What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?

I'd have to go with Greeks, since back then, everyone thought themselves different from the rest.

kinda funny though

300 Gay men, ensured that democracy would not be forgotten to history.

touch of irony, dontchathink?
I'd have to go with Greeks, since back then, everyone thought themselves different from the rest.

kinda funny though

300 Gay men, ensured that democracy would not be forgotten to history.

touch of irony, dontchathink?

I would of thought they'd be bi as they had to reproduce to keep the population of Sparta up.:eusa_hand:
Considering that most Anglo Saxons consider the Jews to be a different race .

Says who?

Well, pretty much everyone in the country up until the 60's, and they are still considered a different race by the KKK and others.

(My bold)

The Jews were considered sufficiently distinctive that the US would not admit E. European Jews (Polish, USSR, Ukraine, etc.) even once WWII got underway in Europe, nor on an emergency, temporary basis. Nope.

Think how much simpler our Middle East policy would be if the majority of Jews who applied had been admitted to the US in the 1930s-'40s. This refusal even though Einstein, Oppenheimer, Fermi & much of the brainpower for the atomic bomb & other wartime technological projects were Jewish or fled Germany, Austria, Europe in general because of Jewish connections. It would have been a different world.
Mandela, MLK and Rosa parks were very much race specific. Yes they advanced blacks, but not really humanity idea of freedom and political advancement. Mandela is debatable as blacks don't give a shit about the rights of minorities(whites) in south Africa today.

Where did I say that "more than any other race" that the above individuals advanced the humanitarian condition or political position of anyone?

People who are disenfranchised or victimized by an unjust system are usually placed in that position for what reasons?

Normally in America race or class and throughout the world, religion.

As far as the rest of how you are trying to rationalize or explain what you are saying, you are not making much sense.
What race advanced human rights and freedom the most?

Define "race".

Define "advanced".

Define "human rights"

Define 'freedom".

The freest people in the world right now are probably living in Somalia.

Anyone want to make the case that they are advancing human rights and freedom?

PURE FREEDOM = anarchy.

1# Bone structure, brain development or culture developing within a region of our planet.
2# Modern political structure; organized elections within a republican form of government within a society that strives to educate its population.
3# Human rights; meaning you have a right to fair treatment and all that comes with being a human being within a civilized society.
4# Freedom-->The ability to buy what you wish and speak your mind. Simple way to state it. The ability not to be controlled by the government.

You're not going to tell me that Greece with its democracy by the 4th century BC is equal to most of the world that was ruled by emperors. Right?

well it wasn't white people....thats for sure.
Whites, hands down.

Bool shat
Well it sure as shit wasn't blacks. All they've ever done is kill each other. Who have they ever freed? The U.S. (which is mostly white) has liberated millions from tyranny since we fought for and won our own freedom. No other race is even in the same ballpark as whites when it comes to advancing freedom around the world.

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