What (Not Who) is a Racist?

DNA is pretty solid science. It seems your thing is to prove that they were not Black Africans. Did you look up the DNA results? The person that wrote the link you supplied sure didnt.

The Thuya Gene

The King Tut Gene


Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the science general concludes racial differences are not genetic. The article I provided certainly says that. Unless you believe there are key genetic differences between the races? If so...what do these genetic differences account for in your opinion? Beauty...intelligence....athletic ability...?

Again...even if the genes are allegedly African in origin....that could be any of a wide range of physical differences. It by no means solely indicates "blackness" as you would likely define it.

I dont get your point? You dont tell me how to define Blackness. There is a large range of physical differences among Black Africans as we have the most diverse gene pool. There are genetic differences. They are called haplogroups and by using them you can determine where the genetic change occurred and when. You can also track the movement of the gene from its source. Based on your percentage of the gene someone can say you 96% of the gene material from a specific race. How do you think DNA is used to establish paternity? I thought everyone knew this? There were no white people in central Africa back then. There were no white people in Egypt until Greece invaded. Even then the Greek historian Herodotus said himself that the Egyptians were Black while comparing them to Ethiopians.

Ancient Ethiopia or Kush

There can be genetic markers for different haplogroups yes.....but race? Are you saying racial differences are genetic? And if so...what are those racial differences in your opinion?
But the science general concludes racial differences are not genetic. The article I provided certainly says that. Unless you believe there are key genetic differences between the races? If so...what do these genetic differences account for in your opinion? Beauty...intelligence....athletic ability...?

Again...even if the genes are allegedly African in origin....that could be any of a wide range of physical differences. It by no means solely indicates "blackness" as you would likely define it.

I dont get your point? You dont tell me how to define Blackness. There is a large range of physical differences among Black Africans as we have the most diverse gene pool. There are genetic differences. They are called haplogroups and by using them you can determine where the genetic change occurred and when. You can also track the movement of the gene from its source. Based on your percentage of the gene someone can say you 96% of the gene material from a specific race. How do you think DNA is used to establish paternity? I thought everyone knew this? There were no white people in central Africa back then. There were no white people in Egypt until Greece invaded. Even then the Greek historian Herodotus said himself that the Egyptians were Black while comparing them to Ethiopians.

Ancient Ethiopia or Kush

There can be genetic markers for different haplogroups yes.....but race? Are you saying racial differences are genetic? And if so...what are those racial differences in your opinion?

When I say race I am using in terms of the created political construct so people dont get confused. I think there is only one race but with genetic differences in appearance due primarily to environment. Let me ask you this question. Do you think two white people can produce a child that looks like Wesley Snipes? Basically thats what you are implying.
I dont get your point? You dont tell me how to define Blackness. There is a large range of physical differences among Black Africans as we have the most diverse gene pool. There are genetic differences. They are called haplogroups and by using them you can determine where the genetic change occurred and when. You can also track the movement of the gene from its source. Based on your percentage of the gene someone can say you 96% of the gene material from a specific race. How do you think DNA is used to establish paternity? I thought everyone knew this? There were no white people in central Africa back then. There were no white people in Egypt until Greece invaded. Even then the Greek historian Herodotus said himself that the Egyptians were Black while comparing them to Ethiopians.

Ancient Ethiopia or Kush

There can be genetic markers for different haplogroups yes.....but race? Are you saying racial differences are genetic? And if so...what are those racial differences in your opinion?

When I say race I am using in terms of the created political construct so people dont get confused. I think there is only one race but with genetic differences in appearance due primarily to environment. Let me ask you this question. Do you think two white people can produce a child that looks like Wesley Snipes? Basically thats what you are implying.

I think when you say Egyptians are genetically "black" or of the black "race" you are treading in very dangerous territory. Science generally avoids discussing genetics and race....for very good reason.

Egyptians were no doubt a mixture of many races, since it was at the cross roads of the Middle East where black, white, and berber people coexisted. The ancient Nubians, which for a significant amount of time were part of Egypt, were African "black" as generally understood. Ethiopia was never conquered by Egypt, but there was a lot of traffic between the two. Also Egypt was conquered by the Hyksos People who ruled Egypt for centuries. They were not "African People" but from what is now Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Bottom Line: The Egyptians were multi-racial. To make a blanket statement that all Egyptians were "black" is just as racist as saying they were all "white." Egypt was conquered and ruled by many different people over many thousands of years. I know the history. I have heard many black Americans make the same claim as you. I understand why....it's the same reason 19th whites said the Egyptians were "white." It is the exact same motivation and thought process.
There can be genetic markers for different haplogroups yes.....but race? Are you saying racial differences are genetic? And if so...what are those racial differences in your opinion?

When I say race I am using in terms of the created political construct so people dont get confused. I think there is only one race but with genetic differences in appearance due primarily to environment. Let me ask you this question. Do you think two white people can produce a child that looks like Wesley Snipes? Basically thats what you are implying.

I think when you say Egyptians are genetically "black" or of the black "race" you are treading in very dangerous territory. Science generally avoids discussing genetics and race....for very good reason.

Egyptians were no doubt a mixture of many races, since it was at the cross roads of the Middle East where black, white, and berber people coexisted. The ancient Nubians, which for a significant amount of time were part of Egypt, were African "black" as generally understood. Ethiopia was never conquered by Egypt, but there was a lot of traffic between the two. Also Egypt was conquered by the Hyksos People who ruled Egypt for centuries. They were not "African People" but from what is now Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Bottom Line: The Egyptians were multi-racial. To make a blanket statement that all Egyptians were "black" is just as racist as saying they were all "white." Egypt was conquered and ruled by many different people over many thousands of years. I know the history. I have heard many black Americans make the same claim as you. I understand why....it's the same reason 19th whites said the Egyptians were "white." It is the exact same motivation and thought process.

I disagree. You have no way of proving what you just said. Egypt was created and ruled by Black people until middle eastern (mixed) people conquered it the first time. You have ignored the words of a Greek historian telling you they were Black and now you are claiming science avoids discussing genetics? Genetics is a science and a very precise one as I pointed out it is used in solving crimes and establishing paternity. I think you are so dazed that what you were taught by white history puts you in the mode of disbelief because it threatens your view of the world. Sorry but the bottom line is Egypt was created and ruled by Black Africans for thousands of years by either the Kush or the Egyptians before any other "race" ever conquered it. BTW did you know the areas where Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India are located were also originally populated by Black people?
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When I say race I am using in terms of the created political construct so people dont get confused. I think there is only one race but with genetic differences in appearance due primarily to environment. Let me ask you this question. Do you think two white people can produce a child that looks like Wesley Snipes? Basically thats what you are implying.

I think when you say Egyptians are genetically "black" or of the black "race" you are treading in very dangerous territory. Science generally avoids discussing genetics and race....for very good reason.

Egyptians were no doubt a mixture of many races, since it was at the cross roads of the Middle East where black, white, and berber people coexisted. The ancient Nubians, which for a significant amount of time were part of Egypt, were African "black" as generally understood. Ethiopia was never conquered by Egypt, but there was a lot of traffic between the two. Also Egypt was conquered by the Hyksos People who ruled Egypt for centuries. They were not "African People" but from what is now Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Bottom Line: The Egyptians were multi-racial. To make a blanket statement that all Egyptians were "black" is just as racist as saying they were all "white." Egypt was conquered and ruled by many different people over many thousands of years. I know the history. I have heard many black Americans make the same claim as you. I understand why....it's the same reason 19th whites said the Egyptians were "white." It is the exact same motivation and thought process.

I disagree. You have no way of proving what you just said. Egypt was created and ruled by Black people until middle eastern (mixed) people conquered it the first time. You have ignored the words of a Greek historian telling you they were Black and now you are claiming science avoids discussing genetics? Genetics is a science and a very precise one as I pointed out it is used in solving crimes and establishing paternity. I think you are so dazed that what you were taught by white history puts you in the mode of disbelief because it threatens your view of the world. Sorry but the bottom line is Egypt was created and ruled by Black Africans for thousands of years by either the Kush or the Egyptians before any other "race" ever conquered it. BTW did you know the areas where Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India are located were also originally populated by Black people?

Your theories are directly contradicted by the link I provided and all the science I have ever seen. But hey...believe what you want. And no...what I said specifically is science avoids discussing genetics and race. There is a major difference. :)
I think when you say Egyptians are genetically "black" or of the black "race" you are treading in very dangerous territory. Science generally avoids discussing genetics and race....for very good reason.

Egyptians were no doubt a mixture of many races, since it was at the cross roads of the Middle East where black, white, and berber people coexisted. The ancient Nubians, which for a significant amount of time were part of Egypt, were African "black" as generally understood. Ethiopia was never conquered by Egypt, but there was a lot of traffic between the two. Also Egypt was conquered by the Hyksos People who ruled Egypt for centuries. They were not "African People" but from what is now Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Bottom Line: The Egyptians were multi-racial. To make a blanket statement that all Egyptians were "black" is just as racist as saying they were all "white." Egypt was conquered and ruled by many different people over many thousands of years. I know the history. I have heard many black Americans make the same claim as you. I understand why....it's the same reason 19th whites said the Egyptians were "white." It is the exact same motivation and thought process.

I disagree. You have no way of proving what you just said. Egypt was created and ruled by Black people until middle eastern (mixed) people conquered it the first time. You have ignored the words of a Greek historian telling you they were Black and now you are claiming science avoids discussing genetics? Genetics is a science and a very precise one as I pointed out it is used in solving crimes and establishing paternity. I think you are so dazed that what you were taught by white history puts you in the mode of disbelief because it threatens your view of the world. Sorry but the bottom line is Egypt was created and ruled by Black Africans for thousands of years by either the Kush or the Egyptians before any other "race" ever conquered it. BTW did you know the areas where Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India are located were also originally populated by Black people?

Your theories are directly contradicted by the link I provided and all the science I have ever seen. But hey...believe what you want. And no...what I said specifically is science avoids discussing genetics and race. There is a major difference. :)

All you have is long debunked theories while I have DNA evidence to support my argument. The link you provided ignored the DNA evidence much like you are doing. Its not even a valid link so how can it be considered credible? Someone with an agenda posted it on wiki and no one has noticed it to correct it. However its not really an issue as you are going to pretend the DNA evidence is wrong. Sorry but science does not avoid discussing genetics and race. That why they say the DNA is "sub saharan". That term is universally identified with Black people every since they tried to separate it from the rest of Africa. Now that it has come back to bite those people you cant suddenly change sub saharan to mean anything but Black. I know this bothers you because you cant provide a shred of proof that the Egyptians were anything other than Black Africans. If you have some science that supports your claim that does not ignore the DNA evidence please post it.
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I believe it was Louis Farrakhan who once said: "Anti-Semite used to mean someone who didn't like Jews; now it means someone whom Jews don't like."

A lot of wisdom in that, and it also applies to "racist."

Thats only if you take what other people mean instead of the actual definition and etymology of the word.

Well then what do you call a black person who hates white people and in turn brutalizes them whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Blacks can be racist, of course.

Silly not to think so.

The point is . . . racists don't get to redefine the term so they are not deemed racist.

Not going to happen.

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