What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!
A whole 2 weeks!

Yep, its been two weeks since he announced he was running. Going from 29% to 42% in such a short time is amazing. Even if all the other candidates except one were to get out of the race, its likely Joe would still win. As it is, that's not even close to happening. There are nearly 20 other candidates. More candidates means more divided opposition to Biden making it easier for him to win the nomination.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!

The other voters will feel cheated just the same way as sanders last year and wont show up to vote

Bad news for Biden being part of the democrat party that rigged the election last time for hillary

Hold on to November 2016 as long as you can, because changes are coming in the next 18 months.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!
A whole 2 weeks!

Yep, its been two weeks since he announced he was running. Going from 29% to 42% in such a short time is amazing. Even if all the other candidates except one were to get out of the race, its likely Joe would still win. As it is, that's not even close to happening. There are nearly 20 other candidates. More candidates means more divided opposition to Biden making it easier for him to win the nomination.
And everyone of them has had about 1 weeks of fame.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Trump rip JB to shreds.
8 years as VP and suddenly he realizes Americans have been left behind.
How stupid are Liberals.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!
A whole 2 weeks!

Yep, its been two weeks since he announced he was running. Going from 29% to 42% in such a short time is amazing. Even if all the other candidates except one were to get out of the race, its likely Joe would still win. As it is, that's not even close to happening. There are nearly 20 other candidates. More candidates means more divided opposition to Biden making it easier for him to win the nomination.
And everyone of them has had about 1 weeks of fame.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Trump rip JB to shreds.
8 years as VP and suddenly he realizes Americans have been left behind.
How stupid are Liberals.

At least Biden won't sellout this country to Russia. We need to get this pathetic Russian mole out of the White House. We need a President that understands basic U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security interest. Not an idiot like Trump who tried to pull the United States out of NATO and sucks up to Putin every chance he gets. Trump is a traitor to his country and any of the Democratic candidates would make a better President. I say this as Bush/McCain Republican. I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Thankfully, most Americans don't like Trump, and don't want Trump to be re-elected President. Most Americans disapprove of his performance on the job. Donald Trump's average approval rating in the GALLUP poll over the past 2.5 years has been 40%, the lowest of any President in history.

Joe Biden is going to be the next President of the United States.
How has Trump sold out to Russia? His ENERGY POLICY alone is destroying their economy, and Putin's income. We are now the worlds largest producer of oil and a net energy exporter. Totally against Russian interests. Their economy is solely based on Oil and Natural Gas revenue.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!
How has Trump sold out to Russia? His ENERGY POLICY alone is destroying their economy, and Putin's income. We are now the worlds largest producer of oil and a net energy exporter. Totally against Russian interests. Their economy is solely based on Oil and Natural Gas revenue.

The United States became the largest producer of oil and natural gas before Trump was elected. It also had nothing to do with policy but lucky finds with oil shell. Also, being the largest producer does not mean having the largest reserves, nor does it mean having the cheapest means of extraction. The best swing producer with the largest reserves in the ground and the cheapest means of extraction is still Saudi Arabia.

When were talking about U.S. policy on Russia, were talking about NATO and defending Eastern Europe from a potential Russian attack or invasion. Russia invaded and annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Trump considered recognizing Crimea as a part of Russia. Another example of his Pro Russian policies and thoughts.

Trump has talked about not defending NATO allies. Does Trump understand what the NATO alliance stands for? There are large threats to NATO in the Baltics. Estonia and Latvia have minority Russian populations, and there is the threat that Russia may attempt to repeat what it did in Ukraine with Crimea, in both Estonia and Latvia. In the meantime, Trump considers abandoning NATO, and not defending various countries in the Alliance. Its crazy, hurts deterrence, which makes war more likely in Europe.

Trump is largely an isolationist, who believes in protectionism when it comes to trade. Those are outdated ideas that were proven foolish in the first half of the 20th century. At the end of the day, Trump just cares about himself, what will help him make more money, and make him more popular among his base.
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.

I think it was James Carvel that said, "It's the economy stupid".
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

For most people it would, but not for Trump. His pro-Russian ideas, policies, and terrible ideas on immigration and trade have made him the most unpopular President in modern history, or at least the one with the lowest average approval rating.

Go to the link below. It has all the polls that have been done on a TRUMP VS. BIDEN race:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Notice that no matter which polling organization does the poll, the same guy always wins.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!

Polling has a longer history than just November 2016. You'll finally learn that on November 3, 2020.

So your cool with someone that brags about sexually assaulting women?
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!

Polling has a longer history than just November 2016. You'll finally learn that on November 3, 2020.

So your cool with someone that brags about sexually assaulting women?
Yes. We should all wait till we have HuffPo's analysis of polling lest we seem foolish:
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.

I think it was James Carvel that said, "It's the economy stupid".
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

For most people it would, but not for Trump. His pro-Russian ideas, policies, and terrible ideas on immigration and trade have made him the most unpopular President in modern history, or at least the one with the lowest average approval rating.

Go to the link below. It has all the polls that have been done on a TRUMP VS. BIDEN race:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Notice that no matter which polling organization does the poll, the same guy always wins.

I believe the point Carvel was trying to make was that all the other garbage doesn't make a difference, and the way the voter feels about the economy is a stronger driving force in determining how the public will vote. But don't let me interfere with hopeful delusions of the left, it was fricken humorous last time, and I am certain they still haven't learned their lesson.
Yeah Presidential elections are always decided over two years out, and polls have been proven to be always correct. LOL! Plus the Edge SUCKS as a guitarist. He even admitted it.

Its less than 18 months away. President elect Biden in less than 18 months.

The creepy, pedophile, kid toucher will never be President. Plus he is a moron, and everyone knows it.

The polling data currently shows that he will be President. Biden has not ever been behind TRUMP in a single national poll! On average, BIDEN leads Trump by 8 points in these national polls.

I remind you that TRUMP is on tape bragging about GRABBING women by their private parts which is sexual assault. How does it feel to support someone who brags about sexually assaulting women?

ALL the polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Remember? Trump made an off color statement (not action like creepy Joe) twenty years ago. Nobody cares.

Joe gropes little girls and women ON CAMERA. He is a creep and pedophile!

Polling has a longer history than just November 2016. You'll finally learn that on November 3, 2020.

So your cool with someone that brags about sexually assaulting women?

I'm cool with locker room TALK as I have heard a lot of TALK before. I draw the line at creepy ACTIONS like Biden does. Do you know the difference between words and actions?
Things are not looking good for Joe's fellow democratic candidates in the race for the nomination. Here is the latest results of the average of 5 different polling organizations results on who the Democrats want to run against Trump:

BIDEN: 41.4%

SANDERS: 14.6%



Buttigieg: 6.6%

O'Rourke: 4.4%

Booker: 2.6%

Klobuchar: 1.4%


Castro: 0.8%

Yang: 0.8%

Ryan: 0.6%

Inslee: 0.6%

Gillibrand: 0.6%

Delaney: 0.6%

Hickenlooper: 0.2%

Biden's average in the polls has been surging the past two weeks!
A whole 2 weeks!

Yep, its been two weeks since he announced he was running. Going from 29% to 42% in such a short time is amazing. Even if all the other candidates except one were to get out of the race, its likely Joe would still win. As it is, that's not even close to happening. There are nearly 20 other candidates. More candidates means more divided opposition to Biden making it easier for him to win the nomination.
And everyone of them has had about 1 weeks of fame.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Trump rip JB to shreds.
8 years as VP and suddenly he realizes Americans have been left behind.
How stupid are Liberals.

At least Biden won't sellout this country to Russia. We need to get this pathetic Russian mole out of the White House. We need a President that understands basic U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security interest. Not an idiot like Trump who tried to pull the United States out of NATO and sucks up to Putin every chance he gets. Trump is a traitor to his country and any of the Democratic candidates would make a better President. I say this as Bush/McCain Republican. I had never voted for a Democrat until November 2016.

Thankfully, most Americans don't like Trump, and don't want Trump to be re-elected President. Most Americans disapprove of his performance on the job. Donald Trump's average approval rating in the GALLUP poll over the past 2.5 years has been 40%, the lowest of any President in history.

Joe Biden is going to be the next President of the United States.
Uh huh.

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