What the gop doesn’t want you to know abou the deficit.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.

11 Things The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know About The Deficit
Granny says dem politicans is drownin' us in debt...
Debt Jumped $1.2759T in FY 2012; Up $10,855 Per Household in Just 12 Months; Beats 2011
October 1, 2012 - According to the U.S. Treasury, the debt of the U.S. government climbed by a total of $1,275,901,078,828.74 in fiscal 2012, which ended yesterday.
That means the federal government borrowed approximately an additional $10,855 for each household in the United States just over the past twelve months. The total debt of the United States now equals approximately $136,690 per household. In fiscal 2011, the debt increased by about $10,454 per household--$401 less than the $10,855 per household increase of 2012. The $1.2758 trillion that the debt increased in fiscal 2012 was about $47.18 billion more than the $1.2287 trillion that the debt increased in fiscal 2011. The federal fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 and ends on Sept. 30.

At the close of business on Sept. 30, 2011, the total debt of the U.S. government was $14,790,340,328,557.15, according to the Treasury. At the close of business on Sept. 28, the last business day of fiscal 2012, it was $16,066,241,407,385.89 That meant the debt increased in fiscal 2012 by $1,275,901,078,828.74. At the close of business on Sept. 30, 2010, the debt had stood at $13,561,623,030,891.79. Over the course of fiscal 2011, it increased by $1,228,717,297,665.36 before closing at 14,790,340,328,557.15 on Sept. 30, 2011.

The fiscal 2012 increase of $1,275,901,078,828.74 exceeded the fiscal 2011 increase $1,228,717,297,665.36 by $47,183,781,163.38 The Census Bureau estimated that there were 117,538,000 household in the United States in 2010. The $1,275,901,078,828.74 that the debt increased in fiscal 2012 equaled about $10,855 for each one of those 117,538,000 households.

Here is how much the debt has increased in each of the last six fiscal years:
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Don't forget folks, NOTHING is the fault of the Dear Leader

But everything is still the fault of Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh:lol:
What the gop doesn’t want you to know abou the deficit.

It's a.....

Granny says purt soon ever'body gonna be out sellin' apples onna street corners...
CBO: Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for 4th Straight Year
October 5, 2012 – The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that the federal budget deficit has exceeded $1 trillion for the fourth year in a row, coming in at $1.1 trillion in fiscal year 2012 – or 7.0 percent of the economy.
“The federal government’s fiscal year 2012 has come to a close, and CBO estimates -- in its latest Monthly Budget Review -- that the federal budget deficit for the year was about $1.1 trillion, or 7.0 percent of gross domestic product (GDP),” the CBO reported.

“Although the deficit is approximately $200 billion lower than the shortfall recorded in 2011, fiscal year 2012 marks the fourth year in a row with a deficit of more than $1 trillion,” reported the CBO.

The $1.1 trillion deficit was lower than in previous fiscal years due to higher revenues and lower spending, the CBO said. Revenues were up 6 percent over FY 2011 while spending was down 1.6 percent.

CBO: Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for 4th Straight Year | CNSNews.com
What the gop doesn’t want you to know abou the deficit.

"For everyone pining for a sweeping deficit deal after the election, Speaker John Boehner has a message.

Don’t hold your breath.

In an interview here, the Ohio Republican said cobbling together a large-scale deal during the lame-duck session of Congress would not only be hard, but also the wrong thing for the country."


The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.

11 Things The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know About The Deficit

The 'recession' was over June 2009.

These are Owebama's boom times. I know. It is hard to tell the diff.


Uber Lefttard Thread Fail.
Actually, no. The deficit has grown because our politicians want to spend more money than we take in in revenues.
One reason the deficit has grown that OBAMA doesn't want to talk about -- is that Soc Sec went NEGATIVE in 2010.. Now contributes over $40Bill a year in DEFICIT.. So poor dear leader now has a NATURAL $80Bill difference in baseline budgeting that he helped create by STEALING from the Soc Sec premiums to hand out tax breaks..

The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.

11 Things The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know About The Deficit

Democrats controlled spending since 2006. Fact.
Granny says purt soon ever'body gonna be out sellin' apples onna street corners...
CBO: Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for 4th Straight Year
October 5, 2012 – The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that the federal budget deficit has exceeded $1 trillion for the fourth year in a row, coming in at $1.1 trillion in fiscal year 2012 – or 7.0 percent of the economy.
“The federal government’s fiscal year 2012 has come to a close, and CBO estimates -- in its latest Monthly Budget Review -- that the federal budget deficit for the year was about $1.1 trillion, or 7.0 percent of gross domestic product (GDP),” the CBO reported.

“Although the deficit is approximately $200 billion lower than the shortfall recorded in 2011, fiscal year 2012 marks the fourth year in a row with a deficit of more than $1 trillion,” reported the CBO.

The $1.1 trillion deficit was lower than in previous fiscal years due to higher revenues and lower spending, the CBO said. Revenues were up 6 percent over FY 2011 while spending was down 1.6 percent.

CBO: Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for 4th Straight Year | CNSNews.com

Even Tom Brokaw said Obie needs to answer for this on Meet the Press yesterday.

The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.

11 Things The GOP Doesn't Want You To Know About The Deficit

Democrats controlled spending since 2006. Fact.
Gee.....that's the same year Lil' Dumbya's Medicare D scam kicked-in!!

How convenient for you Teabaggers!
One reason the deficit has grown that OBAMA doesn't want to talk about -- is that Soc Sec went NEGATIVE in 2010.
Nahhhhhhhhhhh......that's gotta be another Teabaggin' lie.​

Put down the crayons.. I figure you're not kidding here.. No wonder you're such a fanatic..

You have no sense of the obvious fact that Soc Sec ran a DEFICIT of $41Bill last year? And a hefty deficit the year before? SIX YEARS ahead of the schedule that was fielded in 2008?
ALL OF THAT had to be covered out of the Gen Fund by EXISTING tax revenues or NEW debt...

Not even gonna TRY to help you here.. Go get some knowledge. And TRY to write like a grown-up...

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