What President will prevent war with Iran?

What president would save us from war with Iran?

  • Obama (banker shill)

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Romney (two face)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Perry (10k buys me off)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ron Paul (champion of the constitution)

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
Let’s pretend Iran get's 1 nuke... the next day Iran nukes Israel... Does Iran win the war they started or does every Nation surrounding Iran end (kill, destroy, wipe off the face of the earth, make uninhabitable) Iran within 8 seconds after Iran detonates their fist nuke?
Ron Paul

Cain said that if elected he would threaten Iran with our navy. Likely leading to war and nation building.

No he didn't liar!

Your the liar and fraud...Heres the facts.

Cain Tells Ahmadinejad to ‘Make My Day,’ Perry Considers Taking on Mexico - ABC News


Herman Cain makes no secret of his qualms with Iran. If elected, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank chairman said he would upgrade America’s missile-defense system, load those missile defenses on naval ships, strategically position the ships and then tell Iranian President Ahmadinejad to “make my day.”

The underpinnings of Cain’s idea are echoed in those of Mitt Romney, who also wants to increase naval and missile-defense spending. Romney said that if elected, he would “reverse the hollowing of our Navy” by increasing the number of Navy ships built each year from 9 to 15.

If you have been following all of the debates, especially the early ones, then you would know that any republican other then Ron Paul will do anything they can to lead us into war. Anything like ignoring intelligence about terrorists and airplains, same as they ignored intelligence about a particular country wanting to take control of a small island in the pacific.

History has a pattern, and it really never changes.
The world isnt perfect, thats why were more then likely going to have boots on the ground in Iran within 3 years. I am betting shortly after the next presidential election.

That being said you are more then welcome to vote, although I guess you already did, as I forgot to put another option 'who cares I want a war with Iran'.

No one said the world was perfect. I clearly implied that your bias was showing. You obviously believe that a nuclear Iran would be a peaceful Iran.

How do you stop Iran from obtaining a nuke?

How would I stop Iran? I would have started a long time ago by building up missile shields with missiles capable of reaching Tehran. I would've helped strengthen the Gulf States of Qatar, Kuwait, UEA and Saudi Arabia. I would have imposed embargos that would've paled in comparison to the ones we put on Cuba.

But now it may be too late for that so the only recourse is to wait until Israel takes out Iran's nuclear facilities. So all we really need to do is prepare for WWIII.
I actually think Ron Paul will be the most likely to get us into war with someone in the middle east. He will peddle his we leave them alone and they leave us alone. He will allow Iran to get nukes. He will get rid of the CIA, FBI, INS, NSA, DHS and slash the military down to size. The radicals out their won't see it as leaving them alone, rather they will see it as weakness. Iran gives some nukes to Al Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood. With a few US cities up on smoke, even Ron Paul will have to respond!

Ok, a couple questions.
1: Do you think Iran will get nukes if the US does not put pressure on them?
2: Do you think Iran will get nukes even if the US puts pressure on them?
What we NEED to ask, is.....

China is nuclear, Pakistan is nuclear...Yet we're still here.

You point is what?

BTW which of those countries you mentioned have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism?

Pakistan helped develop the Taliban. Groups within the Taliban and other extreme islamist groups have strong ties with parts of the Pakistan government.

To make sure someone see's that herman cain did threaten Iran...> http://www.usmessageboard.com/4381732-post15.html

They (Pakistan) are not listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Nice try though.
The war drums for war with Iran are beating stronger now then ever before. Its a build up just like Iraq. Last week Iran officials even admitted that an attack is more likely then for diplomatic resolutions. 2 weeks before we invaded Iraq Saddam told the press that he didnt think there was anything he could do to prevent the United States from attacking.

All the pieces are in place, and they are trying to drum up support. We have a president that thinks its his decision to start bombing a country (were currently bombing six).

What president will most likely dodge another useless expensive war?? Or do you not care and hope that we do go into Iran?

I'm missing Cain in your "poll"!
Reality is if a candidate shows how they will cut spending and provides a way to balance the budget they are un-electable... To many Republicans care more about a candidate talking shit about Obama so that once elected they can continue the same policies of Obama/Bush.

Today the real difference between Republicans and Democrats (voters) is pretty much who is pro life and who is pro choice…
No one said the world was perfect. I clearly implied that your bias was showing. You obviously believe that a nuclear Iran would be a peaceful Iran.

How do you stop Iran from obtaining a nuke?

How would I stop Iran? I would have started a long time ago by building up missile shields with missiles capable of reaching Tehran. I would've helped strengthen the Gulf States of Qatar, Kuwait, UEA and Saudi Arabia. I would have imposed embargos that would've paled in comparison to the ones we put on Cuba.

But now it may be too late for that so the only recourse is to wait until Israel takes out Iran's nuclear facilities. So all we really need to do is prepare for WWIII.

Oh... Sooo... How you gonna pay for WWIII with all this spending you would be doing when we already are downgraded due to our debt/spending?
The world isnt perfect, thats why were more then likely going to have boots on the ground in Iran within 3 years. I am betting shortly after the next presidential election.

That being said you are more then welcome to vote, although I guess you already did, as I forgot to put another option 'who cares I want a war with Iran'.

No one said the world was perfect. I clearly implied that your bias was showing. You obviously believe that a nuclear Iran would be a peaceful Iran.

Yes I do. They have no history of creating conflicts with neighbors. They dont make threats like korea does. On top of that Iran has on numerous occasions made offerings of peace with us.

The biggest fear is that they will bomb Isreal, but that doesnt make any sense considering Isreal has 300 nukes. Its the whole mutual self assured destruction thing, call me crazy but I am not convinced that Iran is suicidal.

What I think Iran is, is a nation that is scared shitless right now. They are surrounded by American military bases and military presence. We ulike them have a long history of invading and attacking countries. We constantly make threats. We also consistantly reject all Iran peace offerings. Are we even communicating with these people???

No, I think Iran wants nuclear technology as a deterant to attack from western forces, and I think they want energy. Sometimes when it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it really is a fucking duck.

Oil rich Iran wants nuclear energy? You really believe that?

Damn you're naive.
The war drums for war with Iran are beating stronger now then ever before. Its a build up just like Iraq. Last week Iran officials even admitted that an attack is more likely then for diplomatic resolutions. 2 weeks before we invaded Iraq Saddam told the press that he didnt think there was anything he could do to prevent the United States from attacking.

All the pieces are in place, and they are trying to drum up support. We have a president that thinks its his decision to start bombing a country (were currently bombing six).

What president will most likely dodge another useless expensive war?? Or do you not care and hope that we do go into Iran?

I'm missing Cain in your "poll"!

Would you be voting for Cain in this poll? Not to shocking that a Cain supporter does not know where their messiah stands on the issues, hell Cain hardly knows where he stands on the issues.
No one said the world was perfect. I clearly implied that your bias was showing. You obviously believe that a nuclear Iran would be a peaceful Iran.

How do you stop Iran from obtaining a nuke?

How would I stop Iran? I would have started a long time ago by building up missile shields with missiles capable of reaching Tehran. I would've helped strengthen the Gulf States of Qatar, Kuwait, UEA and Saudi Arabia. I would have imposed embargos that would've paled in comparison to the ones we put on Cuba.

But now it may be too late for that so the only recourse is to wait until Israel takes out Iran's nuclear facilities. So all we really need to do is prepare for WWIII.

Look I dunno if your aware, but life is not a game of

Command and Conquer. That hail mary move of nuking the other guys silos is always a gamble, thats why its a hail mary move.
China is nuclear, Pakistan is nuclear...Yet we're still here.

You point is what?

BTW which of those countries you mentioned have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism?

How much money do you propose you borrow from China to pretend to slap around Iran? How do you propose we fix the 1.6 trillion budget problem and how do you propose we bring down the 15tillion (or whatever it is) deficit we have?

Nice diversion.
How do you stop Iran from obtaining a nuke?

How would I stop Iran? I would have started a long time ago by building up missile shields with missiles capable of reaching Tehran. I would've helped strengthen the Gulf States of Qatar, Kuwait, UEA and Saudi Arabia. I would have imposed embargos that would've paled in comparison to the ones we put on Cuba.

But now it may be too late for that so the only recourse is to wait until Israel takes out Iran's nuclear facilities. So all we really need to do is prepare for WWIII.

Look I dunno if your aware, but life is not a game of

Command and Conquer. That hail mary move of nuking the other guys silos is always a gamble, thats why its a hail mary move.

Nonetheless it will happen.
The world isnt perfect, thats why were more then likely going to have boots on the ground in Iran within 3 years. I am betting shortly after the next presidential election.

That being said you are more then welcome to vote, although I guess you already did, as I forgot to put another option 'who cares I want a war with Iran'.

No one said the world was perfect. I clearly implied that your bias was showing. You obviously believe that a nuclear Iran would be a peaceful Iran.

Yes I do. They have no history of creating conflicts with neighbors. They dont make threats like korea does. On top of that Iran has on numerous occasions made offerings of peace with us.

The biggest fear is that they will bomb Isreal, but that doesnt make any sense considering Isreal has 300 nukes. Its the whole mutual self assured destruction thing, call me crazy but I am not convinced that Iran is suicidal.

What I think Iran is, is a nation that is scared shitless right now. They are surrounded by American military bases and military presence. We ulike them have a long history of invading and attacking countries. We constantly make threats. We also consistantly reject all Iran peace offerings. Are we even communicating with these people???

No, I think Iran wants nuclear technology as a deterrent to attack from western forces......

If I was Iran......and, someone asked ME why I NEEDED nukes.....all I'd have to do is point to IRAQ!!!
Ron Paul will never be President. But about the only thing I agree with him on is interventionism. And even then..not completely.
You point is what?

BTW which of those countries you mentioned have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism?

How much money do you propose you borrow from China to pretend to slap around Iran? How do you propose we fix the 1.6 trillion budget problem and how do you propose we bring down the 15tillion (or whatever it is) deficit we have?

Nice diversion.

How is that a diversion? If I could spend an endless amount of money just think of the possibilities. Reality if you don’t have the money unless you ask China for it... Oddly China would prolly take care of Iran all on its own, no coast to the US if Iran attacked Israel.

Leave it to a liberal to find a way to spend money we don’t have on useless shit… Or wait, you’re not a liberal,, you just like spending money we don’t have on useless shit.

It's possible I'm reading into you to much, sorry =D I mean it, I totally could be... It's the internet lolz.
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