What the hell were you thinking?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
What the hell were you thinking?

You Bankers
You Lawyers
You Insurance 'Executives'....


You Mothers

You Fathers

You Bureaucrats

You Servants​


You Slavers
You Thieves

You... You.... You People!

:eusa_think: What the HELL were you thinking?
The future or the now? :dunno:

One thing for certain... if history proves anything, it proves that the future IS gonna ask: What the HELL were you thinking? :dunno:

What would YOU tell them?
Post A Message to The Future here.
I'm thinking that it would be cool if more folks considered the next 2,000 years instead of the last 2,000 years. Our kids might just teach themselves how to drive this gift to the stars.

The Future. That's my religion.
Transparency in Politics that consider The Future. The third leg in building the frame-work for an economy that our kids can drive to the stars and the dividing line between "Clever Apes" selfishly hording their bananas and a "Sentient World" driving its economy to the stars, and the Internet is a game changer.

I Love The Internet. And the Word. was God.

:beer: To The Future! And Momma's Little Bastards... May you reach the Stars!

The FUTURE, Brother!

Momma's Little Bastards yet to come!

Like we read of Alexander The Thug and his ruthless conquest of everyone around him and ask ourselves "What the HELL were YOU thinking?!?"

Like we study The Germans and others who're 'just following orders' and ask ourselves "What the HELL were YOU thinking?!?"

Like we learn of Einstein, Gandhi, and Coach Tom Landry and ask ourselves "What the Hell were you thinking?!?"

Like we see a funny snail or bug and wonder of Mother Earth, "What the Hell were you thinking?!?"

From the wonder of the natural world to the industries and activities that we employ to harvest the resources and feed the needs, wants and desires of Mother Earth's Little Busy Bastards, right down to the political, economic, religious and social votes that each and every one of you lovely little bastards casts, future generations will be able to search the minds of each and every one of us when they ask each other "What the HELL were they thinking?!?" :eusa_eh:

The internet is a game changer in our evolution and I'm starting a religion.

I know, I know... you get what you pay for. At least mine's free.

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