What purpose was it for Mueller to hold a news conference anyways?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
He jus pulled an attention whore Comey ...

Their was no reason at all except his ego.

To stir up the left and their RUSSIAN COLLUSION horseshit.

That, and he knew he'd have to lie if he testified.

To the left, a press conference is as good as sworn testimony -- if the subject says the right things. Confirmation bias.
He needs to be questioned by congress. If he isn’t, one might conclude something fishy is going on.
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
He jus pulled an attention whore Comey ...

Their was no reason at all except his ego.

I think he was putting congressional democrats on notice...'subpoena me to testify at your own peril'

Does anyone remember Kenneth giving a conference?

This brings back laughs and memories, he shoved it in the face of liberals who insisted for years Bill did nothing wrong :)

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]


Starr included a detailed timeline of Lewinsky's various sexual encounters with Clinton during her White House internship.

He concluded the report with a section entitled "Grounds," where he provided supporting evidence to each of the 11 grounds for potential impeachment of Clinton—including physical evidencesuch as the DNA test results of a semen stain on a dress owned by Lewinsky which matched Clinton's blood sample.[7]

Starr also alleged that Clinton had conversations with witnesses during his investigation which he ascribed as "witness-tampering and obstruction of justice by hiding evidence and giving misleading accounts to lawyers for Paula Jones."[7]
He jus pulled an attention whore Comey ...

Their was no reason at all except his ego.


It was important for him to come out and say that he had no comment on not coming to any conclusions whatsoever and to just now leave him the hell alone now to enjoy the $30 million in taxpayer money that was paid to him.

Damn, that's a job I need.
Dog whistle to his liberal cheerleaders that want impeachment.
Mueller is as guilty of a coup as Comey...this is just stage 4....
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)

I missed that part today when I was watching it, I don't get it a man of that stature playing children games after he made his report?

What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)

I missed that part today when I was watching it, I don't get it a man of that stature playing children games after he made his report?


Ok watching it again on CNN yup you're right
What did Mueller say today?

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that the DOJ OLC opinion that a President can't be indicted played no part in Mueller's findings

He said that Barr was lying when he claimed that Mueller wanted BARR not Congress to make any further decisions as to charges or impeachment or further investigations

More importantly he said that Trump was lying when he said that Russia did nothing in the election. In fact it was a Russian military operation and a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated effort to help Trump get elected (despite what Trump claims to believe that came FROM Putin)
He could have said all that under oath.

Why didn't he?

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