What percentage of Democrats are ‘okay’ with their party giving the U.S. to Mexico?

Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.
This is not a reality.
Sure it is
Let’s be real: The only answer you’ll accept is all of them, but whatever.

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in knowing the number / percentage?

Oh, please. You’re one of the most disingenuous people on this forum. You are the conservative version of Rdean and nothing more.

Haha..you can accuse me of many things, but being disingenuous is definitely not one of them. I’m overly candid and genuine...so much so that I hurt the feeling of bleeding heart fools daily...Am I right Mac1958 ?
I don't know about "hurting" anyone's "feelings".

My concerns with people like you are that (a) you're a part of the problem, as your hate, paranoia and inability to think clearly do nothing but fan the flames of division even more, and (b) you're so willing to repulse people and isolate yourself culturally that you'll help create a huge backlash, much like we saw in 2016, only in the other direction. Knee-jerking too far Left is no better than knee-jerking too far Right.

And honestly, you're such a caricature that I wouldn't be shocked to learn that you're actually a lefty, trying to make the Right look as bad as possible.

So you can interpret that any way you'd like.
Let’s be real: The only answer you’ll accept is all of them, but whatever.

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in knowing the number / percentage?

Oh, please. You’re one of the most disingenuous people on this forum. You are the conservative version of Rdean and nothing more.

Haha..you can accuse me of many things, but being disingenuous is definitely not one of them. I’m overly candid and genuine...so much so that I hurt the feeling of bleeding heart fools daily...Am I right Mac1958 ?
I don't know about "hurting" anyone's "feelings".

My concerns with people like you are that (a) you're a part of the problem, as your hate, paranoia and inability to think clearly do nothing but fan the flames of division even more, and (b) you're so willing to repulse people and isolate yourself culturally that you'll help create a huge backlash, much like we saw in 2016, only in the other direction. Knee-jerking too far Left is no better than knee-jerking too far Right.

And honestly, you're such a caricature that I wouldn't be shocked to learn that you're actually a lefty, trying to make the Right look as bad as possible.

So you can interpret that any way you'd like.
What hate? It’s love of country. Called patriotism
Let’s be real: The only answer you’ll accept is all of them, but whatever.

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in knowing the number / percentage?

Oh, please. You’re one of the most disingenuous people on this forum. You are the conservative version of Rdean and nothing more.

Haha..you can accuse me of many things, but being disingenuous is definitely not one of them. I’m overly candid and genuine...so much so that I hurt the feeling of bleeding heart fools daily...Am I right Mac1958 ?
I don't know about "hurting" anyone's "feelings".

My concerns with people like you are that (a) you're a part of the problem, as your hate, paranoia and inability to think clearly do nothing but fan the flames of division even more, and (b) you're so willing to repulse people and isolate yourself culturally that you'll help create a huge backlash, much like we saw in 2016, only in the other direction. Knee-jerking too far Left is no better than knee-jerking too far Right.

And honestly, you're such a caricature that I wouldn't be shocked to learn that you're actually a lefty, trying to make the Right look as bad as possible.

So you can interpret that any way you'd like.
What hate? It’s love of country. Called patriotism
I realize that's what you've been conditioned to believe.
Not at all...I have a genuine interest in knowing the number / percentage?

Oh, please. You’re one of the most disingenuous people on this forum. You are the conservative version of Rdean and nothing more.

Haha..you can accuse me of many things, but being disingenuous is definitely not one of them. I’m overly candid and genuine...so much so that I hurt the feeling of bleeding heart fools daily...Am I right Mac1958 ?
I don't know about "hurting" anyone's "feelings".

My concerns with people like you are that (a) you're a part of the problem, as your hate, paranoia and inability to think clearly do nothing but fan the flames of division even more, and (b) you're so willing to repulse people and isolate yourself culturally that you'll help create a huge backlash, much like we saw in 2016, only in the other direction. Knee-jerking too far Left is no better than knee-jerking too far Right.

And honestly, you're such a caricature that I wouldn't be shocked to learn that you're actually a lefty, trying to make the Right look as bad as possible.

So you can interpret that any way you'd like.
What hate? It’s love of country. Called patriotism
I realize that's what you've been conditioned to believe.
Not at all. I respect those families whose families lost loved ones for our freedom! Open borders and free funding wasn’t!

The Alamo was lost! Now we’re giving California up without a fight. What a disgrace to those warriors
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

What 3rd Graders?
And you answered!

Well, yeah. Those 3rd graders are pretty smart to know that the Democratic Party has become the dominate political force in California because of its policies and the people support for them. Now if New Mexico, Texas and Arizona follow it will be to the betterment of the people that live in those states.

Good for those 3rd graders.
We just look at Mexico and shrug as Republicans fear monger and create endless crisis
What about poor American neighborhoods? Are they shrugging? Huge riot in Memphis tn .. oppressed poor people.. how come you don’t listen to them?
Let’s fix them up
Has nothing to do with Mexico
Of course it does the take the jobs POOR Americans used to work, and LOWER THE WAGES..
what do you do for a living? Or did?
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.
it is your silly right wing bigotry that is the problem.

there is no immigration clause and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass for you to whine about.
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

I think the US should invade/annex Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Left talks about how much oppression, rape, murder, crime, corruption are in these countries. President Trump calls them shit holes and the Left loses it because they know he’s right and they made the case for it.

Let’s annex them and possibly Venezuela.

It is a better idea than Iran... But therfe are better ways to handle problems without going for the Millitary option first
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

I think the US should invade/annex Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Left talks about how much oppression, rape, murder, crime, corruption are in these countries. President Trump calls them shit holes and the Left loses it because they know he’s right and they made the case for it.

Let’s annex them and possibly Venezuela.

Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

What 3rd Graders?
And you answered!

Well, yeah. Those 3rd graders are pretty smart to know that the Democratic Party has become the dominate political force in California because of its policies and the people support for them. Now if New Mexico, Texas and Arizona follow it will be to the betterment of the people that live in those states.

Good for those 3rd graders.
They want Venezuela eh? Why not move there and embellish their free shit , no food, no jobs, no healthcare. It’s what they’re advocating, it already exists there. Go for it fks!!!
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

I think the US should invade/annex Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Left talks about how much oppression, rape, murder, crime, corruption are in these countries. President Trump calls them shit holes and the Left loses it because they know he’s right and they made the case for it.

Let’s annex them and possibly Venezuela.


To make Central and South America Great Again! Seriously, if they are going to be a drain on the US unlike Canada, then they must be doing something wrong. Might as well show them how it’s done by becoming a part of US. American Exceptionalism.
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

I think the US should invade/annex Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Left talks about how much oppression, rape, murder, crime, corruption are in these countries. President Trump calls them shit holes and the Left loses it because they know he’s right and they made the case for it.

Let’s annex them and possibly Venezuela.


To make Central and South America Great Again! Seriously, if they are going to be a drain on the US unlike Canada, then they must be doing something wrong. Might as well show them how it’s done by becoming a part of US. American Exceptionalism.

The Entire Democratic/Socialist Policy on Immigration is summed up in three words:


And they don't give a shit what happens to this country while that process goes along.

It will happen regardless of what we do

Yep, so what the hell, why do anything....the typical Democrat strategy.
Democrats don’t like working on anything that’s “ too hard”.

Kind of like when you ask them why they don’t help oppressed women in the middle east.
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

I think the US should invade/annex Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The Left talks about how much oppression, rape, murder, crime, corruption are in these countries. President Trump calls them shit holes and the Left loses it because they know he’s right and they made the case for it.

Let’s annex them and possibly Venezuela.


To make Central and South America Great Again! Seriously, if they are going to be a drain on the US unlike Canada, then they must be doing something wrong. Might as well show them how it’s done by becoming a part of US. American Exceptionalism.


No, “Lame” is how most of Central and South America run their countries. None have a middle class and all are replete with various forms of economic policies rooted in class envy which historically, lead to failure. Invariably, they turn to US to clean their mess, not solve their problems.

Before anyone goes down the racial intolerance path with me, keep your bullshit race card in your pocket. I am a brown man, Latino-Mediterranean. This is an economic discussion,in particular, the failed economics of Latin America.
Let’s be candid here...no deflection or spin. Third graders know that Democrats have conceded Mexifornia and they’re working on Arizona, Texas and New México...This shit is not a revolutionary discovery.
So how many in ten are patriotic enough to allow this to piss them off?

For those pretenders who may cry “LINK?”
Please don’t embarrass yourself, add something of value here. Thanks in advance.

Tejanos will never join Mexico...
Let’s be real: The only answer you’ll accept is all of them, but whatever.

Not at all...I have a genuine interest in knowing the number / percentage?

Oh, please. You’re one of the most disingenuous people on this forum. You are the conservative version of Rdean and nothing more.

Haha..you can accuse me of many things, but being disingenuous is definitely not one of them. I’m overly candid and genuine...so much so that I hurt the feeling of bleeding heart fools daily...Am I right Mac1958 ?

Don't confuse being a narcissistic, racist asshole as being candid.

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