What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most? My opinion; the white race. You can go back to Greece, Roman republic and 11-21st century Briton; Plato, Socrates, lot, Madison, ect. Seriously, can you find any real thinkers that would of made a non-white society without the white man free?

Free meaning political freedom and human rights?

I look at East Asia and before the 20th century China and Japan were utterly ruled over by a emperor.
I look at Africa=same thing.
I look at Egypt and the middle east=same thing.

Would their even be a Marx or the great social thinkers that make you leftist even possible without the white man? I'm asking for a little self reflection. No other race as ever worked to the rights of another race such as the white man as...

As great in ability as the east Asian they never created a society that respects political freedoms.
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Considering that most Anglo Saxons consider the Jews to be a different race (remember the racism in the 40's through the 60's against them), I'd have to say the Jews.

Not only did they fight against slavery (Moses), and bring us the 10 Commandments, but they also gave us Jesus.

I'd have to say the Jewish race advanced us the most.
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?

Define "race".

Define "advanced".

Define "human rights"

Define 'freedom".

The freest people in the world right now are probably living in Somalia.

Anyone want to make the case that they are advancing human rights and freedom?

PURE FREEDOM = anarchy.
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?.

A stupid question in a stupid thread started by a remarkably stupid person. You are too fucking stupid to realize any of the many reasons why it's such a stupid question, you hopeless idiot.
(laughing) Well, considering that Lucy & all the early hominids apparently evolved in Africa, I'd have to say the Black people. Per mitochondrial DNA studies, modern man is all descended from those proto-humans way back there. Of course, they didn't think of themselves as Black, TMK.

The relative lack of melanin in humans in northern & southern climes is apparently an adaptation to the realtively pale sun, & to permit enough sunlight through the skin to generate vitamin D. So I'm off to the zoo to get a wallet-size pix of a tarsier, or one of our other near relatives. It's always good to have the family tree up to date, doncha think?
The Asgard. Didn't you watch the Stargate historical records on TV...........?
By the way, did anyone ever rescue those poor stranded people on that island where the Minnow was lost?
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?

Define "race".

Define "advanced".

Define "human rights"

Define 'freedom".

The freest people in the world right now are probably living in Somalia.

Anyone want to make the case that they are advancing human rights and freedom?

PURE FREEDOM = anarchy.

1# Bone structure, brain development or culture developing within a region of our planet.
2# Modern political structure; organized elections within a republican form of government within a society that strives to educate its population.
3# Human rights; meaning you have a right to fair treatment and all that comes with being a human being within a civilized society.
4# Freedom-->The ability to buy what you wish and speak your mind. Simple way to state it. The ability not to be controlled by the government.

You're not going to tell me that Greece with its democracy by the 4th century BC is equal to most of the world that was ruled by emperors. Right?
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What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?

Define "race".

Define "advanced".

Define "human rights"

Define 'freedom".

The freest people in the world right now are probably living in Somalia.

Anyone want to make the case that they are advancing human rights and freedom?

PURE FREEDOM = anarchy.

1# Bone structure, brain development or culture developing within a region of our planet.
2# Modern political structure; organized elections within a republican form of government within a society that strives to educate its population.
3# Human rights; meaning you have a right to fair treatment and all that comes with being a human being within a civilized society.
4# Freedom-->The ability to buy what you wish and speak your mind. Simple way to state it. The ability not to be controlled by the government.

Here we see the feral Douchous Ignoramous, driven by instinct to pretend it knows anything at all about political philosophy and pulling 'definitions' out its ass as if it expected anyone to take it seriously. This creature does not survive long in captivity because everyone realizes right away what a fucking idiot it is. It only thrives among its own kind, subsisting on a diet of moonshine and cheese curls.
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most? My opinion; the white race. You can go back to Greece, Roman republic and 11-21st century Briton; Plato, Socrates, lot, Madison, ect. Seriously, can you find any real thinkers that would of made a non-white society without the white man free?

Free meaning political freedom and human rights?

I look at East Asia and before the 20th century China and Japan were utterly ruled over by a emperor.
I look at Africa=same thing.
I look at Egypt and the middle east=same thing.

Would their even be a Marx or the great social thinkers that make you leftist even possible without the white man? I'm asking for a little self reflection. No other race as ever worked to the rights of another race such as the white man as...

As great in ability as the east Asian they never created a society that respects political freedoms.

Unbelievable. The fact that you would "racialize" the historic achievements of any human rights activist who is world recognized is an insult to them.

20 Incredible Biographies for Human Rights Activists - Accredited Online Colleges.com
and none of those people would of ever had the chance without the greeks, romans or British that came before them. Yet, it is the white man that is evil and the destroyer of non-whites.
Mandela, MLK and Rosa parks were very much race specific. Yes they advanced blacks, but not really humanity idea of freedom and political advancement. Mandela is debatable as blacks don't give a shit about the rights of minorities(whites) in south Africa today.
The Asgard. Didn't you watch the Stargate historical records on TV...........?
By the way, did anyone ever rescue those poor stranded people on that island where the Minnow was lost?

I was going to say Xenu, but the Asgard are a much better choice. Thetans are rather nasty.
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Well, if you're going to do this strictly by race, one of the things that we were given by the Islamics was the concept of zero.
I have nothing against a man fighting for the betterment of his own people. On the other hand what advancements did these people make for humanity in general? I'd think democracy, republicanism and general standards on human rights are more important.

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