What the hell is Qnanon? I keep seeing blips on it but have never bothered reading or clicking on it.

Q Anon is just another made up term by people who have done too many drugs

That egg has more sense that any person who buys into q-anon bullshit.

Anon is BS........it's a made up term by brain dead liberals like yourself............

No one really cares about your views anymore ...........we don't ...........we don't like each other......we don't want to be ruled by you.......or you by us............only problem is that we don't live in the time of muskets and bayonets.........

If we did..........the talking would have been over a long time ago Q

You moron..it is Trumpists who are voting for q-anon. Q-anon will supplement the cult of personality that surrounds Trump. Given the IQ of the average q-anon believer is less than that of a fried egg, it only makes sense they would be Trump supporters.

Today on Chis Wallace’s show Mark Meadows waffled and deflected when asked to denounce q-anon. It was a despicable display.

For a poster whose alter ego name is eagle, you sure are blind as a bat on some issues.

it is a bowel movement from the left.................just like your HCL was a bowel movement from Malaria............people like you make shit up........slogans..........polarize it........and then go HOW DARE YOU SAY BAD SHIT about BLM

Because the name itself is a pysc. experiment............with automated answers for any comment on it...........if you say you don't support BLM............BURN .........LOOT.........MURDER..........You are a racist..............OH........YOU DON'T THINK BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Only fools by into that Crap..........same as the Q invented by your party for an election slogan.......

Let's see more........like Romney the RINO.....at least this one is funny

Now you are simply incoherent. Change your screen name bird from eagle to loon.

Sorry.............I don't take orders from liberal idiots.............

Didn't even know WTF Q Anon was til today.........could care less about it.......or the DNC.......just stop fleeing your masters.........we don't want you here.........you infect the world with your stupidity........lies and BS...........

Personally...........on a lighter note...............I now agree with abortion.......because I believe people like you shouldn't breed.

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Never heard of it...................still don't care................

I know I don't want Quid Pro Quo Joe ............or Burn Loot Murder..............

I'd have to say .....since the Q came from the left............they are MOCKING YOU.

Qanon is pretty interesting..given that it sprang fully clothed from social media and the internet. It is all most certainly a shitload of lies..but the stupid love it. Now we have officeholders subscribing to the nonsense..and gumming up the works.

It's more of a shared belief and philosophy than anything else.

If you:

Believe that the Clinton's are mass murderers...you are a Q

If you believe that the Deep State runs America and Soros is the evil Lex Luthor of the Left...You are a Q

If you believe that Obama was born in Kenya....and that pretty much everything on the left is a Communist/socialist plot..you are a Q.

Antivaxers...chem trailers...and InfoWars faithful are all staunch Q's.

WTC and Sandy Hook deniers welcome!

Oh..and you have to believe the 9 out of 10 Dems are pedophiles...LOL!

Q is a scam, but that doesn't mean there is no corruption, subversion or sickos in high places. Based on your post above, you seem to be a blissfully unaware TV-watching type who thinks the government would never break the law, lie or deceive the public. Oh, except for maybe the other side. THEY might do some bad things. (It's always the other side, right?) But overall the government and media are not that bad, and can be trusted. lolol You're just as misguided as the Q crowd, just in a different way.
The U.S. Government would never ever intentionally infect people with a disease

Are we under the assumption here that the elected national government of the people of the united states is the entity moving all the pieces?

the government within the government.
Q- is just another invention or ploy of the Illuminati who are the real masters of all the reals worlds.......just to fuck with your mind, which they control. Evil, evil bastards!
Well...the folks in DC are paying attention!

Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) and Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) introduced a bipartisan resolution Tuesday condemning QAnon.
The sprawling conspiracy theory centers around the baseless belief that President Trump and his allies are working with the military to expose a shadowy cabal of elites who control U.S. politics and run child trafficking rings.
But it also casts a wide net, bringing in people who believe, for example, that Hillary Clinton engages in Satanic sacrifices or that John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive and in hiding.
Malinowski warned that letting the theory fester without condemnation could prove dangerous.

"Conspiracy theories that falsely blame secret cabals and marginalized groups for the problems of society have long fueled prejudice, violence and terrorism," he said in a statement. "It's time for us to come together across party lines to say that QAnon has no place in our nation's political discourse."

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