What rights are the gays missing?

I will have to put the burden of proof on you. Show where it says in the Constitution"The right to establish sound sustainable cultural standards" or "The right to hold sound standards of behavior"???

No problem...

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Notice the trend? See how that preamble speaks the purpose of the Constitution as one to establish high standards towards the goal of a more perfect nation... to provide for justice, tranquility and all of this to secure the blessings of liberty.

Ya can't enjoy God's blessing of Liberty, through the application of policy which assures domestic turbulance, and promotes the decadence of the Union... OKA: the culture.

The Right to establish sound sustainable cultural standards is born in the duty of every free sovereign to exercise their rights absent the corruption of the means of others to exercise their rights. Where I recognize and maintain that responsibility, it is my right to hold you to the same standard; and my duty to destroy you, where you fail to recognize your responsibility, in defense of that right.
Amen.... Homosexuals are not missing any rights, anymore than anyone else. Marriage is just a civil union for straight people, so gays need to calm down, its what "marriage" is defined as... so go make up your own word and try to make it legally binding. Its just not "marriage".

It's already has a name: Incorporation.

Anyone, without regard to number or gender... can file to incorporate thier 'union'... for whatever purpose. Wherein they enjoy the privilege thereof... not the least of which is that the applicants are recognized as one legal entity... with many financial benefits and so on.

But despite the queer lobby's demand that they want to separate legal license... from religious sanction; they reject incorporation out of hand... and this is because it is the religious sanction which they are after and this due to RELIGIOUS SANCTION being where the LEGITIMACY rests... and this entire 'movement' is about nothing if it is not about securing legitimacy for the abnormal.

And yes... that does demonstrate that the entire exercise is the embodiment of DECEPTION.

But hey, that's the nature of evil... now isn't it? So there should be no suprise that the advocacy for evil would come by way of deception.

What is surprising is just how many people are taken in, or fooled by such obvious deception; and how those who are, reel at the notion of their being recognized as fools.

But hey... that's idiots for ya.
Fifty years ago, no American would have ever dreamed that there would be legal sodomite marriage, homos in the military, or faggot couples allowed to adopt children.

So it's not hard to imagine 50 years from now; legal pedophilia and legal beastuality.

50 years ago a black person could not marry a white person in many parts of the United States
Uh, don't worry about that poster. His religion doesn't permit him to leave the 7th century in respect to ways of thinking.
Very idiotic statement Oscar Wacko.

The majority of Christians are against homosexuality.

Does their religion not permit them to leave the first century in ways of thinking?
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Gee....if you look hard enough it is in there somewhere

Lets try the 14th Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So, right now we have laws which prohibit homosexuals from marrying the person of their choice. We also have laws prohibiting them from serving their country.


Well then, using this species of reasoning... which is "fairness"... it's not FAIR that homosexuality is abnormal, so to make it fair, we have to contrive that the abnormal is normal...

Thus pedophiles are normal, beastiality is normal... bank robbery is normal... autotheft is normal... public masterbation is normal... anything that some dumbass conjures which suits their cravings, thus fills their needs... thus compels them to engage in such; must be considered normal.

That it violates the rights of another... too fucking bad for them.

"What Rights do consensual Homosexuals violate?" The right to establish sound, sustainable cultural standards... which defend the culture from the calamitous effects which such behavior must inevitably manifest. The Right to hold to sound standards of behavior, which is rooted in the RESPONSIBILITY TO BEHAVE WITHIN THOSE SOUND STANDARDS.

Now where you claim that there is no such right... well ya just screwed yourself out of an argument. Because THAT is what you're claiming... the right to establish sound standards... sadly, you making the claim based upon a standard which is unsustaianble.

Which as it always does... brings the points of the debate home and closes any means fot he opposition to prevail... rendering their game checked and mated.

You are such a "wipe", a "stain".
50 years ago a black person could not marry a white person in many parts of the United States
Uh, don't worry about that poster. His religion doesn't permit him to leave the 7th century in respect to ways of thinking. Trying to debate with him is like talking to a wall.

In the 7th century, homosexuals were burned at the stake.

Sounds like you are the one who can't leave the 7th century
What amazes me, is that homos and their supporters,

Think that somehow they are the pinnacle of evolution in society.

That a culture that embraces and legalizes homosexuality is advanced beyond all other cultures.
Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.
You are such a "wipe", a "stain".

You continue to avoid the issue in the OP, yet continue to fling insults.
Classic troll behavior.

How about if you mentally masturbate on another thread.

Avoid the issue? That person wasn't making an "issue". They were comparing gays to beast...

Oh screw it, another stain, another wipe.
Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:
Gay couples want the same protections and rights given married couples. These include inheritance and property rights, medical coverage and decisions, child custody, insurance and divorce.

USATODAY.com - Gay-marriage foes try to stop 'activist courts'

Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".

Now, while I'm sure that Republicans would be cheering over bringing this much devastation to a gay household, many other Americans understand that it's evil. So, what rights do gays want? What a stupid, idiotic question.
Again, see the OP, what rights are missing as laid out in the Bill of Rights.

A sob story is nothing, people get sued all the time for rights and property after a family member dies, it isn't restricted to gays.
Your plea to emotion is as false as your argument. Oh wait, that was your false argument.
Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:

Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.

What are your contributions? None. You just waste air and take up space. There is a "special" place reserved for your kind. You know it yourself. Eventually, you will come face to face with your "issues".

Hopefully, you won't have anyone in your family who is gay and trusting enough to let you know. Could you imagine having something like you as a relative? I would move away and change my name just to save myself from the embarrassment. You say that's already happened? By how many? Just curious.
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I will have to put the burden of proof on you. Show where it says in the Constitution"The right to establish sound sustainable cultural standards" or "The right to hold sound standards of behavior"???

No problem...

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Notice the trend? See how that preamble speaks the purpose of the Constitution as one to establish high standards towards the goal of a more perfect nation... to provide for justice, tranquility and all of this to secure the blessings of liberty.

Ya can't enjoy God's blessing of Liberty, through the application of policy which assures domestic turbulance, and promotes the decadence of the Union... OKA: the culture.

The Right to establish sound sustainable cultural standards is born in the duty of every free sovereign to exercise their rights absent the corruption of the means of others to exercise their rights. Where I recognize and maintain that responsibility, it is my right to hold you to the same standard; and my duty to destroy you, where you fail to recognize your responsibility, in defense of that right.

Nice try, but your reading skills are lacking

It says nothing close to "Sound sustainable cultural standards"

In fact the Constitution specifically prohibits cultural standards...hence the Bill of Rights

and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

You can't enjoy the blessings of liberty by denying them to others
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You are such a "wipe", a "stain".

You continue to avoid the issue in the OP, yet continue to fling insults.
Classic troll behavior.

How about if you mentally masturbate on another thread.

Avoid the issue? That person wasn't making an "issue". They were comparing gays to beast...

Oh screw it, another stain, another wipe.

Your comprehension is lacking. SunniMan may be an ass at times, but he at least tied his opinion to the subject, you merely used your response as a means to fling an insult.
Then you did it again.
Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:

Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.
So if Alan Turing hadn't been a fudge packer we wouldn't have computers??? :cuckoo: :lol:
To be legally joined, so that they can visit each other in the hospital. Share benefits such as to be the life insurance beneficiery, health insurance, child custody, etc... I don't think that's unreasonable.

None of those are restricted based upon sexual orientation.
Try again.
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:

Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.
So if Alan Turing hadn't been a fudge packer we wouldn't have computers??? :cuckoo: :lol:

Evidently, he had the same rights as everybody else, otherwise we wouldn't have computers.
rdean's comments are on the same wave length as KK's on another thread.

She claimed all modern societies where built by homosexuals and that we owe a great debt to them. :cuckoo:
Imagine this. A man is kicked out of his home at 15 for being gay. 45 years later, after he put himself though school and started a business with another man who he lived with for 30 years, he develops cancer. While he is in a coma, his "first cousin" who he never met, shows up and bans his boyfriend from visiting him in the hospital. He dies. The first cousin takes the boyfriend to court and is awarded half the house, half the money and half the business. The boyfriend is economically devastated and the 15 year old adopted son receives nothing because he was adopted by the "wrong gay".
What a tear jerker of a story :(

Almost makes me feel sorry for these perverts............................Not :lol:

Your kind owes a great debt to the gays. Even the computer you are using is based on Algorithms developed by Alen Turing.

What are your contributions? None. You just waste air and take up space. There is a "special" place reserved for your kind. You know it yourself. Eventually, you will come face to face with your "issues".

Hopefully, you won't have anyone in your family who is gay and trusting enough to let you know. Could you imagine having something like you as a relative? I would move away and change my name just to save myself from the embarrassment. You say that's already happened? By how many? Just curious.

Haha, "your kind", haha, how fucking discriminatory is that? What "kind" were you referring to?
I'm glad I don't have somebody like you as a relative, somebody that refers to people as "your kind".

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