What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

How has Trump sold out to Russia? His ENERGY POLICY alone is destroying their economy, and Putin's income. We are now the worlds largest producer of oil and a net energy exporter. Totally against Russian interests. Their economy is solely based on Oil and Natural Gas revenue.

Hardly. The price of oil has been going up generally due to Trump's sanctions.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!

We also have the 2018 voting to go with the polls. Suburban voters in Pennsylvania and Michigan turned heavily against the GOP. Democrats picked up House seats in red states in suburban districts.

Trump has appointed or wanted to appoint men who have sexually assaulted or sexually harassed women showing it is no big deal to him. He has groped women just not talked about it. Biden has put his hands on a woman's shoulder and back. Hardly groping. Biden is not a pedophile you piece of filthy trash.
New HARVARD-HARRIS poll on the Democratic nomination:

BIDEN: 44%




O'Rourke: 3%

Booker: 3%

Buttigieg: 2%

Klobuchar: 2%

No other candidates got 1% or more in this polls.

With 44% in this poll, it would suggest Biden has things wrapped up.

Harvard-Harris is a poll that I have serious questions about. That poll generally shows that 100% have made up their minds which is somewhat questionable. Biden does not have it wrapped it although he likely has a large lead.

BIDEN's lead is only a couple of points higher than the average of all the different polls, so it is actually pretty accurate.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

It was not rigged. Clinton won 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Tell me how 42 beats 54 or does that math go over your head?
Super delegates.
How has Trump sold out to Russia? His ENERGY POLICY alone is destroying their economy, and Putin's income. We are now the worlds largest producer of oil and a net energy exporter. Totally against Russian interests. Their economy is solely based on Oil and Natural Gas revenue.

Hardly. The price of oil has been going up generally due to Trump's sanctions.

Its more complex than that and often involves how much the Persian Gulf Countries have decided to pump at the current time. Whether or not there is a crises of some type in countries or regions involving major oil producers. Prices were lower some years ago because Saudi Arabia was pumping more to protect its market share.
I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Uh Yeah, and how did that turn out for you?
Smell the coffee yet?

Oh, so if it happened in November 2016, that means its inevitable to happen in November 2020. Nice logic there.
It means we don’t give a shit who you voted for.

Well, you at least you care enough about this thread to come in, read it and comment. There must be some sane rational part of your mind that knows Trump is in trouble, no matter how much you try and suppress it.

The rational point is that you have been hoodwinked by polls before.
Of course it may be a bit optimistic to suggest you have the wherewithal to avoid making the same mistake again.
I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Uh Yeah, and how did that turn out for you?
Smell the coffee yet?

Oh, so if it happened in November 2016, that means its inevitable to happen in November 2020. Nice logic there.
It means we don’t give a shit who you voted for.

Well, you at least you care enough about this thread to come in, read it and comment. There must be some sane rational part of your mind that knows Trump is in trouble, no matter how much you try and suppress it.

The rational point is that you have been hoodwinked by polls before.
Of course it may be a bit optimistic to suggest you have the wherewithal to avoid making the same mistake again.

I know you like to think about November 2016 a lot. But polling has a much longer history than just what happened in November 2016.
New polling look good for BIDEN.

First, new EMERSON(May 14, 2019) poll on the general election match between BIDEN AND TRUMP:

BIDEN: 54%

TRUMP: 46%

Second, new poll on the race in PENNSYLVANIA between TRUMP and BIDEN from QUINNIPIAC May 15, 2019:

BIDEN: 53%

TRUMP: 42%

Looks like TRUMP is going to get crushed in PA, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
New FOX NEWS POLL on a BIDEN VS. TRUMP general election match up May 17, 2019:

BIDEN: 49%

TRUMP: 38%

Bad news for Trump when his personal channel reports he is losing by 11 points to BIDEN in the 2020 election.
FOX NEWS POLL on the race for the Democratic nomination May 11-14, 2019:

BIDEN: 35%



Buttigieg: 6%


O'Rourke: 4%





YANG: 1%


BIDEN continues to dominate the competition. Sanders is a distant second. The rest are in single digits which is not competitive at all. The only way Sanders could hope to compete with BIDEN is if all the other candidates were to get out of the race. When a candidate has 35% of the vote locked down, the only way he can be defeated is if there is only one other candidate to contend with. As long as BIDEN faces more than just SANDERS, the anti-BIDEN vote(to the degree that there is one) is divided. Unless things change, BIDEN is set to steam role through the primaries next year crushing all the other democratic contenders.
Well, take a look at this polling data.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Notice BIDEN has defeated Trump in every national poll done of a race between them in 2020.

BIDEN always wins, either by as little as 5 points or as much as 17 points.

FOX NEWS has the latest poll on the race and BIDEN defeats Trump by 11 points in that race.

Then there is Trump's average approval rating after over 2 and a half years as President compared with all the other Presidents for which there is polling data on their average approval rating while President:


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%

No President can be re-elected when the majority of people disapprove of the Job he/she is doing. Trump has the worst average approval rating of any President since 1945. How in the hell can a President with the worst average approval rating of any President in history, get re-elected?

Lets look at Presidents 1st term average approval ratings who were re-elected or elected after having served as President:

First term average approval rating before election victory

Lyndon Johnson - 74%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 70%
George W. Bush 62%
Harry Truman - 56%
Richard Nixon - 56%
Ronald Reagan - 50%
Bill Clinton - 50%
Barack Obama - 48%

Donald Trump - 40% at the 2.5 year mark

This shows that at a minimum, a President that is running for re-election or election for the first time after having served as President, needs a minimum average approval rating of 48% in order to win

Donald Trump's average is at 40% after 2.5 years in office. He is way behind the minimum average 48% approval needed to win the election in 2020. Donald Trump only has 1.5 years left, just 78 weeks to get his average approval from 40% all the way up to 48%. Given his approval rating history so far, it would take miracle to do that.
Uh, Oh, big trouble for Donald Trump in NORTH CAROLINA:

Latest poll from EMERSON June, 4, 2019:

BIDEN: 56%

TRUMP: 44%

BIDEN is slaughtering Trump in North Carolina. The Republicans have not won a Presidential election without winning North Carolina since 1956.
Uh, Oh, big trouble for Donald Trump in NORTH CAROLINA:

Latest poll from EMERSON June, 4, 2019:

BIDEN: 56%

TRUMP: 44%

BIDEN is slaughtering Trump in North Carolina. The Republicans have not won a Presidential election without winning North Carolina since 1956.

Emerson had Clinton winning NC in 2016.

We know how the "polls" turned out in 2016, don't we? Please look at the current betting odds. Trump is a 4:1 favorite:
Donald Trump +110
Joe Biden +450
Bernie Sanders +700
Kamala Harris +1200
Pete Buttgieg +1200

In case you forgot what the 2016 "polls" and the MSM predictions were, please watch and enjoy:
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

It was not rigged. Clinton won 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Tell me how 42 beats 54 or does that math go over your head?
Super delegates.

Hillary Clinton won the primary vote. Super delegates don't matter. In 2008, most of the super-delegates started out backing Clinton but moved to Obama when he started winning states.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

It was not rigged. Clinton won 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Tell me how 42 beats 54 or does that math go over your head?
Super delegates.

Hillary Clinton won the primary vote. Super delegates don't matter. In 2008, most of the super-delegates started out backing Clinton but moved to Obama when he started winning states.
Yeah, what kind of system is that? Talk about corrupt.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

those same pollsters told you that hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, they were lying then and they are lying now. Wake up.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

It was not rigged. Clinton won 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Tell me how 42 beats 54 or does that math go over your head?
Super delegates.

Hillary Clinton won the primary vote. Super delegates don't matter. In 2008, most of the super-delegates started out backing Clinton but moved to Obama when he started winning states.
Yeah, what kind of system is that? Talk about corrupt.

correct, the average dem delegates have zero to say in who the party nominates, the super delegates control the whole corrupt operation. typical of the way liberals operate in every aspect of their lives, the rulers rule and everyone else sucks.

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