What percentage of police would be in jail if their co-workers told of their crimes?


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
I am thinking it would be at least 30%, but wouldn't be shocked if it was as high as 50%.
Less than 1%. Despite what you see in Hollywood movies and left wing blogs, cops rarely commit major crimes. The worst crime most cops commit is driving 10 mph over the limit on their way home, which is something every damn person on this forum does also.

You'll find the bad apples and outright criminals wearing a badge here and there, sure. Any group of humans will have bad ones. But NOWHERE near the number that you, and guys like Obama's friend Bill Ayers, believes. You all just like to pretend thats how it is because basically you hate cops, hate them because they make you do shit you don't like to do, or won't let you do shit you want to do.

Or as my former Sgt at Atlanta PD said: "If all the citizens could 'speed and smoke weed' we'd never have a complaint".
But just for fun "Blu", what crimes do you think cops commit? I don't mean the 1 cop at a department of 500 who was fired and jailed, as they do exist here and there.

I mean the crimes that you say as many as 50% of all cops are committing?
I worked 8 years with APD, and the only non-traffic violation of the law I ever saw was when an officer lost his temper with a mouthy drunk and flat-out punched him in the face. The guy won a lawsuit, and APD fired the guy. He felt horrible, wasn't a bad guy either, just lost it one night.

And I recall probably 9-10 guys during that time that were fired for a DUI or bar fight that happened while off-duty. 1 guy pissed hot on a test and got canned.

But NOTHING like Hollywood or whacky liberals believe happens on patrols.
#1 Lying under oath.
#2 Excessive force
#3 Confiscation of controlled substances and not turning them in.

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