern day Egyptians (i.e. a mixture of different racial types). That has always been my assumption, but I guess it's more important to you that they were all black.

Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

DNA is pretty solid science. It seems your thing is to prove that they were not Black Africans. Did you look up the DNA results? The person that wrote the link you supplied sure didnt.

The Thuya Gene

The King Tut Gene


Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans

But the science general concludes racial differences are not genetic. The article I provided certainly says that. Unless you believe there are key genetic differences between the races? If so...what do these genetic differences account for in your opinion? Beauty...intelligence....athletic ability...?

Again...even if the genes are allegedly African in origin....that could be any of a wide range of physical differences. It by no means solely indicates "blackness" as you would likely define it.

I dont get your point? You dont tell me how to define Blackness. There is a large range of physical differences among Black Africans as we have the most diverse gene pool. There are genetic differences. They are called haplogroups and by using them you can determine where the genetic change occurred and when. You can also track the movement of the gene from its source. Based on your percentage of the gene someone can say you 96% of the gene material from a specific race. How do you think DNA is used to establish paternity? I thought everyone knew this? There were no white people in central Africa back then. There were no white people in Egypt until Greece invaded. Even then the Greek historian Herodotus said himself that the Egyptians were Black while comparing them to Ethiopians.

Ancient Ethiopia or Kush
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It doesn't exist. It's a word invented to portray persons as bad and worthy of scorn, who simply recognize the differences in physical and intellectual characteristics inherent in various ethnic peoples.


That, in a nutshell, is racism.

It is the belief that people are inferior because of skin color and ethnicity.

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