What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

Hey, I can use that. If I just say that you are a creepy, pedophile, kiddie molester and an idgit I guess then you are. And that means you will never be President either. Hey, this is fun.
Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!

Polling has a longer history than just November 2016. You'll finally learn that on November 3, 2020.

So your cool with someone that brags about sexually assaulting women?
Yes. We should all wait till we have HuffPo's analysis of polling lest we seem foolish:

Will revisit this post on November 3, 2020.
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.

I think it was James Carvel that said, "It's the economy stupid".
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

For most people it would, but not for Trump. His pro-Russian ideas, policies, and terrible ideas on immigration and trade have made him the most unpopular President in modern history, or at least the one with the lowest average approval rating.

Go to the link below. It has all the polls that have been done on a TRUMP VS. BIDEN race:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Notice that no matter which polling organization does the poll, the same guy always wins.

I believe the point Carvel was trying to make was that all the other garbage doesn't make a difference, and the way the voter feels about the economy is a stronger driving force in determining how the public will vote. But don't let me interfere with hopeful delusions of the left, it was fricken humorous last time, and I am certain they still haven't learned their lesson.

Well, how did the great economy of the year 2000 serve Vice President Al Gore?

Again, if Trump were benefiting from the economy, why has his disproval rating always been higher than his approval rating? Trump by the way, is the first President to always have a higher disapproval rating than his approval, no matter what week, month, or year it is.

Here is a little known fact about George H.W. Bush and the year 1992. Yes, the same year of "its the economy stupid".

1992 - real GDP quarterly growth rates:
Quarter 1 - 4.88%
Quarter 2 - 4.41%
Quarter 3 - 4.01%
Quarter 4 - 4.24%

That is the last time that every quarter in a calendar year saw over 4% GDP growth!

Yet, George H.W. Bush lost the election in 1992. Its true unemployment was a bit higher in 1992 than 1991, 7.5% on average vs. 6.8% the year before.

The point here is that GOOD ECONOMIC numbers actually do not insure victory in an election year.

Bad economic figures don't mean you will be defeated either. Take a look at Obama in 2012:

2012 - real GDP quarterly growth rates:
Quarter 1 - 3.17%
Quarter 2 - 1.73%
Quarter 3 - 0.54%
Quarter 4 - 0.46%

The average unemployment rate for 2012 was 8.1%.

Obama won by 51% of the popular vote and 61% of the electoral vote.

The economy will NOT save trump from defeat in 2020. Its never the only issue.
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.

I think it was James Carvel that said, "It's the economy stupid".
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

For most people it would, but not for Trump. His pro-Russian ideas, policies, and terrible ideas on immigration and trade have made him the most unpopular President in modern history, or at least the one with the lowest average approval rating.

Go to the link below. It has all the polls that have been done on a TRUMP VS. BIDEN race:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Notice that no matter which polling organization does the poll, the same guy always wins.

I believe the point Carvel was trying to make was that all the other garbage doesn't make a difference, and the way the voter feels about the economy is a stronger driving force in determining how the public will vote. But don't let me interfere with hopeful delusions of the left, it was fricken humorous last time, and I am certain they still haven't learned their lesson.

Well, how did the great economy of the year 2000 serve Vice President Al Gore?

Again, if Trump were benefiting from the economy, why has his disproval rating always been higher than his approval rating? Trump by the way, is the first President to always have a higher disapproval rating than his approval, no matter what week, month, or year it is.

Here is a little known fact about George H.W. Bush and the year 1992. Yes, the same year of "its the economy stupid".

1992 - real GDP quarterly growth rates:
Quarter 1 - 4.88%
Quarter 2 - 4.41%
Quarter 3 - 4.01%
Quarter 4 - 4.24%

That is the last time that every quarter in a calendar year saw over 4% GDP growth!

Yet, George H.W. Bush lost the election in 1992. Its true unemployment was a bit higher in 1992 than 1991, 7.5% on average vs. 6.8% the year before.

The point here is that GOOD ECONOMIC numbers actually do not insure victory in an election year.

Bad economic figures don't mean you will be defeated either. Take a look at Obama in 2012:

2012 - real GDP quarterly growth rates:
Quarter 1 - 3.17%
Quarter 2 - 1.73%
Quarter 3 - 0.54%
Quarter 4 - 0.46%

The average unemployment rate for 2012 was 8.1%.

Obama won by 51% of the popular vote and 61% of the electoral vote.

The economy will NOT save trump from defeat in 2020. Its never the only issue.
When Gore ran, he ran on a platform of “America is racist!”.
Yes, I watched the moron’s rallys.
I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Uh Yeah, and how did that turn out for you?
Smell the coffee yet?

Oh, so if it happened in November 2016, that means its inevitable to happen in November 2020. Nice logic there.
It means we don’t give a shit who you voted for.

Well, you at least you care enough about this thread to come in, read it and comment. There must be some sane rational part of your mind that knows Trump is in trouble, no matter how much you try and suppress it.
I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Uh Yeah, and how did that turn out for you?
Smell the coffee yet?

Oh, so if it happened in November 2016, that means its inevitable to happen in November 2020. Nice logic there.
It means we don’t give a shit who you voted for.

Well, you at least you care enough about this thread to come in, read it and comment. There must be some sane rational part of your mind that knows Trump is in trouble, no matter how much you try and suppress it.
Trump’s in trouble?
Do you realize that most Ds are somewhat normal and are planning to vote for him again because of you insane Ls?
I'll take JB all day over Crazy Bernie, who wants to allow inmates to vote. Fruitcake.
RUSH: Do you realize it may well be the Democrat primary race is over? In New Hampshire, Joe Biden is blowing out Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders was up 30 points nationally, he was up 25 or 30 points in New Hampshire, the last poll, and Biden has just launched over Bernie Sanders.

Bernie or Biden has no shot against Trump. None.
Last edited:
Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll

Joe Biden leads President Trump by six points, according to the first poll published after the former vice president officially announced his candidacy Thursday.

The April 25-26 Hill-HarrisX survey of 1,000 registered voters found that 43 percent said they would choose Biden while 37 percent said they would pick Trump. Fifteen percent of respondents said they were unsure and 5 percent said they would vote for another candidate.

Biden's 6-point lead was outside the poll's 3.1 percent sampling margin of error.

Biden: 43%

Trump: 37%

Unsure: 15%

another candidate: 5%

Bidens largest lead is among individuals ages 35 to 49:

Biden: 49%

Trump: 32%

Unsure: 15%

Other: 4%

Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll
/----/ I checked the party affiliation of the voters.
Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll
D110: Which best describes your political party affiliation? Sample Size 1,000

Strong Democrat 194
Lean Democrat 176
Total Dem: 370 or 37%

Lean Republican 137
Strong Republican 183
Total Repub 320 or 32%
Independent 290 or 29%
Other 2 or 2%

Now on the surface that looks balanced but consider the Independents outnumber the Reps and Dems:
Party Affiliation
In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
Democrats 26%
Republicans 27%
Independents 44%
Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll

Joe Biden leads President Trump by six points, according to the first poll published after the former vice president officially announced his candidacy Thursday.

The April 25-26 Hill-HarrisX survey of 1,000 registered voters found that 43 percent said they would choose Biden while 37 percent said they would pick Trump. Fifteen percent of respondents said they were unsure and 5 percent said they would vote for another candidate.

Biden's 6-point lead was outside the poll's 3.1 percent sampling margin of error.

Biden: 43%

Trump: 37%

Unsure: 15%

another candidate: 5%

Bidens largest lead is among individuals ages 35 to 49:

Biden: 49%

Trump: 32%

Unsure: 15%

Other: 4%

Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll
/----/ I checked the party affiliation of the voters.
Biden leads Trump by 6 points in first post-announcement poll
D110: Which best describes your political party affiliation? Sample Size 1,000

Strong Democrat 194
Lean Democrat 176
Total Dem: 370 or 37%

Lean Republican 137
Strong Republican 183
Total Repub 320 or 32%
Independent 290 or 29%
Other 2 or 2%

Now on the surface that looks balanced but consider the Independents outnumber the Reps and Dems:
Party Affiliation
In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
Democrats 26%
Republicans 27%
Independents 44%

That's not accurate. Democratic registration is higher than Republican. About 35% for Democrats and only 29% for Republicans. The number of registered Republicans has been dropping for several years now.

Look at all the polls at real clear politics which list them whenever they are released:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Then click on all general election polling data. You'll find all of the several dozen polls that have been taken on a TRUMP VS BIDEN match up. Biden wins EVERY SINGLE ONE. Does not matter which polling company or how they do it. BIDEN WINS!
If Obama had Trump's economic numbers, he would be made Emperor For Life!

the media gives Trump so much shit for doing what he promised!


Trump was not elected because of his promises. If you look at the exit polls, Clinton won among voters voting for their candidate., Trump won because of the 25% who were voting against the other candidate.
New HARVARD-HARRIS poll on the Democratic nomination:

BIDEN: 44%




O'Rourke: 3%

Booker: 3%

Buttigieg: 2%

Klobuchar: 2%

No other candidates got 1% or more in this polls.

With 44% in this poll, it would suggest Biden has things wrapped up.

Harvard-Harris is a poll that I have serious questions about. That poll generally shows that 100% have made up their minds which is somewhat questionable. Biden does not have it wrapped it although he likely has a large lead.
If Obama had Trump's economic numbers, he would be made Emperor For Life!

the media gives Trump so much shit for doing what he promised!


Obama brought the unemployment rate down from 10% to 4.7%. Trump has only shaved 1.1% off that figure. His GDP growth average has been better, but nothing spectacular. Still well below the GDP average growths of Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Plus, Trump's crack down on immigration, illegal aliens, and protectionist trade policies with foolish tariffs are serious threats to a strong U.S. economy.
Yeah, that's why Trump is going to win big and why Democrats are lying their collective asses off.

Trump and his supporters are lying their collective asses off.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

It was not rigged. Clinton won 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Tell me how 42 beats 54 or does that math go over your head?
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

Sorry Trump has the moron title locked up.

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