What the hell is wrong with people?

Speaking of ill behaved idiots, seems the trend of yelling at black people for being someplace where a white person thinks they shouldn't be is continuing.

Some idiot nicknamed "Hallway Harry" was yelling at a black man, telling him to get out of his building because he didn't live there, but only trouble is, the dude lived on the second floor.

He also did it to a white couple from Hong Kong who were renting an apartment in that same building under Air B and B.

Meet 'Hallway Harry,' a white man accusing a black neighbor of not living in the building they share - NY Daily News
the same stuff happens to whites but it doesn't get on the news
I was stopped THREE times by the cops for:
biking to work
biking home from work
Is this a failure of the public school system teaching reading/reading comprehension or is it the liberal belief that they are entitled to anything and everything they demand? Seriously, no means NO! Did I get that right? This mother needs to have her poor child removed and placed with someone sane.
Demand to let her f**k trophy pet a service animal in training and then get pissed when she's told 'no'?

Mother Harasses Service Animals After Being Told She Can't Pet Them
This has nothing to do with public schools. WTF is wrong with you?

A sense of entitlement has been drummed into public school victims since the mid-1970s.
What is wrong with you? What does the public school system have to do with this besides nothing?

The public system has been training ill-behaved idiots for nearly 50 years, and doing a good job at that.
Says who? You? :auiqs.jpg:And you are?
the same stuff happens to whites but it doesn't get on the news
I was stopped THREE times by the cops for:
biking to work
biking home from work
As a teen, I was stopped and questioned/harassed all the time by the local cops. I guess I was black as a kid.
Is this a failure of the public school system teaching reading/reading comprehension or is it the liberal belief that they are entitled to anything and everything they demand? Seriously, no means NO! Did I get that right? This mother needs to have her poor child removed and placed with someone sane.
Demand to let her f**k trophy pet a service animal in training and then get pissed when she's told 'no'?

Mother Harasses Service Animals After Being Told She Can't Pet Them
This has nothing to do with public schools. WTF is wrong with you?

A sense of entitlement has been drummed into public school victims since the mid-1970s.
What is wrong with you? What does the public school system have to do with this besides nothing?

The public system has been training ill-behaved idiots for nearly 50 years, and doing a good job at that.
Says who? You? :auiqs.jpg:And you are?

Kinetta, the Great and Powerful.

......I never let anyone pet my dog/or get near it...for $$$$ reasons if she bites and also I don't want my dog friendly with anyone..she's there for guard duty as her primary mission

..regarding this incident:
...there are a lot of people that are just not ''right''...they do not think normally/logically/''commonly''/etc
-then = when these humans don't get what they want [ as in this case ] they get MAD/etc = and the dumbshit follows
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
This has nothing to do with public schools. WTF is wrong with you?

A sense of entitlement has been drummed into public school victims since the mid-1970s.
What is wrong with you? What does the public school system have to do with this besides nothing?

The public system has been training ill-behaved idiots for nearly 50 years, and doing a good job at that.
Says who? You? :auiqs.jpg:And you are?

Kinetta, the Great and Powerful.

Says the retarded among us.What a bunch of straight dumb asses trying to link a woman petting a dog to the public schools.
......I never let anyone pet my dog/or get near it...for $$$$ reasons if she bites and also I don't want my dog friendly with anyone..she's there for guard duty as her primary mission

..regarding this incident:
...there are a lot of people that are just not ''right''...they do not think normally/logically/''commonly''/etc
-then = when these humans don't get what they want [ as in this case ] they get MAD/etc = and the dumbshit follows
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
so what???!!! you know ONE person
graduation rates for private schools are higher
private school kids score higher/do better--plain and simple
CAPE | Private School Facts
On average, students who attended private high schools scored higher on academic tests at age 15, and achieved higher levels of educational attainment by age 23, than did those who attended public high schools.Note 4
Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?
so you provide so much information: you know ONE person
......I never let anyone pet my dog/or get near it...for $$$$ reasons if she bites and also I don't want my dog friendly with anyone..she's there for guard duty as her primary mission

..regarding this incident:
...there are a lot of people that are just not ''right''...they do not think normally/logically/''commonly''/etc
-then = when these humans don't get what they want [ as in this case ] they get MAD/etc = and the dumbshit follows
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
so what???!!! you know ONE person
graduation rates for private schools are higher
private school kids score higher/do better--plain and simple
CAPE | Private School Facts
On average, students who attended private high schools scored higher on academic tests at age 15, and achieved higher levels of educational attainment by age 23, than did those who attended public high schools.Note 4
Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?
so you provide so much information: you know ONE person
First off, Republicans for decades have been trying their very best to gut the budgets from public schools. That's strike one. Second, if they could, they would budget the public schools like a section 8 housing program. That's segregation all over. And the third strike is with the charter program where wide spread corruption has run a muck swiping a glancing blow against the public school system

. And this too has been done by design.Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

Private and charter schools are a scam for the privileged and the corrupt, at the expense of gutting the budgets of public schools.
White people. They think they are entitled to do and say whatever they want. I see this about a hundred times a day. The other day this white lady wanted to pet my daughters hair. My daughter told her no and she got mad.
But she's such a cute puppy!
Is this a failure of the public school system teaching reading/reading comprehension or is it the liberal belief that they are entitled to anything and everything they demand? Seriously, no means NO! Did I get that right? This mother needs to have her poor child removed and placed with someone sane.
Demand to let her f**k trophy pet a service animal in training and then get pissed when she's told 'no'?

Mother Harasses Service Animals After Being Told She Can't Pet Them
This has nothing to do with public schools. WTF is wrong with you?

A sense of entitlement has been drummed into public school victims since the mid-1970s.

Is this a failure of the public school system teaching reading/reading comprehension or is it the liberal belief that they are entitled to anything and everything they demand? Seriously, no means NO! Did I get that right? This mother needs to have her poor child removed and placed with someone sane.
Demand to let her f**k trophy pet a service animal in training and then get pissed when she's told 'no'?

Mother Harasses Service Animals After Being Told She Can't Pet Them
That's too easy. No one can defend that woman.
On the other hand, a lot of hateful anti-Trumpers think whatever vociferous anger they produce is sublime wisdom and necessary to save conservatism from itself.

Goddamn Trump....now he has service animals crying! Impeach!!!

......I never let anyone pet my dog/or get near it...for $$$$ reasons if she bites and also I don't want my dog friendly with anyone..she's there for guard duty as her primary mission

..regarding this incident:
...there are a lot of people that are just not ''right''...they do not think normally/logically/''commonly''/etc
-then = when these humans don't get what they want [ as in this case ] they get MAD/etc = and the dumbshit follows
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
so what???!!! you know ONE person
graduation rates for private schools are higher
private school kids score higher/do better--plain and simple
CAPE | Private School Facts
On average, students who attended private high schools scored higher on academic tests at age 15, and achieved higher levels of educational attainment by age 23, than did those who attended public high schools.Note 4
Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?
so you provide so much information: you know ONE person
First off, Republicans for decades have been trying their very best to gut the budgets from public schools. That's strike one. Second, if they could, they would budget the public schools like a section 8 housing program. That's segregation all over. And the third strike is with the charter program where wide spread corruption has run a muck swiping a glancing blow against the public school system

. And this too has been done by design.Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

Private and charter schools are a scam for the privileged and the corrupt, at the expense of gutting the budgets of public schools.
1. better grades and scores is a SCAM?????!!!!!
you just fked up with that dumbshit
2. look at these idiot public school teachers that FKed over the kids!!!!!!!!
these are LIBERALS that voted for/love Obama
How and why convicted Atlanta teachers cheated on standardized tests
Last edited:
White people. They think they are entitled to do and say whatever they want. I see this about a hundred times a day. The other day this white lady wanted to pet my daughters hair. My daughter told her no and she got mad.
I had a bitch with pups years ago & told my landlady & her children not to approach the den without me under any circumstance. She was one of those entitled c-words who felt even more entitled because she was my landlady. She privately encouraged her children to visit the pups as they pleased. The 11 year old daughter approached the den within the chain link of the bitch & promptly got the crap bitten out of her leg. They tried to sue but lost because they were admitting they were warned ( even in court she believed her entitlement could be used as an excuse) & because the dog was at my rental & secured with a chain defending pups. The court found the landlady was defiant. She was fuming that day when she lost.

The daughter bears permanent scars as a reminder of the consequences of undue entitlement.
......I never let anyone pet my dog/or get near it...for $$$$ reasons if she bites and also I don't want my dog friendly with anyone..she's there for guard duty as her primary mission

..regarding this incident:
...there are a lot of people that are just not ''right''...they do not think normally/logically/''commonly''/etc
-then = when these humans don't get what they want [ as in this case ] they get MAD/etc = and the dumbshit follows
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
Reading. The question begs whether this entitled, spoiled bitch learned to read or if she did, why reading comprehension has failed her . These animals wear vests that request they not be petted. And yet this ass makes a total circus after being told "no" when she asks if her brat can pet an animal wearing such notices.
So when are these folks on here going to explain to the rest of us what this has to do with the public schools?
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
so what???!!! you know ONE person
graduation rates for private schools are higher
private school kids score higher/do better--plain and simple
CAPE | Private School Facts
On average, students who attended private high schools scored higher on academic tests at age 15, and achieved higher levels of educational attainment by age 23, than did those who attended public high schools.Note 4
Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?
so you provide so much information: you know ONE person
First off, Republicans for decades have been trying their very best to gut the budgets from public schools. That's strike one. Second, if they could, they would budget the public schools like a section 8 housing program. That's segregation all over. And the third strike is with the charter program where wide spread corruption has run a muck swiping a glancing blow against the public school system

. And this too has been done by design.Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

Private and charter schools are a scam for the privileged and the corrupt, at the expense of gutting the budgets of public schools.
1. better grades and scores is a SCAM?????!!!!!
you just fked up with that dumbshit
2. look at these idiot public school teachers that FKed over the kids!!!!!!!!
these are LIBERALS that voted for/love Obama
How and why convicted Atlanta teachers cheated on standardized tests
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you forgot to read this; Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

How Charter Schools Skim and Scam Public Money
well, private schools:
---have a higher graduation rate = this cross checks with they can discipline/teach rules/morals/laws/etc
...private schools can suspend or kick out,--- easier,--- jackasses that don't want to behave/learn/follow the rules/etc
This has to be one of the most idiotic threads I have ever seen. No one knows who this woman is or where she went to school.

In the mean time, some of the dumbest people I know went to private schools. Why? Because they pay the money to graduate, not because they actually graduated.

And Charter schools? They are some of the most corrupt, stealing institutions in the country.

And here's the best part. This has jack shit to do with the woman wanting to pet a dog. This is a stupid thread.
so what???!!! you know ONE person
graduation rates for private schools are higher
private school kids score higher/do better--plain and simple
CAPE | Private School Facts
On average, students who attended private high schools scored higher on academic tests at age 15, and achieved higher levels of educational attainment by age 23, than did those who attended public high schools.Note 4
Why Are Academic Prospects Brighter for Private High School Students?
so you provide so much information: you know ONE person
First off, Republicans for decades have been trying their very best to gut the budgets from public schools. That's strike one. Second, if they could, they would budget the public schools like a section 8 housing program. That's segregation all over. And the third strike is with the charter program where wide spread corruption has run a muck swiping a glancing blow against the public school system

. And this too has been done by design.Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

Private and charter schools are a scam for the privileged and the corrupt, at the expense of gutting the budgets of public schools.
1. better grades and scores is a SCAM?????!!!!!
you just fked up with that dumbshit
2. look at these idiot public school teachers that FKed over the kids!!!!!!!!
these are LIBERALS that voted for/love Obama
How and why convicted Atlanta teachers cheated on standardized tests
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you forgot to read this; Charter School Corruption Is Changing Education Policy And Politics

How Charter Schools Skim and Scam Public Money
they are the same--all crap
and the worst are the city/''leftist''' schools

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