What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

  • Compassion over safety

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Safety over compassion

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Safety and compassion

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Just let them in, we'll deal with the safety bridge when we get to it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Here's the christian liberal priorities:

First of all why do you ask such a question? Normally the left wing has zero concern about what Christians think. But now that the liberal left sees one more issue they can force onto everyone they are all for it.

So, all of those who bash Christians each and everyday, i would like to know why you are so passionate in bring in the Syrians? Why them when thousands are being or were slaughtered in Africa? What moral high ground are you trying to claim?

Here is what I would do, with the glut of oil I would demand that Saudi Arabia take in ALL of those wishing to flee. Unite with other countries that buy SA oil to shut them down if they don't comply. How in the world can't they since they are Muslims of the religion of peace?

We make a deal that we will supply food, medical aid, Christian evangelism and whatever we can do so that these people can one day be returned home back to Syria. THAT in the long run would be cheaper and better for the Syrian people. They could have their country back and be free.
Polyester Christians . Total fakes with their a le carte religious beliefs . " I'll take the gay hating , not not the help the poor and downtrodden part. "
It's easy to be brave when bashing gays, not so easy to be brave when it really, really counts. That's when you find out what these people are really made of.

And now we know.

We are supposed to be the home of the brave. It says it right there in our anthem.
There's a difference between Brave and Stupid

ISIS is a Muslim construct

One of the S's stands for Syria

To freely accept Syrian Muslims, without thoroughly vetting them, is Stupid

The reasoning does not follow. Syria didn't name them. Would you expect to be put under hypersuspicion, even denied refuge, because you are an American and some bunch of clowns wholly unrelated to you named themselves the American Nazi Party? Same thing.

Besides, we don't call them by that goddess name any more -- that's what they want. We call them "DAESH". Or as I like to put it "Daeshbags".
Don't scapegoat Syrian refugees, religious leaders say

Two of the country's largest and most influential religious groups, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Association of Evangelicals, are urging the United States not to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees after the deadly terrorist attack in Paris last Friday.

The Right is only religious when it is politically convenient.
And the Left are never religious? Or only when it's politically convenient?

The left aren't the ones claiming to be the greatest Christians the world has ever seen. That'd be the right.

that's bs. not everyone on the right is religious or claims to be.....but all of you on the left claims you're not religious. That's just more lies so you on the left can slam people for not being Christian like.
Try the parable of the good Samaritan.

Takes a real, REAL, hypocrite to try and cite the Bible in one thread then have no use for it in another.

If you are trying to make people feel guilty for the screw up that Obama has created in Syria I suggest you try again.
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Don't scapegoat Syrian refugees, religious leaders say

Two of the country's largest and most influential religious groups, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Association of Evangelicals, are urging the United States not to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees after the deadly terrorist attack in Paris last Friday.

The Right is only religious when it is politically convenient.
And the Left are never religious? Or only when it's politically convenient?

The left aren't the ones claiming to be the greatest Christians the world has ever seen. That'd be the right.

that's bs. not everyone on the right is religious or claims to be.....but all of you on the left claims you're not religious. just more lies

Not only do they make that claim they are ANTI-religion, other then Islam which apparently scares them.
Try the parable of the good Samaritan.

Takes a real, REAL, hypocrite to try and cite the Bible in one thread then have no use for it in another.

If you are trying to make people feel guilty for the f..k up that Obama has created in Syria I suggest you try again.

I'm not a practicing Christian so I cannot be a Christian hypocrite. The parable of the good Samaritan is a Christian teaching.
Isn't that what the OP is asking about?
I just love it when Godless liberals tell christians how to act.........

When Christians stop preaching maybe you'd be justified in expecting the same from non-

There is nothing Christian about placing the lives of other Christians in danger.

Jesus put his disciples in dire peril.

The disciples abandoned Jesus when in real peril. I am not sure what Bible you are pretending to understand. Maybe the Koran would be better for you?
Try the parable of the good Samaritan.

Takes a real, REAL, hypocrite to try and cite the Bible in one thread then have no use for it in another.

If you are trying to make people feel guilty for the f..k up that Obama has created in Syria I suggest you try again.

I'm not a practicing Christian so I cannot be a Christian hypocrite. The parable of the good Samaritan is a Christian teaching.
Isn't that what the OP is asking about?

Don't know his intentions, I read your post, you are trying to deflect.
If it is not Christian to allow other Christians to come to harm, then a quick question......

Is it Christian to allow non Christians to come to harm?
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

Safety and compassion. Ensure proper vetting.

What I don't understand though TK why is it 97% Muslim 3% Christian when Christians have been decimated on a continual basis.

I'm trying to get the stats on Sunni versus Shia as well as I was reading I think it was at France 24 that the Muslim refugees that the US is heavy on the Sunni side. Considering ISIS is Sunni and they are wantonly slaughtering Shia everywhere they can why more Sunnis than Shia?
Try the parable of the good Samaritan.

Takes a real, REAL, hypocrite to try and cite the Bible in one thread then have no use for it in another.

If you are trying to make people feel guilty for the f..k up that Obama has created in Syria I suggest you try again.

I'm not a practicing Christian so I cannot be a Christian hypocrite. The parable of the good Samaritan is a Christian teaching.
Isn't that what the OP is asking about?

Don't know his intentions, I read your post, you are trying to deflect.

Deflect from what?
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

Safety and compassion. Ensure proper vetting.

What I don't understand though TK why is it 97% Muslim 3% Christian when Christians have been decimated on a continual basis.

I'm trying to get the stats on Sunni versus Shia as well as I was reading I think it was at France 24 that the Muslim refugees that the US is heavy on the Sunni side. Considering ISIS is Sunni and they are wantonly slaughtering Shia everywhere they can why more Sunnis than Shia?

Don't want neither of 'em since American homelessness is significantly on the rise in our major cities.
Yet another example of the left's never ending hypocritical search for hypocrisy in the Christian conservative world. The dirty little secret is that you can never call a left winger a social hypocrite because lefties espouse no claim of family or religious values. Second only to Jews (they burned a captured Jewish pilot alive in a freaking cage) Christians are the next target for jihad maniacs. If Christians refuse to admit jihad maniacs to the U.S. the radical left quickly plays the hypocrite card as if they even care about what Christians think. It's a no win poll designed by and for left wing fools.

The OP is not a part of "the left", Stupid.
I've been struggling with this, believe it or not. What should the Christian response be to the Syrian refugees?

Safety over Compassion?

Compassion over Safety?

Or safety and compassion?

The Christian response should be the same as that of any decent human being (although Christians have it spelled out for them):

Matthew 12:31
Luke 10:25-37
Matthew 25:36

Safety is not the purview of religion.
The Samaritans were hated by the Jews, to whom Jesus was giving this lesson.

Jesus praised the Samaritan for helping the man in distress - who was presumably a Jew himself.

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