What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

  • Compassion over safety

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Safety over compassion

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Safety and compassion

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Just let them in, we'll deal with the safety bridge when we get to it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
First of all why do you ask such a question? Normally the left wing has zero concern about what Christians think. But now that the liberal left sees one more issue they can force onto everyone they are all for it.

So, all of those who bash Christians each and everyday, i would like to know why you are so passionate in bring in the Syrians? Why them when thousands are being or were slaughtered in Africa? What moral high ground are you trying to claim?

Here is what I would do, with the glut of oil I would demand that Saudi Arabia take in ALL of those wishing to flee. Unite with other countries that buy SA oil to shut them down if they don't comply. How in the world can't they since they are Muslims of the religion of peace?

We make a deal that we will supply food, medical aid, Christian evangelism and whatever we can do so that these people can one day be returned home back to Syria. THAT in the long run would be cheaper and better for the Syrian people. They could have their country back and be free.

Really.... :eusa_think: .. so you'd go marching in dictating what a sovereign nation has to do.

What a great plan. Why hasn't anybody thought of this before? Oh wait....
There's an old saying I made up:

You and Jesus might both be carpenters...

...but only one of you is Jesus.
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

The Christian response should be the same as that of any decent human being (although Christians have it spelled out for them):

Matthew 12:31
Luke 10:25-37
Matthew 25:36

Safety is not the purview of religion.

The logic fallacy is that the only option for these people is for the US to take them in. Meanwhile they are surrounded by Muslim countries which are doing quite well. If you think it is a Christian's duty to take them in then why do you think it is not a Muslims? Why are Muslims not taking care of Muslims? Why are you not asking WWMD?

BTW Christian groups are the ones pushing for them to come to the US. The whole Meme created by the left wing is once again predicated on BS.
Polyester Christians . Total fakes with their a le carte religious beliefs . " I'll take the gay hating , not not the help the poor and downtrodden part. "
It's easy to be brave when bashing gays, not so easy to be brave when it really, really counts. That's when you find out what these people are really made of.

And now we know.

We are supposed to be the home of the brave. It says it right there in our anthem.
There's a difference between Brave and Stupid

ISIS is a Muslim construct

One of the S's stands for Syria

To freely accept Syrian Muslims, without thoroughly vetting them, is Stupid

The reasoning does not follow. Syria didn't name them. Would you expect to be put under hypersuspicion, even denied refuge, because you are an American and some bunch of clowns wholly unrelated to you named themselves the American Nazi Party? Same thing.

Besides, we don't call them by that goddess name any more -- that's what they want. We call them "DAESH". Or as I like to put it "Daeshbags".

No other world "leader" would have ever came out with that derogatory name......so strange that the president that has no Muslim ties winds up being the one to come out with that word....
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

Has it occurred to you that maybe safety and compassion are not mutually exclusive? I'd like you not to kill me to prove your compassion if that's OK with you

Just asking a question, not making any assertions.
The Samaritans were hated by the Jews, to whom Jesus was giving this lesson.

Jesus praised the Samaritan for helping the man in distress - who was presumably a Jew himself.

the Fallacy of your argument is that taking in the Syrians is the only humane thing to do. There are equally humane alternatives, it doesn't always have to be your way.
Left winged Christianity is best represented by Obama. He sat under a Black Liberation theologian under Rev. Wright. You all remember the famous quote, "God damn America!" Way to show the Good Samaritan spirit Rev. Wright.

Anyhew, they believe that we have a collective salvation via the state. It is the state that is to address all the social ills within society, not the church, not the individual. I'm not sure any of them really believe in a heaven or hell, they just believe that Jesus was all about government redistribution of wealth.

Then they have their mentor Karl Marx to thank, you know, the one that said that religion was an opiate for the masses.

What is interesting, is that Jesus did not run for political office, nor campaigned for political office. No, instead he taught us that the size of giving is not what matters, like the widow who tithed the penny. Jesus said that she was blessed above everyone else because even though she gave the least in terms of dollars and cents, it was all she had so it was the biggest tithe of all. And notice, Jesus welcomed the tithe and did not think it bad that the poorest of the poor had to tithe.

The left takes God out of giving. So here is what happens. Those getting the money see it as an entitlement from the state, not a gift. Therefore, their gratitude disappears. Instead, what happens is that sense of entitlement means the gift is not enough, so they clamor for more.

Then those who give the money in taxes are robbed of the gift of giving. People find it virutuous to find ways of getting out of paying taxes and get zero satisfaction in giving to the poor through taxes.

Speaking of which, the poor only get about 10 cents on the dollar when it comes to paying taxes. What a rip off.

It is a twisted form of Christianity that the left espouses. What a sick bunch.
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

Has it occurred to you that maybe safety and compassion are not mutually exclusive? I'd like you not to kill me to prove your compassion if that's OK with you

Just asking a question, not making any assertions.

Just answering your question
We have compassion but OUR SAFETY and country comes first. There are many countries in the middle east that should BE OPENING their arms to them. WHY AREN'T THEY? AND why is it being demanded that we have to take them?

set a safe place for them in their own country and give them protection there along with provisions. We can not take in all the people in the world. we are full at this time
Other countries are taking in way more than we are.

And France has said they will still take in refugees despite the Paris attack.

Now if France is still taking in refugees and THEY are the ones who were attacked, why don't we?

I can't believe France has bigger balls than the "home of the brave". I just can't believe the modern day Republican has become a simpering pussy curled up in the fetal position.

Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.
How many of their "fellow" muslim nations have taken any?
You are pointing a finger at one group and guess what? The other three point right back at you.

Turkey- an estimated 2,000,000 Syrian refugees
Lebanon-an estimated 1,100,000 Syrian refugees
Jordan- an estimated 1,400,000 Syrian refugees
Egypt- an estimated 133,000 Syrian refugees
UAE- an estimated 242,000 Syrian refugees
Iraq- an estimated 247,000 Syrian refugees.
Saudi Arabia- 100,000 or 500,000- unclear
Malaysia- 5,000 Syrian refugees

USA- an estimated 2,000 Syrian refugees
Polyester Christians . Total fakes with their a le carte religious beliefs . " I'll take the gay hating , not not the help the poor and downtrodden part. "
It's easy to be brave when bashing gays, not so easy to be brave when it really, really counts. That's when you find out what these people are really made of.

And now we know.

We are supposed to be the home of the brave. It says it right there in our anthem.
There's a difference between Brave and Stupid

ISIS is a Muslim construct

One of the S's stands for Syria

To freely accept Syrian Muslims, without thoroughly vetting them, is Stupid

The reasoning does not follow. Syria didn't name them. Would you expect to be put under hypersuspicion, even denied refuge, because you are an American and some bunch of clowns wholly unrelated to you named themselves the American Nazi Party? Same thing.

Besides, we don't call them by that goddess name any more -- that's what they want. We call them "DAESH". Or as I like to put it "Daeshbags".

No other world "leader" would have ever came out with that derogatory name......so strange that the president that has no Muslim ties winds up being the one to come out with that word....

Uh, excuse me, that's my invention. I did it right here on this board, and I can prove it.

I appreciate you making me world leader though. I humbly accept this awesome responsibility.
Now on your knees, worms.
I just love it when Godless liberals tell christians how to act.........

When Christians stop preaching maybe you'd be justified in expecting the same from non-

There is nothing Christian about placing the lives of other Christians in danger.

Jesus put his disciples in dire peril.

The disciples abandoned Jesus when in real peril. I am not sure what Bible you are pretending to understand. Maybe the Koran would be better for you?

Peter's crucifixion?
John's prison time?
That's just 2 that come to mind

Here's the entire list:

Judas we all know what happened to him.
Andrew was crucified, suspended on an olive tree, at Patrae
Bartholomew was crucified with his head downward
James, Son of Alphaeus was stoned to death in Jerusalem
James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John, was beheaded
Paul was beheaded in Rome itself
Peter likewise was crucified under Nero.
Philip preached in Phrygia, and was crucified in Hierapolis with his head downward
Thomas was thrust through in the four members of his body with a pine spear

What happened to the twelve (12) disciples of Jesus ?
I just love it when Godless liberals tell christians how to act.........

When Christians stop preaching maybe you'd be justified in expecting the same from non-

There is nothing Christian about placing the lives of other Christians in danger.

Jesus put his disciples in dire peril.

The disciples abandoned Jesus when in real peril. I am not sure what Bible you are pretending to understand. Maybe the Koran would be better for you?

Peter's crucifixion?
John's prison time?
That's just 2 that come to mind

Here's the entire list:

Judas we all know what happened to him.
Andrew was crucified, suspended on an olive tree, at Patrae
Bartholomew was crucified with his head downward
James, Son of Alphaeus was stoned to death in Jerusalem
James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John, was beheaded
Paul was beheaded in Rome itself
Peter likewise was crucified under Nero.
Philip preached in Phrygia, and was crucified in Hierapolis with his head downward
Thomas was thrust through in the four members of his body with a pine spear

What happened to the twelve (12) disciples of Jesus ?

Befor the cock crows you will deny Me three times.

They put themselves in peril, that is what free will is all about. But it took the seeing and touching of the risen Jesus for them to do so.
I just love it when Godless liberals tell christians how to act.........

When Christians stop preaching maybe you'd be justified in expecting the same from non-

There is nothing Christian about placing the lives of other Christians in danger.

Jesus put his disciples in dire peril.

The disciples abandoned Jesus when in real peril. I am not sure what Bible you are pretending to understand. Maybe the Koran would be better for you?

Peter's crucifixion?
John's prison time?
That's just 2 that come to mind

Here's the entire list:

Judas we all know what happened to him.
Andrew was crucified, suspended on an olive tree, at Patrae
Bartholomew was crucified with his head downward
James, Son of Alphaeus was stoned to death in Jerusalem
James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John, was beheaded
Paul was beheaded in Rome itself
Peter likewise was crucified under Nero.
Philip preached in Phrygia, and was crucified in Hierapolis with his head downward
Thomas was thrust through in the four members of his body with a pine spear

What happened to the twelve (12) disciples of Jesus ?

As I pointed out, all of what you listed happened AFTER they hid away in the Upper Room.
I just love it when Godless liberals tell christians how to act.........

When Christians stop preaching maybe you'd be justified in expecting the same from non-

There is nothing Christian about placing the lives of other Christians in danger.

Jesus put his disciples in dire peril.

The disciples abandoned Jesus when in real peril. I am not sure what Bible you are pretending to understand. Maybe the Koran would be better for you?

Peter's crucifixion?
John's prison time?
That's just 2 that come to mind

Here's the entire list:

Judas we all know what happened to him.
Andrew was crucified, suspended on an olive tree, at Patrae
Bartholomew was crucified with his head downward
James, Son of Alphaeus was stoned to death in Jerusalem
James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John, was beheaded
Paul was beheaded in Rome itself
Peter likewise was crucified under Nero.
Philip preached in Phrygia, and was crucified in Hierapolis with his head downward
Thomas was thrust through in the four members of his body with a pine spear

What happened to the twelve (12) disciples of Jesus ?

As I pointed out, all of what you listed happened AFTER they hid away in the Upper Room.
But you only cite Peter's denial in defense of your blanket statement

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