What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us

This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

An illegitimate president says the oligarchy won. And they bought the Nazis with them.

A legitimate election ( your ilk has proven zilch and you don't care that you lost) and a legitimate president.

There was massive fraud. The censorship alone is a huge admission of guilt. Period.

There was no fraud according to 60 court cases. What censorship? Your boy wanted independent views and he got 'em and didn't like them. A sore loser all his life. Period

There were never any independent reviews. Every review was conducted by corrupt election officials and or a corrupt SOS. They are still fighting to get independent reviews. So far they have been blocked.

You are an uninformed liar. There was massive fraud and a conspiracy to cover it up with censorship, intimidation, and now persecution. Got that Commie?

Of course there were independent reviews. Who are you kidding?

Name one. A link would be nice.

A nice link to 60 court cases? Are you serious? When our courts decide, it is final and we accept the verdict whether we like it or not. That is why we have courts.

You did not say court cases you said an independent review of ballots and machines. Got nothing? Stop deflecting. Admit it did not happen.

We ain't admitting anything. We're taking a page from your book. No justice, no peace.

Rather simplistic, and I do not agree that they are systematically overthrowing natural and or constitutional law.
Progressives have not been systematically overthrowing natural and constitutional law for decades, eh? Is that your story? Sticking to it?
I definitely condemn those that would attempt to overthrow free election, attack congress and advocate to hang government official while breaking in to look for them. Don't you?
Of course! I've been condemning Waters et. al. for the last five years, especially.
Rather simplistic, and I do not agree that they are systematically overthrowing natural and or constitutional law.
Progressives have not been systematically overthrowing natural and constitutional law for decades, eh? Is that your story? Sticking to it?
I definitely condemn those that would attempt to overthrow free election, attack congress and advocate to hang government official while breaking in to look for them. Don't you?
Of course! I've been condemning Waters et. al. for the last five years, especially.
That is my opinion and I will stand on it.
You have called me nazi for the last time for a while, fuck you very much. You are now on ignore.

You know, you wouldn't be identified as a Nazi if you would stop promoting Nazism.

I'm just sayin...
I was goign to say that you wouldn't call him a NAZI if he didn't act like one. I wonder why he hasn't put me on ignore yet.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

You are truly confused.

We have a side that promotes a centrally planned and managed economy under authoritarian rule with Oligarchs working on a world stage to undermine the interests of Americans. We call this side the left.

Then we have a side which purports to promote liberty with individual freedom and a free market. We call that side the right.

Power corrupts, as a result about 90% of the supposed leadership of the right is actually serving the left.

However, the vast rank and file is as I described. There is a massive difference - which couldn't be more clear as the democrat Reich slams it's Iron Fist down on the nation - using the 1/6 Reichstag fire as justification.

Decent people are rising up. The election of Trump was a MAJOR defiance of our ruling elite, who did not allow it to happen again - even at the cost of selling the absurd claim that 80 million voted for a guy who needs the army to protect him during inauguration.

Now we have decent people rising up against the rigged Wall Street game, and the rulers are NOT PLEASED.
You’re confused. You are confusing the politicians with the oligarchs. They are very different.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

You know I keep hearing this refrain from libertarians, but for the life of me I can't make out what it means, precisely, in terms of a solution.
If I offered a solution would my post you commented on be more correct?

I guess your solution is more of the same. Do think that is a good solution?
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.
If you think Galt and Rand are oligarchs, you’re confused.

If you think I’m like those two, you need to think again.
You’re confused. You are confusing the politicians with the oligarchs. They are very different.


Take the tech Nazis - PLEASE. These are oligarchs who run the Peoples Republic of California for their own pleasure. The ruling Nazi democrats are mere puppets for the Silicone Valley Nazis.

Then there is Warren Buffet - why do you think Quid Pro killed Keystone? Because without the pipeline Buffet will transport the slurry.

And of course Hitler's boi George Soros.

The Oligarchs run the Nazi democrats like a kid controlling a video game.

As I said, 90% of the GOP leadership serves the same Oligarchs.

But the parties are vastly different, the Nazi rank and file want to be ruled, to have the party take care of them, make all decisions, to think for them.

The Republican rank and file wants liberty, freedom to make their own way.
You’re confused. You are confusing the politicians with the oligarchs. They are very different.


Take the tech Nazis - PLEASE. These are oligarchs who run the Peoples Republic of California for their own pleasure. The ruling Nazi democrats are mere puppets for the Silicone Valley Nazis.

Then there is Warren Buffet - why do you think Quid Pro killed Keystone? Because without the pipeline Buffet will transport the slurry.

And of course Hitler's boi George Soros.

The Oligarchs run the Nazi democrats like a kid controlling a video game.

As I said, 90% of the GOP leadership serves the same Oligarchs.

But the parties are vastly different, the Nazi rank and file want to be ruled, to have the party take care of them, make all decisions, to think for them.

The Republican rank and file wants liberty, freedom to make their own way.
The problem you have, as a partisan of one of the two criminal gangs, is the oligarchs run the R party too. The R rank and file have nothing to do with my original post.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

You know I keep hearing this refrain from libertarians, but for the life of me I can't make out what it means, precisely, in terms of a solution.
If I offered a solution would my post you commented on be more correct?

I guess your solution is more of the same. Do think that is a good solution?

Well, certainly I'd be open to understanding exactly what you're getting at, but I am not a libertarian. I'm a classical liberal of natural law.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

An illegitimate president says the oligarchy won. And they bought the Nazis with them.

A legitimate election ( your ilk has proven zilch and you don't care that you lost) and a legitimate president.

There was massive fraud. The censorship alone is a huge admission of guilt. Period.

There was no fraud according to 60 court cases. What censorship? Your boy wanted independent views and he got 'em and didn't like them. A sore loser all his life. Period

There were never any independent reviews. Every review was conducted by corrupt election officials and or a corrupt SOS. They are still fighting to get independent reviews. So far they have been blocked.

You are an uninformed liar. There was massive fraud and a conspiracy to cover it up with censorship, intimidation, and now persecution. Got that Commie?

Of course there were independent reviews. Who are you kidding?

Name one. A link would be nice.

A nice link to 60 court cases? Are you serious? When our courts decide, it is final and we accept the verdict whether we like it or not. That is why we have courts.

Uh. Then why do Appeals Courts exist, sparky?

Note the word Appeals "Courts", because they are used to challenge the lower court's decision if they accept the case. Why weren't those 60 cases appealed?
Because there was no election fraud to appeal, yes?
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

An illegitimate president says the oligarchy won. And they bought the Nazis with them.

A legitimate election ( your ilk has proven zilch and you don't care that you lost) and a legitimate president.

There was massive fraud. The censorship alone is a huge admission of guilt. Period.

There was no fraud according to 60 court cases. What censorship? Your boy wanted independent views and he got 'em and didn't like them. A sore loser all his life. Period

There were never any independent reviews. Every review was conducted by corrupt election officials and or a corrupt SOS. They are still fighting to get independent reviews. So far they have been blocked.

You are an uninformed liar. There was massive fraud and a conspiracy to cover it up with censorship, intimidation, and now persecution. Got that Commie?

Of course there were independent reviews. Who are you kidding?

Name one. A link would be nice.

A nice link to 60 court cases? Are you serious? When our courts decide, it is final and we accept the verdict whether we like it or not. That is why we have courts.

You did not say court cases you said an independent review of ballots and machines. Got nothing? Stop deflecting. Admit it did not happen.

A court is an independent review. You asked for observers and ad nausea recounts, and nothing. If the courts and recounts and observers were unacceptable, then why demand them to begin with?
The problem you have, as a partisan of one of the two criminal gangs, is the oligarchs run the R party too. The R rank and file have nothing to do with my original post.

That's where you're wrong.

The Oligarchs DON'T control the GOP - they DO Control the Nazi.

Now the leadership of the GOP is extremely corrupt and many - most are bought off - but the GOP is STRUCTURED as a bottom up organization, which means crooks like McConnell don't control the party.

The democrats, the Nazis, have a top down structure to the party which is why the rulers could toss Bernie aside through "super delegates" and other means - because the party is ruled from the top.

When Trump won, the GOP couldn't do a damned thing - no matter how bad the elite wanted to.

The GOP is a mess, but built on a foundation of liberty.

The democrats are simply a tyranny.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The problem with that plan is that the palace people will have no problem enslaving the people to force them
They brought almost 30 thousand palace guards in with orders to use deadly force if necessary

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