What rights are the gays missing?

Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.
Again, see the OP, what rights are missing as laid out in the Bill of Rights.

A sob story is nothing, people get sued all the time for rights and property after a family member dies, it isn't restricted to gays.
Your plea to emotion is as false as your argument. Oh wait, that was your false argument.

I get so tired of having to explain things to those on the right. Sometimes, you can show charts and diagrams and still, it doesn't "take". It's as if intelligence is walled off and understanding is shielded.

There was a time in the US when debt could be passed down to family members. Since that time, things have changed. For instance, in Oklahoma, if a man dies, if there is no will, his widow gets half and the rest is divided equally among the children. You see, blood takes precedence.

Families that fight over money in court have a claim, though blood. Suppose a man has a wife and two children. Gets divorced, has another wife and two more children. Leaves everything to his children from his second wife. Now, you can see a court battle. Because, by blood, all four children have a legal claim. Then it's up to the courts to sort it out.

A gay leaving a will, no matter how iron clad, can have it challenged in court be a first cousin and the first cousin will win. That's just the reality. Now I know that those on the right claiming gays molest dogs and babies say, "Good". Well, screw 'em. These are the same jerks that believe evolution is a lie and a magical God really does exist who is on their side. Uneducated and usually pretty worthless.
Fifty years ago, no American would have ever dreamed that there would be legal sodomite marriage, homos in the military, or faggot couples allowed to adopt children.

So it's not hard to imagine 50 years from now; legal pedophilia and legal beastuality.

I often agree with what you say, Sunni. But not this time. The "faggots" who adopt children, often adopt children that noone else wants. Who cares who a soldier, sailor, airman, etc...shares their bed with at night. They still have the same objective as every other serviceman or woman: They want to protect and serve the US. It's not our place to judge another human being.

I realize that your religious beliefs are much different than mine. Love the sinner, hate the sin. The GLBT community...they are people. Human beings. Legal pedophilia? So what you are saying is that every gay or lesbian molests children? That is factually incorrect according to every study. It's my understanding that they are the LEAST likely to molest, statistically.

I have a nephew who was molested by a gay man, when he (nephew) was 15, but I don't believe that because this happened that EVERY gay man molests kids.

Legal bestiality? Animals? Are you speaking literally, or figuratively? As in, animal instinct? I don't see the rationale behind this thought.

I respect your religion and your right to say what you believe, though I heartily disagree.
Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.


Whatta LOAD!

If the queer couple started a business, filed articles of incorporation in so doing, then the corporation and all it entails remains as it was... the passing officer's responsibilities passing to the anal-leaking boy-toy; along with all financial rewards and benefits, from retirement pensions, to the ongoing revenues, etc... As the officer of that Corporation, the family cannot ban visitation at hospital as the binding corporate status, binds the common mutally vested interests, and stands in force and effect every bit as much as does the marriage license.

Thus there would be NO sad story of two butt-buddies having met a sad end... which is projected to be even more sad than two normal people whose relationship ends in an untimely death and comes with just as many, if distinct, complications and inconveniences.

Again friends... it's a lie; the whole damn thing is just one long deception; a ruse to ply the gullible through any of a litanny of emotions prods.
Gee....if you look hard enough it is in there somewhere

Lets try the 14th Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So, right now we have laws which prohibit homosexuals from marrying the person of their choice. We also have laws prohibiting them from serving their country.
The next group to try to use the 14 Amendment to protect their sick lifestyles after homosexuals. Will be people into beastuality, pedophelia, and other perverse lifestyles.

How do you KNOW this? are you one of these groups?
For instance, in Oklahoma, if a man dies, if there is no will, his widow gets half and the rest is divided equally among the children. You see, blood takes precedence.

And that's the way it should be.

The sharing of blood should always have preference over the sharing of fecal material. :eusa_angel:
Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.
Again, see the OP, what rights are missing as laid out in the Bill of Rights.

A sob story is nothing, people get sued all the time for rights and property after a family member dies, it isn't restricted to gays.
Your plea to emotion is as false as your argument. Oh wait, that was your false argument.

I get so tired of having to explain things to those on the right. Sometimes, you can show charts and diagrams and still, it doesn't "take". It's as if intelligence is walled off and understanding is shielded.

There was a time in the US when debt could be passed down to family members. Since that time, things have changed. For instance, in Oklahoma, if a man dies, if there is no will, his widow gets half and the rest is divided equally among the children. You see, blood takes precedence.

Families that fight over money in court have a claim, though blood. Suppose a man has a wife and two children. Gets divorced, has another wife and two more children. Leaves everything to his children from his second wife. Now, you can see a court battle. Because, by blood, all four children have a legal claim. Then it's up to the courts to sort it out.

A gay leaving a will, no matter how iron clad, can have it challenged in court be a first cousin and the first cousin will win. That's just the reality. Now I know that those on the right claiming gays molest dogs and babies say, "Good". Well, screw 'em. These are the same jerks that believe evolution is a lie and a magical God really does exist who is on their side. Uneducated and usually pretty worthless.

A will written by a decent attorney is binding.
Leave your personal bullshit about dog molesting and god out, that was merely distraction by you and it doesn't work on me.

Now, name something in the Bill of Rights that is restrictive to homosexuals based solely upon their sexual orientation. Name a right spelled out that in that document that homosexuals don't get.
Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.
So if Alan Turing hadn't been a fudge packer we wouldn't have computers??? :cuckoo: :lol:

Evidently, he had the same rights as everybody else, otherwise we wouldn't have computers.

That's why you guys aren't bright. Because Columbus sailed west, does that mean that if he hadn't, no one ever would? See how stupid you are? Your logic is idiotic. The truth is that Columbus did sail west. But if he hadn't someone would have eventually. But the reality is, he was the first. We applaud and celebrate him for being the first.

Computer language is based on Alen Turing's algorithms. If not him, then someone else. But that someone else might have been hundreds of years later. Who knows what else he might have contributed if he hadn't been driven to suicide at the tender age of 42 by "your kind"? What he did accomplish is more than any of you ever will, and your kind knows it.

Go ahead. Laugh. Jackals and hyenas laugh all the time.
Because Columbus sailed west, does that mean that if he hadn't, no one ever would? See how stupid you are? Your logic is idiotic. The truth is that Columbus did sail west.

I wonder which way Columbus would have sailed if he had been a homo???? :lol:
Again, see the OP, what rights are missing as laid out in the Bill of Rights.

A sob story is nothing, people get sued all the time for rights and property after a family member dies, it isn't restricted to gays.
Your plea to emotion is as false as your argument. Oh wait, that was your false argument.

I get so tired of having to explain things to those on the right. Sometimes, you can show charts and diagrams and still, it doesn't "take". It's as if intelligence is walled off and understanding is shielded.

There was a time in the US when debt could be passed down to family members. Since that time, things have changed. For instance, in Oklahoma, if a man dies, if there is no will, his widow gets half and the rest is divided equally among the children. You see, blood takes precedence.

Families that fight over money in court have a claim, though blood. Suppose a man has a wife and two children. Gets divorced, has another wife and two more children. Leaves everything to his children from his second wife. Now, you can see a court battle. Because, by blood, all four children have a legal claim. Then it's up to the courts to sort it out.

A gay leaving a will, no matter how iron clad, can have it challenged in court be a first cousin and the first cousin will win. That's just the reality. Now I know that those on the right claiming gays molest dogs and babies say, "Good". Well, screw 'em. These are the same jerks that believe evolution is a lie and a magical God really does exist who is on their side. Uneducated and usually pretty worthless.

A will written by a decent attorney is binding.
Leave your personal bullshit about dog molesting and god out, that was merely distraction by you and it doesn't work on me.

Now, name something in the Bill of Rights that is restrictive to homosexuals based solely upon their sexual orientation. Name a right spelled out that in that document that homosexuals don't get.

Are there that many crappy lawyers out there that so many wills are challenged? Of course not. Wills written by gays are challenged all the time and gays rarely win. That's why they want this protection. Equal rights, not "special" rights.

Ok, tired of the "what ifs". You guys go ahead and have your imaginary "debate". Gays are the children of Americans. The same people that want to deny their rights are their parents and family members. Most are just ignorant because their kids and cousins are just plain "scared" of them. And, as you can read here, for good reason. Happy Christian.
Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:

Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.

What are your contributions? None. You just waste air and take up space. There is a "special" place reserved for your kind. You know it yourself. Eventually, you will come face to face with your "issues".

Hopefully, you won't have anyone in your family who is gay and trusting enough to let you know. Could you imagine having something like you as a relative? I would move away and change my name just to save myself from the embarrassment. You say that's already happened? By how many? Just curious.


So the accomplishment is somehow tied to his sexual abnomality? One wonders how that might be the case... Any chance you could show us your math on that one?

The fact is that there is absolutely NO genetic, or biological distinction between those who claim to be homosexuals; which amounts to nothing more than one who chooses to obsess upon a sexual desire for those fo their own gender.

Thus all humanity owes homosexuality is it's ire... as homosexuality runs counter to the biological imperative, thus represents a threat TO the species...
Amen.... Homosexuals are not missing any rights, anymore than anyone else. Marriage is just a civil union for straight people, so gays need to calm down, its what "marriage" is defined as... so go make up your own word and try to make it legally binding. Its just not "marriage".

It's already has a name: Incorporation.

Anyone, without regard to number or gender... can file to incorporate thier 'union'... for whatever purpose. Wherein they enjoy the privilege thereof... not the least of which is that the applicants are recognized as one legal entity... with many financial benefits and so on.

But despite the queer lobby's demand that they want to separate legal license... from religious sanction; they reject incorporation out of hand... and this is because it is the religious sanction which they are after and this due to RELIGIOUS SANCTION being where the LEGITIMACY rests... and this entire 'movement' is about nothing if it is not about securing legitimacy for the abnormal.

And yes... that does demonstrate that the entire exercise is the embodiment of DECEPTION.

But hey, that's the nature of evil... now isn't it? So there should be no suprise that the advocacy for evil would come by way of deception.

What is surprising is just how many people are taken in, or fooled by such obvious deception; and how those who are, reel at the notion of their being recognized as fools.

But hey... that's idiots for ya.

"... it is the religious sanction which they are after and this due to RELIGIOUS SANCTION being where the LEGITIMACY rests..."

Marriage has absolutely NO legitimacy in this country without the sanction and approval of the state. That is why preachers, etc. bow to the law in signing the marriage certificate and registering it with the state, and how the state requires that the marriage be performed by some licensed official, someone approved by the state. "Church" or whatever marriages in a religious sense have no LEGAL validity without state approval. Can't get a divorce without the state, Social Security doesn't recognise children born outside the sanctions when it comes from survivor benefits from a father, and so on...... or requires such extensive proofs as to make it nearly impossible.... And one can have all the legal/contractual benefits in marriage without ever going near either church or preacher. Marriage ceremony says something about "by the powers invested in me by the STATE of ...." (whichever!!!!) It is all about a civil contract.
So if Alan Turing hadn't been a fudge packer we wouldn't have computers??? :cuckoo: :lol:

Evidently, he had the same rights as everybody else, otherwise we wouldn't have computers.

That's why you guys aren't bright. Because Columbus sailed west, does that mean that if he hadn't, no one ever would? See how stupid you are? Your logic is idiotic. The truth is that Columbus did sail west. But if he hadn't someone would have eventually. But the reality is, he was the first. We applaud and celebrate him for being the first.

Computer language is based on Alen Turing's algorithms. If not him, then someone else. But that someone else might have been hundreds of years later. Who knows what else he might have contributed if he hadn't been driven to suicide at the tender age of 42 by "your kind"? What he did accomplish is more than any of you ever will, and your kind knows it.

Go ahead. Laugh. Jackals and hyenas laugh all the time.
How could Columbus have sailed in any other direction?
What does Columbus have to do with the OP and the subject matter?
Why can't you actually address the issue and stick to it?
Name the rights that homosexuals don't have that heterosexuals do have.
Frank says D.C. gay rights march misses mark - Yahoo! News

Many gay rights advocates have criticized President Barack Obama for not moving faster to keep his campaign promises to extend gay rights, and Congress has also drawn flak for not doing more.
I just re-read The Bill of Rights, I'm curious, which rights outlined in that document do not apply to gays?
Nothing in the bill of rights or the constitution addresses marriage. IMO, we all have a right to do anything unless the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny a right. There is no compelling reason to keep two people of the same sex from having a legitimate relationship akin to what two people of the opposite sex have.

So what is your compelling reason to keep same sex couples from marrying?
I get so tired of having to explain things to those on the right. Sometimes, you can show charts and diagrams and still, it doesn't "take". It's as if intelligence is walled off and understanding is shielded.

There was a time in the US when debt could be passed down to family members. Since that time, things have changed. For instance, in Oklahoma, if a man dies, if there is no will, his widow gets half and the rest is divided equally among the children. You see, blood takes precedence.

Families that fight over money in court have a claim, though blood. Suppose a man has a wife and two children. Gets divorced, has another wife and two more children. Leaves everything to his children from his second wife. Now, you can see a court battle. Because, by blood, all four children have a legal claim. Then it's up to the courts to sort it out.

A gay leaving a will, no matter how iron clad, can have it challenged in court be a first cousin and the first cousin will win. That's just the reality. Now I know that those on the right claiming gays molest dogs and babies say, "Good". Well, screw 'em. These are the same jerks that believe evolution is a lie and a magical God really does exist who is on their side. Uneducated and usually pretty worthless.

A will written by a decent attorney is binding.
Leave your personal bullshit about dog molesting and god out, that was merely distraction by you and it doesn't work on me.

Now, name something in the Bill of Rights that is restrictive to homosexuals based solely upon their sexual orientation. Name a right spelled out that in that document that homosexuals don't get.

Are there that many crappy lawyers out there that so many wills are challenged? Of course not. Wills written by gays are challenged all the time and gays rarely win. That's why they want this protection. Equal rights, not "special" rights.

Ok, tired of the "what ifs". You guys go ahead and have your imaginary "debate". Gays are the children of Americans. The same people that want to deny their rights are their parents and family members. Most are just ignorant because their kids and cousins are just plain "scared" of them. And, as you can read here, for good reason. Happy Christian.

You haven't proved that gays have any rights restricted from them, nor that hetero's have rights that homosexuals don't have. All you've done is claim that their rights are denied. I've never tried to deny rights to them, I asked what rights they don't have and you can't show me any. (Rightwinger pointed out the military service one and I acknowledged that)
Instead, you want to make false claims that people are "scared" or "christian", that's just plain bullshit and you know it.
Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.
Again, see the OP, what rights are missing as laid out in the Bill of Rights.

A sob story is nothing, people get sued all the time for rights and property after a family member dies, it isn't restricted to gays.
Your plea to emotion is as false as your argument. Oh wait, that was your false argument.

States can give more rights than the Constitutionion, but NEVER less. Then under Full Faith and Credit between the states, one state recognises what the other does.... That ain't a sob story, that is BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, ...state by state..... It isn't ALL the Bill of Rights, either. Those amendments are ENHANCEMENTS to the Primary Document.

You really ought to study up. Start reading at Westlaw and Findlaw, for starters.
So if Alan Turing hadn't been a fudge packer we wouldn't have computers??? :cuckoo: :lol:

Evidently, he had the same rights as everybody else, otherwise we wouldn't have computers.

That's why you guys aren't bright. Because Columbus sailed west, does that mean that if he hadn't, no one ever would? See how stupid you are? Your logic is idiotic.

MAN! O'PETE! That is one dripping irony right there Sis...

The truth is that Columbus did sail west. But if he hadn't someone would have eventually.
If ONLY someone had suggested otherwise.. what a WONDERFUL point this would be...

But the reality is, he was the first. We applaud and celebrate him for being the first.

Which IS the point of celebrating Columbus... with absolutely NO ONE even SUGGESTING that IF Columbus hadn't discovered America, no one would have; given that it's fairly common knowledge that Europeans had resided upon the American continent hundreds of years prior to Columbus... meaning that it had long since been 'discovered...' Columbus just knew where it was, and how to get back.

Computer language is based on Alen Turing's algorithms. If not him, then someone else. But that someone else might have been hundreds of years later.

Not likely... technology tends to be a function of the average... thus what one peer is considering, another is most likely doing the same... Someone has to be first and there's no taking away that accomplishment of being first, but often such is a horse race to that mark. There are endless examples which bear this out from telephonics, thru the automobile, to human flight...

Who knows what else he might have contributed if he hadn't been driven to suicide at the tender age of 42 by "your kind"?

Our kind? Ya mean the normality is hostile to the abnormality? Interesting, given the percentages, most people would conclude the inverse...

But hey... that's idiots for ya.
Frank says D.C. gay rights march misses mark - Yahoo! News

Many gay rights advocates have criticized President Barack Obama for not moving faster to keep his campaign promises to extend gay rights, and Congress has also drawn flak for not doing more.
I just re-read The Bill of Rights, I'm curious, which rights outlined in that document do not apply to gays?
Nothing in the bill of rights or the constitution addresses marriage. IMO, we all have a right to do anything unless the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny a right. There is no compelling reason to keep two people of the same sex from having a legitimate relationship akin to what two people of the opposite sex have.

So what is your compelling reason to keep same sex couples from marrying
I really don't give a crap if same sex couples marry each other. See the OP, I asked what rights were missing. So far, other than military service, nobody has shown that any rights are missing or violated based upon sexual orientation.
Well, MM...I guess you at least care enough to spend your Saturday thinking about it.


What other rights are you willing to give up because someone thinks it's icky?
Well, MM...I guess you at least care enough to spend your Saturday thinking about it.


What other rights are you willing to give up because someone thinks it's icky?

Loaded question.
I expect everybody to stand up for their rights. I grow weary of people claiming their rights are violated or missing when they just happen to have the exact same rights everybody else has.
The fact is that there is absolutely NO genetic, or biological distinction between those who claim to be homosexuals; which amounts to nothing more than one who chooses to obsess upon a sexual desire for those fo their own gender.

I want to make sure that I understand this correctly: you are saying that gays and lesbians choose to be this way? Fair enough. Many people believe this. I don't.

Why would anyone CHOOSE a lifestyle that is so difficult? Look up the statistics of gays and lesbians who drink or abuse drugs. It's HARD to live this way. Many of their families and friends reject them. Many of them will never have children. They have to deal with being reminded daily of how "different" or "odd" they are....the stares when they are together (even if they aren't showing affection, most people have "gaydar")...many religions condemn them to hell. There are so many reasons why gays and lesbians would not choose this lifestyle.

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