Zone1 What part of "thou shalt not kill" don't people ****ing understand?


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2020
It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.
I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.

Historically, it doesn't seem to have made any difference ...
It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.
Those people in your links were charged with murder. Murder is wrong however some people need killing. Like murderers. Eye for an eye.
It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.

Free will is minted boldly on one side of the "killing coin". God promised never to override the free will of mankind—collectively, or individually. THIS is why men have been killing men since there have been men on the earth. The counterweight to this conundrum is judgement and punishment at the end of carnal lives. If you have a problem with the whole free will thing, then by all means do take it up with The MAN himself. I doubt he'll change eons of established policy to kid glove your sensitive feelings on the matter.

On the flip side of the "killing coin" we have minted there in high relief the primal, ancient instinct to kill in service to a cause greater than ourselves and to protect those we love and those who are weaker and/or too young or old to protect themselves. Some men who are members of this message board have popped a lot of melons in the name of meeting our nation's enemies at Her metaphorical and literal gates. For some of us that number is too high to count or remember, through the fog of time and/or bad memories. You should not fear such men who have killed and stand ready to kill again in the name of defending the mostly safe fishbowl we call America. You should not fear them and you should pray to God such men—men willing to kill for you and others like you—continue to be born in all future generations.
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Those people in your links were charged with murder. Murder is wrong however some people need killing. Like murderers. Eye for an eye.

If I think they should die, it's okay, if I don't think it's right, it's not okay. Christian doctrine.
It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.

They will all have their day of judgement, that's how I feel. Beyond scripture, it just "feels" right doesn't it? In the cosmic universe, so many laws abound, there must be consequences for the most evil of offenses.

Much like those who bear false witness or the like, you cannot fool God. Certain crimes just rise above the others so that it must invoke the purview of a high power.
It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.
Sounds alleged to me
The killing of an innocent human being is wrong.
Easy for a human being to say.
If humans were not inherently savages they would more appropriately say...."The killing of an innocent life is wrong"

Such arrogance......such conceit.
No wonder their societies are falling apart.
In the end they'll probably destroy themselves and their entire planet. Morons the lot with a few rare exceptions here and there.
(No, you're not the exception)
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It says so in the bible that killing people is wrong, yet i see on the news, people killing others.

I think more so, people should start witnessing to the public and telling them "do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ and how he died on a cross for your sins and how stuff like killing people will send people straight to hell"

I wonder if we started putting the fear of a God that will smite people and send them to hell for killing others will slow down on murders.
It's been said that child abuse went up 500% after Roe was decided

society loses respect for human life when govt does.. funny how that works..

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