What passes for Republican Science

What passes for Republican Science?

Sitting on the sidelines.....watching others pass-us-by.....'cause it's haaaarrrrd.

June 29, 2012


"China's Shenzhou 9 spacecraft returned to Earth on Friday, ending a mission that put the country's first woman in space and completed a manned docking test critical to its goal of building a space station by 2020."

Out of curiosity I look at one of Shaman's post and he's pouting about China "passing" our space program and he probably just got done in another thread telling everyone why Obama is a genius for slashing NASA.

Err...uhmm? Could it be Colouring Book Boy is not only a schmuck but a brainless hack?
OwlGore Sings (Actually Paul Shanklin)


(Image: EIB NETWORK )​

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC_d0SP5jg4"]Al Gore Blinded Us With Science - YouTube[/ame]
In "Earth in the Balance" Al Gore blamed water vapor for he warming

True story

Please cite this specific reference.

I have to find the book again. I had the quote on an old computer, I thought it was on page 137, but I could be wrong I used to quote the entire paragraph on the other bulletin board I belonged to

I should be home this weekend, I should have a copy lying around somewhere. He is only a PoliSci/journalism person, not anyone who had more than a minimum of the general science coursework. He's fairly intelligent (for someone literally born in Washington DC), so I'm sure he's read up on the issue a bit over the last decade or two, but it wouldn't surprise me to see him mis-, or poorly, state the actual science. I would prefer to actually read the piece, however, because while water vapor is the most powerful GHG in our atmosphere (in terms of capacity and overall mass fraction.) its persistence is so short that there are only relatively rare circumstances under which it can act as a primary forcing agency. Water's main climate role is as a climate buffer and as a feedback multiplier to other primary forcing agents. But, I'll take a look and see if I can find what you are referring to.

From your link:
...The reason for the decline: the balance of power in the solar market has changed. The cheaply-manufacturing competitors from China, such as Yingli, Trina Solar and Suntech go with predatory pricing in the market. The German companies cannot compete with the companies from the Far East because the production costs of German companies are up to 15 percent higher than those of the Asians.

In addition, the German companies made mistakes. For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies. But the state cannot and will not afford those subsidies any longer. "Many German companies did not have a clear and viable business model and they relied on too many technologies," says Wolfgang Weger, energy expert at the consulting firm Oliver Wyman...

Not a problem with solar energy, just a shift to conservidiot austerity measures in a time of global economic malaise demonstrating the effect such flawed economic decisions have as they ripple throughout the German (and EU) economies, and demonstrating the weakness of Germany's industrial sector when attempting to compete against a giant like China who is willing to fully underwrite and support fledgling energy industries until they are mature enough to compete and win dominant global market share. More a case of naive business planning on the part of the companies and the German nation (again, as well as the EU in general) rather than any flaw in solar energy concepts. The global solar panel market grew from about 17GW installed in 2010 to about 30GW in 2011, and are currently on track to exceed 45GW in 2012.

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

From your link:
...The reason for the decline: the balance of power in the solar market has changed. The cheaply-manufacturing competitors from China, such as Yingli, Trina Solar and Suntech go with predatory pricing in the market. The German companies cannot compete with the companies from the Far East because the production costs of German companies are up to 15 percent higher than those of the Asians.

In addition, the German companies made mistakes. For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies. But the state cannot and will not afford those subsidies any longer. "Many German companies did not have a clear and viable business model and they relied on too many technologies," says Wolfgang Weger, energy expert at the consulting firm Oliver Wyman...

Not a problem with solar energy, just a shift to conservidiot austerity measures in a time of global economic malaise demonstrating the effect such flawed economic decisions have as they ripple throughout the German (and EU) economies, and demonstrating the weakness of Germany's industrial sector when attempting to compete against a giant like China who is willing to fully underwrite and support fledgling energy industries until they are mature enough to compete and win dominant global market share. More a case of naive business planning on the part of the companies and the German nation (again, as well as the EU in general) rather than any flaw in solar energy concepts. The global solar panel market grew from about 17GW installed in 2010 to about 30GW in 2011, and are currently on track to exceed 45GW in 2012.

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

It's not just the crash of solar companies. It's also the awakening in Europe of what's been committed in subsidies and how little they've gotten from it.. Austerity forces some hard choices -- but cutting those subsidies seemed to be extremely easy to do..

From your link:
...The reason for the decline: the balance of power in the solar market has changed. The cheaply-manufacturing competitors from China, such as Yingli, Trina Solar and Suntech go with predatory pricing in the market. The German companies cannot compete with the companies from the Far East because the production costs of German companies are up to 15 percent higher than those of the Asians.

In addition, the German companies made mistakes. For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies. But the state cannot and will not afford those subsidies any longer. "Many German companies did not have a clear and viable business model and they relied on too many technologies," says Wolfgang Weger, energy expert at the consulting firm Oliver Wyman...

Not a problem with solar energy, just a shift to conservidiot austerity measures in a time of global economic malaise demonstrating the effect such flawed economic decisions have as they ripple throughout the German (and EU) economies, and demonstrating the weakness of Germany's industrial sector when attempting to compete against a giant like China who is willing to fully underwrite and support fledgling energy industries until they are mature enough to compete and win dominant global market share. More a case of naive business planning on the part of the companies and the German nation (again, as well as the EU in general) rather than any flaw in solar energy concepts. The global solar panel market grew from about 17GW installed in 2010 to about 30GW in 2011, and are currently on track to exceed 45GW in 2012.

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies.

Is the article talking about German companies, or the ones Obama has been wasting our tax dollars on?

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

Let's waste more on solar, otherwise Trakar will call it austerity!

From your link:
...The reason for the decline: the balance of power in the solar market has changed. The cheaply-manufacturing competitors from China, such as Yingli, Trina Solar and Suntech go with predatory pricing in the market. The German companies cannot compete with the companies from the Far East because the production costs of German companies are up to 15 percent higher than those of the Asians.

In addition, the German companies made mistakes. For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies. But the state cannot and will not afford those subsidies any longer. "Many German companies did not have a clear and viable business model and they relied on too many technologies," says Wolfgang Weger, energy expert at the consulting firm Oliver Wyman...

Not a problem with solar energy, just a shift to conservidiot austerity measures in a time of global economic malaise demonstrating the effect such flawed economic decisions have as they ripple throughout the German (and EU) economies, and demonstrating the weakness of Germany's industrial sector when attempting to compete against a giant like China who is willing to fully underwrite and support fledgling energy industries until they are mature enough to compete and win dominant global market share. More a case of naive business planning on the part of the companies and the German nation (again, as well as the EU in general) rather than any flaw in solar energy concepts. The global solar panel market grew from about 17GW installed in 2010 to about 30GW in 2011, and are currently on track to exceed 45GW in 2012.

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

For years, they failed to develop new products, but relied on generous government subsidies.

Is the article talking about German companies, or the ones Obama has been wasting our tax dollars on?

Agreed! Barry and company have continued to render far too many subsidies, underwritings and write-offs for sources of energy that are more costly, less efficient and unsustainable just in the name of putting public dollars in the pockets of private business than any public assistance program ever conceived yet alone implemented in this country. I would agree, that it is better to improve everyone's standard of living as the best and most efficient way of minimizing the need for public dollars to provide a floor standard of living. Traditionally, the debate is about the level and depth of that floor, not whether or not a floor should even exist.

Take note, if you want to see America follow Europe into double-dip territory, institute the austerity programs that the tea-baggers are clamoring for.

Let's waste more on solar, otherwise Trakar will call it austerity!

Actually, I'd rather institute a national public carbon bank to pay for the process through the open and transparent investment of collected taxes, special issue public and international bond fund purchase investments - for such projects as an additional 5TW of publically owned and maintained nuclear power plants linked to provide a baseline national HVDC power backbone by 2050 that private utilities (and individuals) can sell power to at what ever market demand brings. The current power and energy companies themselves would be some of the largest investors in such bonds as they are doubly benefitted from increased contracts by such projects for line and network construction and upgrades, maintenance and repair, and even R&D. Not to mention that they can still sell power to the grid at a steady and constant (read as efficient) rate so long as they generate it as cleanly and as cheaply as they are required to, to generate profit. Oh, and they'll earn the profit of ther investment as their bond matures. There are many ways that the process of converting to a more efficient and sustainable energy structure can be made to fund and support itself. While providing boost to the economy and paying back the national debt.

You want wealth to increase you have to get it moving, you invest in the foundation to create opportunities and build a strong and vibrant future upon. If you let your base crumble and shatter because you focus your resources lavishing the penthouse you're only building a more decorative tomb.

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