What The Hell is Happening In Israel?

Interesting,.I never knew these details. Canada isn't the only one where democracy becomes unaccountable.
I didn't understand how it worked in the beginning and when I saw the demonstrations I started doing some digging into both sides. From what I read, it would be the equivalent here of having our supreme court comprised of political hacks that were appointed, not nominated by a president and reviewed by the senate, but simply appointed by others on the court with no voter ever having any kind of oversight. There is no other body in Israel that can review or veto any rulings by these "judges".
This is from the BBC, an ostensibly lefty? Globalist source on the judicial reform. .

Israel judicial reform: Why is the country in turmoil?​

And I assume? This was sourced from the indie right, it is from a source that Rush Limbaugh commonly used, the news aggregator, Zero Hedge;


Protests against Netanyahu’s judicial reform intensify ahead of vote​

You are right to be wary of BBC reporting in such matters. The influence of Jews is immense here ( UK fact and not prejudice) though ultimately everything is run by the Intel Services for approval of overall direction and agenda. There is no room for Israel in BRICKS and this may boil down to how far US and UK are prepared to see Israels ME influence further eroded .A very murky brew and to me a possible tilting moment .
Bibi was able to get Judicial Reform ( seems the Protestors in Israel did not get the memo from their American Far Left & Left Cousins that you need to burn shit & harm people & Cops to get what you want
I'm not challenging you but very curious.......where or how do you know this??? (this = all of your posts in this thread)
I read sources other than MSM. If you read a little more widely than just the obvious Left - or Right-leaning sites, you begin to see information repeated by a consensus. I'll try to go back and find a couple that shows why I say what I do.

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